Archives for ELI
March 09, 2023
ELIE seminar
Combining geophysical data, microtopography, and...
In situ field studies in thawing permafrost regions have shown that organic carbon (OC) geochemical stability and therefore its emissions resulting from decomposition depends a.o. on the variability in soil water content, which can be directly related to microtopography. This is notably...
Click to know more March 07, 2023
ELIE seminar
Deep transfer learning in remote sensing with large...
Recently, large self-supervised pre-trained models such as GPT-3 (ChatGPT), Bert (Google), InceptionV3, … have shown that they can outperform previous state-of-the-art models and transfer to different tasks and domains. In remote sensing, a large amount of unlabelled data are freely available...
Click to know more March 02, 2023
Seminaire ELIV
Biodiversity and Taxonomy: Philosophical Uncertainties...
Click to know moreFebruary 28, 2023
Elic seminar
Technologies for space weather and space climate...
The Sun plays an important role in defining the environment of Earth and around. It is a source of life, but in some occasions may represent a danger as well. In this presentation a concept of Space Weather and Space Climate will be explained. An overview of the developments of technologies for...
Click to know more February 28, 2023
ELIE seminar