Archives for IREC

IREC Bruxelles Woluwe

13.02.2023 - Thesis Defense - Olivier Pollé

You are all very welcome to the thesis defense of Olivier Pollé that will take place on February 13th, 5:00 PM Speaker: Olivier Pollé  Title: « Deep characterization ans identification of new biomarkers of partial rémission in pediatric patients with new-onset type...
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08.02.2023 - IREC Seminar - Ange Maguy (University of Bern)

We are pleased to announce the next IREC seminar taking place on Wednesday, 8th February 2023 from 4.30 PM to 6.00 PM Introduction by Professeur Bernhard Gerber Speaker : Dr. Ange Maguy (University of Bern) Title : "Arrhythmogenesis of the fibrotic heart"  Place :...
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18.01.2023 - Thesis Defense - Timothée Cayrol

You are invited to the public defense of Timothée CAYROL's thesis on Wednesday, January 18th. Date :  Wednesday, January 18th at 5:00 pm Place : auditorium 51 Maisin UCLouvain, Avenue E. Mounier, 51 - 1200 Brussels Title : "Unravelling...
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21.12.2022 - Thesis Defense - Sibille Lejeune

You are all very welcome to the thesis defense of Sibille Lejeune that will take place on Wednesday, December 21th, 5:30 PM Speaker: Sibille Lejeune Title: "Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: From comorbidities to endothelial dysfunction, exploring the road...
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07.12.22 - Thesis defense - Diana Santos Ribeiro

You are all very welcome to the thesis defense of Diana Santos Ribeiro that will take place on December 7th, 4.30 PM Speaker: Diana Santos Ribeiro Title: “Study of pulmonary vasculature in chronic lung disease : role of GCN2” Date: December 7th Time: 4:30 PM Place: Auditorium 51B...
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