Archives for INGI

INGI Seminar - InterPlanetary File System Under...

by Dr. Onur Ascigil from U. Lancaster, UK The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is one of the largest content storage systems in the decentralised web. However, despite its promise, the IPFS network increasingly exhibits centralised tendencies.   In this talk, I will present...
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INGI Seminar - Highly constrained text generation: when...

by Pr. Jean-Charles Régin In this talk, we focus on text generation under strong constraints. We show that a good approach is to see this problem as a combinatorial problem of words constituting meaningful sentences. It is not possible to lose the meaning of a sentence during solving,...
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Workshop : Rail and Embedded Systems : Inseparable

The objective of this interactive workshop, proposed as part of Chair on Critical Embedded Systems, is to answer the two questions that are the most often asked to me when I say that embedded systems or digital systems are essential to the operation of the rail mobility system. What...
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INGI Seminar - Location Inference of BGP Communities

by Thomas Krenc de CAIDA BGP Communities are an essential signaling mechanism between BGP routers, enhancing network scalability and automation. They are opaque identifiers that convey nuanced routing policies. However, their meanings are mostly undisclosed, with less than 1% of networks...
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INGI Seminar - Lessons Learned In Building Trustworthy...

by Valerio  Schiavoni, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland Available as dedicated hardware components into several mobile and server-grade processors, and recently included in infrastructure-as-a-service commercial offerings by several cloud providers, TEEs allow applications with...
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