Animal Gaze Constructed - Art & Architecture

Description : Shrinking horizons, slim pickings, poverty of scope. What new politics of nature are needed here for animals? What representations and spatial practices are required to redress the balance of our shared environments? What is a more animal-centric world like?

The third Animal Gaze symposium will bring together practitioners and academics to consider human/animal interactions and spatial practices as they manifest themselves in art and architecture.
We invite considerations of all kinds of animality and at all scales, in response to the following five loose themes: ‘House training’ invites explorations of the spatial, social and physical limits of our relations with animals and animality at the domestic scale.   ‘In common’ seeks examinations of the social and political logics of public spaces both physical and ethereal, shared with other creatures. ‘Marking territories’ calls for considerations of how modes of production and representation shape animal space at wider territorial scales. What, for example, might the consequences be for the animal world, of advances in farming technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and hydroponics? ‘Going feral’, invites investigations into human-animal behaviours which counter the order of things. What might a new wilderness be? 'Scoping and visibility' gives headway to an ongoing debate about the representation of animal presence - scale, size and intention.

Venue : The Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design

Symposium Dates : March 6-7th, 2020

Abstracts : Submission: Oct 14th, 2019   - Selection: Dec 14th, 2019


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Publié le 30 août 2019