Archives for INGI

ICTEAM - Public Thesis defense - John Aoga

Global Constraints for Mining Sets and Sequences pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie The purpose of Pattern Mining (PM) is the discovery of patterns, knowledge, and information in data (textual or structured). Major concerns in the design of PM...
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INGI Seminar

A Language-Parametric Toolchain for Mining Idiomatic Code Patterns by Johan Fabry, Senior Software Engineer at Raincode This talk shows the code pattern mining toolchain being developed as part of the INTiMALS research project. This project's goal is to research and deploy novel pattern...
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ICTEAM - Public Thesis defense - Jawad Manzoor

Dissecting HTTP/2 and QUIC : Measurement, Evaluation and Optimization The Internet is evolving from the perspective of both usage and connectivity. New web and transport protocols such as HTTP/2 and QUIC have been developed in recent years to handle the complex modern web content and ensure...
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INGI Seminar

A Genetic Algorithm For Cost-aware Business Processes Execution in the Cloud By Guillaume Rosinosky, esearch associate in Computer Science in the ICTEAM department of UCLouvain With the generalization of the Cloud, software providers can distribute their software as a service without...
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INGI Seminar

Security and incentives of sharing economy systems using blockchain By Michał Krol,  research associate in the Computer Science Department at UCLouvain The current cloud-oriented, centralized Internet model faces several problems including privacy issues, centralized security policies...
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