Anant Agarwal


    Anant Agarwal

‘Quality education for all’

A native of India, Anant Agarwal, since 2013, has been at the helm of the edX eLearning platform founded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University. A Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, Anant Agarwal is also a successful entrepreneur, co-founding several companies in the field of technology. In line with his vision of quality training accessible to all, he promotes MOOCS. He launched the first MOOC launched by edX, on circuits and electronics, bringing together 155,000 students from 162 countries.

His sponsors are: Professor Franck Verschuren (MEDE/IREC), professor at UCL, specialist in internal medicine and emergency medicine at Saint-Luc University Hospital. He teaches the UCL MOOC ‘Understanding respiration’; and Françoise Docq (Louvain Learning Lab), MOOCs Project Manager at the Louvain Learning Lab, UCL's educational innovation platform.