Archives for IREC

Bruxelles Woluwe

Liver and systemic hemodynamics in cirrhotic children :...

Speaker: Catherine de Magnée Title: “Liver and systemic hemodynamics in cirrhotic children : Contributions to the physiopathology and the surgical algorithm in pediatric liver transplantation.” Promotor: Pr Raymond Reding
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Bio-matrices for the reconstruction of cardiac tissue

Speaker: Dr. Andres Hilfiker (Leibniz Research Labs for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs (LEBAO), Hannover, Germany) Title: Bio-matrices for the reconstruction of cardiac tissue
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Effects of inflammasome and fasting on the peritoneal...

  Speaker: Nicolas Hautem Title: “Effects of inflammasome and fasting on the peritoneal membrane” Promotors: Pr Olivier Devuyst and François Huaux 
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Rôle de PKR dans la physiopathologie du lupus

  Speaker: Aurélie De Groof Title: “Rôle de PKR dans la physiopathologie du lupus” Promotors: Pr Bernard Lauwerys and Pr Frédéric Houssiau 
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Fibroblast growth factor 19 regulates skeletal muscle...

Speaker: Pr. Hubert Vidal ("Laboratoire de Recherche en Cardiovasculaire, Métabolisme, Diabétologie et Nutrition" de l'Université de Lyon) Title: Fibroblast growth factor 19 regulates skeletal muscle mass and ameliorates muscle wasting in mice  
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