Archives for IREC

IREC Bruxelles Woluwe

25.08.22 Thesis Defense - Marie Octave

You are all very welcome to the thesis defense of Marie Octave that will take place on Tuesday, August 25th, 5:30 PM Speaker: Marie Octave...
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23.08.22 Thesis Defense : Justine Dontaine

You are all very welcome to the thesis defense of Justine Dontaine that will take place on Tuesday, August 23rd, 5:00 PM Speaker: Justine Dontaine Title: “AMP-activated protein kinase and O-GlcNAcylation: A new paradigm to protect the failing heart "...
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Rapport d'activités IREC 2021

La version PDF du Rapport d’Activités IREC 2021 est disponible pour le téléchargement.
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19.07.22 Thesis Defence : Marcelo Rojas Mattos

You are all very welcome to the thesis defence of Marcelo Rojas Mattos that will take place on Tuesday, July 19th, 3.00 PM Speaker: Marcelo Rojas Mattos Title: “Spatial distribution of tuberculosis in Cochabamba, socioeconomic determinants and catastrophic costs for...
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18.07.22 Soutenance de thèse : Alexandra Couttenier

You are all very welcome to the public PhD defense (soutenance de thèse) of Alexandra Couttenier that will take place on Monday, July 18th, 6.00 PM Speaker: Alexandra Couttenier Title: “Prognostic value of statins and β-blockers in ovarian cancer”...
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