Archives for ELI


ELIM seminar

How collaboration enables a journey from fundamental...

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Défense de thèse

Interactions between landslides, land use and...

Tropical mountainous regions are often identified as landslide hotspots because of the growing population pressure. However, very little information is available for understanding landslide processes in these environments. This thesis investigates the interactions between landslides and land use...
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elia seminar

The role of agricultural growth on poverty reduction. An...

Over the last decade, the economic literature has produced a wealth of evidence that demonstrates that agricultural sectoral growth is not only good for poverty reduction, but in most contexts, it has a larger poverty-reducing effect than growth in other sectors. However, sectoral evidence...
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ELIE seminar

travaux du BRGM sur les glissements de terrain en...

Dans le cadre de la défense de thèse de Jean-Claude Maki Mateso, le Dr Yannick THIERY du BRGM (France) donnera un séminaire illustrant les travaux du BRGM sur les glissements de terrain en contexte tropical avec une focus sur ses travaux récents au Malawi et/ou en Nouvelle Calédonie.  ...
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ELIE seminar

nfluence of organic matter application on trace element...

Trace elements are chemical elements present in low concentrations in the environment, including: (1) essential elements for plants and/or animals (such as Cu, Mn, and Zn), which sometimes cause human deficiency (frequent for Mo and Se) and toxicity when concentrations are below or above certain...
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