Together : listening, support and guidance services


cellule aide

What is Together ?

Together is a unit specialised in dealing with situations related to gender violence, harassment and discrimination. It receives any UCLouvain community member who is a victim or witness of such violence, whether they are a student or staff member. The Together unit acts in complete confidentiality and independently of the UCLouvain authorities.


  • provide a safe place to talk
  • explain possible approaches within UCLouvain and building your case
  • referral to specialised services, if necessary
  • provide support throughout the process

Together also contributes to the development and implementation of UCLouvain’s prevention policy, in collaboration with stakeholders (authorities, staff members, students, gender policy team, associations, etc.).


Together takes a gendered approach to the issue of sexual violence. This means that the unit does not approach sexual violence from a neutral point of view but from the fact that sexual violence affects women disproportionately and is committed in the majority of cases by men.

Together is a place to talk. No matter what you experienced, you will be welcomed in a caring and non-judgmental way. The interview will be conducted at your own pace and according to your needs. It is also possible to simply express yourself and be listened to and not pursue additional support, if you so wish.

Together suggests actions to take and can support you in your efforts. Depending on what you experienced and its impact on you, we will review together possible actions, such as:

  • verbalising your feelings and fears (e.g. of possible reprisals)
  • mobilising your own resources and thinking about who in your family and community could best help you through this ordeal
  • finding the best way to talk about it with those around you
  • explaining possible internal procedures
  • explaining the procedure for filing a police complaint
  • providing legal information and building your case (gather evidence)
  • referrals to potentially helpful organisations (CPVS, SAPV, police, IEFH, Unia, etc.)

* Mediation and conciliation can never be an option for people who have suffered sexual or gender-based violence (sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment), as it is neither humanly nor legally possible to offer any form of conflict resolution to its victims.

Together supports you

You can call on the unit even if :

  • you have already taken steps on your own
  • you initially decided to do nothing after the event but would now like to receive clarification on your situation
  • the events took place some time ago

At Together, a witness statement (description) can also be filed.