Goals and missions

In collaboration with the Husserl-Archief te Leuven (HA), the CEP has taken on the following tasks :

  • making the Husserl archive documents accessible to UCL researchers via the Husserl-Archief,

  • enhancing the Husserl Nachlass by editing and translating texts,

  • participating in the co-management of the Phaenomenologica collection (the 200th volume was published in 2010), founded in the 1950s,

  • promoting not only research into Husserl's thought, but also phenomenological studies, in the broadest sense, as well as the phenomenological approach to philosophical problems.

The CEP belongs to the international networks of phenomenology and Husserl archive centres:

  • AH Leuven

  • AH Cologne

  • AH Freiburg

  • AH Paris

  • AH New York (New School)