The Political in the Personal: Families and Sexualities in Times of Social Change in Europe

27 avril 2018

The conference will explore diverse forms of intimacy and family, particularly in relation to LGBT and other non-normative sexualities. It will highlight how personal lives are embedded in the public and the political, and how changes in the wider context affect expressions of gender and sexual identifications and influence family relations and structures. The conference will focus in particular on lifecourse and life transition outside the heterornormative framework, social and legal context of intimacy, and perceptions and narratives on non-normative sexualities and families.

The conference is free and open to the public, but registration is mandatory.

For further information and registration, please, visit

Highlights of the programme:


19h30 Opening keynote lecture by Ken Plummer: 'Re-imagining Intimate Citizenship in a Troubled World'


09h15 Keynote lecture by Judit Takács: 'Relocating Families. Variables and Agency'

16h45 Roundtable with Joanna Mizielińska, Surya Monro and Ana Cristina Santos