Actualités du site lsm

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

LSM Cup 2019 / The biggest CSR business game in Europe

The 8th edition of the LSM Cup took place on 02.03.19. It is the biggest Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Business Game in Europe, organised by LSM Conseil in cooperation with Belgian companies. Teams of four participants, made up of two independent pairs, faced three...
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Students in Financial Engineering at the heart of the...

The trip to London 2019 organised by the LSM and the LFIN centre took place on 09-10.05.19. Students from the major in Financial Engineering, along with Professor Anh Nguyen and teaching assistants Angelo Luisi, Matteo Barbagli and Paolo Gambetti had the opportunity to receive professional...
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PhD Day 2019 / Present your PhD on a poster

  The Doctoral School of Management UCLouvain - UNamur (DSM) gave the opportunity for students to present their PhD on posters during the DSM PhD Day 2019 that was held in Louvain-la-Neuve on Tuesday 21.05.19. Doctoral students in management from the EDT (Ecole...
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29-31.05.19 / 13th International Conference on Research...

The IEEE RCIS 2019, 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, co-chaired by Prof. Jean Vanderdonckt and Manuel Kolp (LSM/LouRIM/CEMIS) and co-organized with KULeuven (Faculty of Economics and Business) will take place on 29-31.05.19, downtown Brussels....
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"Social Entrepreneurship and Bricolage" with Prof. Frank...

Prof. Frank Janssen, full time Professor of Entrepreneurship at UCLouvain, has recently been co-writer of "Social Entrepreneurship and Bricolage". "This book provides new insights into how the concept of bricolage is used to foster research on social entrepreneurship. The primary...
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