Dual master’s degree programme in French as a foreign language with Fu Jen Catholic University


The master’s programme in French and other Romance languages and literature, with a focus on French as a foreign language, organised jointly with Fu Jen Catholic University, has been active since the 2016-17 academic year.

Students who complete this dual diploma programme obtain both the:

  • (120-credit) master’s diploma in French and other Romance languages and literature, French as a foreign language orientation, from UCLouvain, and

  • master of arts diploma in French language and culture, from FJCU.

To meet the needs of today’s world and students, this programme combines theory and practice. It emphasises theory-based and specialised learning while paying particular attention to professionalisation and international openness.

Some history


Fu Jen Catholic University was founded almost a century ago by missionaries who wanted to develop dialogue between Europeans and Chinese.

It is a welcoming, humanistic and profoundly open university. Welcoming and bringing together Europeans with Taiwanese/Chinese is one of the university’s objectives.

The Department of French Language and Culture was founded in 1964, and the master’s degree programme has existed since 1984.

The director is Dr Chung-Heng (Raymond) Shen.

Université catholique de Louvain and Fu Jen Catholic University: a long-standing partnership

The dual degree programme represents a further step in the collaboration between the Université catholique de Louvain and Fu Jen Catholic University, which dates back to the 1980s, with the arrival in Louvain-la-Neuve of Professor Ting Yuan Chih for a three-year PhD directed by Professor J. Taminiaux.

This was the beginning of a series of exchanges, teaching and research residencies, and scientific collaborations.

Some Taiwanese professors at FJCU are former UCLouvain students. They now teach in the Departments of French Language and Culture, Philosophy, and Theology.

One of the professors in the Department of French Language and Culture has a UCLouvain degree in linguistics. Four other professors in the department have already carried out teaching missions and have also spoken at conferences at UCLouvain. Student exchanges take place every year between UCLouvain and FJCU.

Following the visit of a FJCU delegation in March 2010, an agreement supported by Professor Servais was signed between FJCU and UCLouvain concerning the organisation of Taiwanese studies seminars, which take place every two years.

UCLouvain and FJCU know each other very well and their collaboration is rich and fruitful!

Department of French Language and Culture

FJCU’s Faculty of Foreign Languages is the oldest in Taiwan and has the most experience in dealing with foreign students. The Department of French Language and Culture ensures personalised follow-up of each foreign student. A teacher-tutor assists foreign students in all administrative procedures and educational choices and advises them throughout their stay in Taiwan. Moreover, FJCU and UCLouvain share the same educational philosophy and humanistic values.



Raymond SHEN


Associate Professor


PhD, political science
(Université de Paris I)

Marie-Claire HUANG




PhD, didactic linguistics
(Université de Grenoble III)



Associate Professor


PhD, didactic linguistics
(Université de Grenoble III)



Associate Professor


PhD, history
(Université de Montpellier III)

Céline LIN


Assistant Professor


PhD, literature
(Université de Lyon II)



Assistant Professor


PhD, philosophy
(Université d’Aix-Marseille)

Brigitte CHIANG


Assistant Professor


PhD, linguistics
(Université de Franche-Comté)

Pauline HONG


Adjunct Professor


PhD, linguistics
(Université de Paris III)

Hélène LAI


Adjunct Associate Professor


PhD, history and civilisation
(Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)



Adjunct Assistant Professor


PhD, urban studies
(Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)

Henri CHEN


Adjunct Assistant Professor


PhD, sociology
(Université de Paris V)

Peggy LIU


Adjunct Assistant Professor


PhD, art history
(Université de Paris IV)

Several professors honoured by France

In July 1996, Father Zsoldos and Professor Maria QIU (QIU Da-huan), a former student of the department, were awarded the title of Officier des Palmes académiques, while Father Riou was made Chevalier des Palmes académiques.

In July 1998, Professor Julie ZHOU (ZHOU Gong-xin) was made Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur pour la culture et les arts. In September of the same year, Professor Pauline HONG (HONG Teng-yueh) was made Chevalier des Palmes académiques.

In October 2012, Professor Valentine ZEE (HUANG Sheue-shya) was made Chevalier des Palmes académiques. Professor LI (LI Qing-qing), a former student of the department, was made Chevalier des Palmes académiques for her services in the field of culture and education.

Course programme


Course programme for UCLouvain students

   Master year 1 at UCLouvain  Master year 2 at FJCU

 Cours obligatoires

 Tronc commun (30)

 Finalité spécialisée (20)

  • Méthodologie de la recherche (7)

  • Mémoire et commentaire (14)

  • Finalité spécialisée (UCL) : Stage (10)

 Cours optionnels

 2 Cours au choix (10)

1 ou 2 cours (14) à choisir parmi :
  • Culture et pensée européennes

  • Littérature contemporaine (stylistique, narratologie et romans)

  • Société et culture de la France contemporaine (I) et (II)

  • Histoire de l’Art

  • La littérature engagée



Mémoire (30)


60 crédits

75 crédits

The figures in brackets refer to the number of ECTS credits.

Course programme for FJCU students

   Master year 1 at FCJU  Master year 2 à l'UCLouvain

 Cours obligatoires

  • Méthodologie de la recherche (7)

  • Dissertation et commentaire (14)

 Tronc commun : 3 cours (15)

 Finalité spécialisée : 4 cours (20)

 Cours optionnels

 Cours à choisir parmi (35) :
  • Français langue étrangère

  • Linguistique française (I) et (II)

  • Littérature contemporaine

  • Littérature engagée

  • ...



Mémoire (30 ECTS)


 56 crédits

65 crédits

The figures in brackets refer to the number of ECTS credits.

Dissertation and internship


The dissertation is supervised by a professor from UCLouvain and a professor from FJCU and is evaluated by a joint jury.

The “linguistics” specialisation of this dual degree allows for the consideration of all dissertations that deal with European and/or Asian texts in literature, social sciences and humanities, and political science. The European and Taiwanese professors of the master’s programme at FJCU are accustomed to collaborating and co-directing intercultural dissertations. This is one of the strengths and particularities of the programme.

If you have a research project for your dissertation that concerns China and Taiwan, it is essential to live in the country to access archives and perform a field study. You will benefit from French-speaking Taiwanese professors and European professors who are familiar with Taiwan and the Chinese realm.

Internship: a career-oriented dual degree programme with the possibility of two internships

UCLouvain students do part of their internship in teaching French as a foreign language during their second year, in Taiwan.

Through the dual degree programme, they have the possibility of doing a first internship in Belgium and a second in Taiwan. The professional focus is a priority. With this in mind, students can request to take part in job shadowing in Taipei high school French classes. A professor in the Department of French Language and Culture can supervise this.

This French teaching internship in a Taiwanese environment is a useful pedagogical and professional experience abroad and strengthens a CV.

FJCU educational activity supervision certificate

The department develops many intramural and extramural educational activities that foreign students can supervise. For example, theatre activities, reading competitions, songs, language support activities and alumni courses are offered. All students who have been involved in these activities will receive a certificate from our department, which will be added to your dual degree. Any practical experience abroad will greatly enhance your CV.