Center for Phenomenological Studies

Centre d'Études Phénoménologiques (Centre for Phenomenological Studies) is a research centre set up within the auspices of the ISP by means of an agreement signed on 8 October 1973 between Husserl-Archief te Leuven, a non-profit organisation with its headquarters at the Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte (KULeuven), on the one hand, and the UCL, on the other.                                                                 

In cooperation with the Husserl-Archief te Leuven (HA), the main objectives of the CEP are :

  • make the Husserl archive documents available to researchers at UCL from the Husserl-Archief,

  • enhance the Husserl Nachlass by editing and translating texts,

  • participate in the co-management of the Phaenomenologica collection (the 200th volume was published in 2010), founded in the 1950s,

  • promote research not only into Husserl's thought but also into phenomenological studies in the broadest sense as well as the phenomenological approach to philosophical problems.

CEP News

Call for submissions

New Perspectives in Hermeneutics

  The journal Études Phénoménologiques – Phenomenological Studies is seeking submissions in English and French for its eleventh issue on the topic New Perspectives in Hermeneutics...

Soon - CEP events

Study day | CEP

Relire Henri Maldiney. De l’anthropologie à la poétique

Study day organised by the Center for Phenoménological Studies