Research Projects


LIMA - Personal Aspirations and Processes of Adaptation: How the Legal framework Impacts on Migrants’ Agency
The LIMA project is an ARC-funded project (Actions de Recherche Concertées) aiming at studying to what extent personal life trajectories of migrants are affected by the existing legal framework and how it allows migrants to live their lives and making choices according to their aspirations.

GLOBMIG is a 48-month project that aims at developing stronger conceptual tools to better understand and model global migration patterns, to anticipate future migration pressures, and to investigate the global implications of policy reforms. More precisely, GLOBMIG has assembled a team of economists, demographers, lawyers, and computer scientists around three general objectives: (i) to gain understanding of the long-run root drivers of international migration, (ii) to produce integrated projections of migration, population, and global inequality, and (iii) to use the knowledge base to assess the effectiveness and policy coherence of the legal framework.
Achieving these general objectives requires highly integrated models of global migration patterns. The innovative nature of GLOBMIG is that it goes beyond the state of the art in combining traditional and new sources of data (e.g., Big Data on cell-phone owners’ mobility, worldwide opinion surveys on migration intentions, geo-referenced data on population changes, comparative data on immigration laws and policies), in developing new methodologies for processing and analyzing them (e.g., data mining, machine learning algorithms), and in modelling the complex interactions between international migration, internal migration, and the socio-demographic, climatic, legal/institutional and economic environments. 

TRANSNORM Transformation of Family Norms in a Transnational World" (TransNorm). This project is funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship.

PhD Thesis Project

  • L’instrumentalisation des idéologies de laïcité et d’égalité de genre comme moyen de dissimulation ou de justification d'attitudes racistes. Chercheuse: Pascaline Van Oost. Promoteur Vincent Yzerbyt (IPSY)