Archives for IREC

Bruxelles Woluwe

14.10.2019: Info Session Re-Place Project

Info session on the new Re-Place platform, an initiative of the Flemish and Bruxelles regions whose objective is to collect into a database all alternative methods to animal testing. More information on the project can be found at the following link: Re-Place Project  ...
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30.09.2019: From rare to common: The genetic...

You are all very welcome to the seminar that will take place on Monday, 30 September 2019:   Speaker: Pr. Olivier Devuyst  Pole of Nephrology, IREC, UCLouvain Institute of Physiology, University of Zurich   Title: “From rare to common: The genetic...
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23.09.2019: Pathophysiology and Management of Peripartum...

You are all very welcome to the seminar that will take place on Monday, 23 September 2019: Speaker: Pr. Denise Hilfiker-Kleiner (Hannover Medical School - Germany) Title: “Pathophysiology and Management of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy” Place: Salle Gerty Cori Programme:...
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23.09.2019: Multi-omics data analysis in cardiovascular...

Speaker: Julie Hussin, PhD IVADO Assistant Professor Université de Montréal   Abstract: Building predictive models of complex human disease that are useful in a medical setting has proved extremely challenging. This is particularly true for cardiovascular diseases, for which...
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23.09.2019: Workshop - Hepatic regeneration

Hepatic regeneration : Novel experimental models and clinical insights. Programme 16h – 16h15 :         Welcome coffee 16h15 – 16h30 :     Introduction (Pierre Gianello, UCLouvain) 16h30 - 16h50 :...
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