Actualités du site lsm

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

PRME chapter meeting

La Louvain School of Management a participé en octobre dernier au lancement du nouveau Chapitre du PRME Belgique-Luxembourg et France.  Ce sont la Prof. Valérie Swaen et Carlos Desmet qui représentaient la faculté au sein de ce réseau. Les business schools sont désormais prêtes à aller plus...
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LSM Graduation Ceremony, félicitations aux diplômés 2017

Ce vendredi 17 novembre 2017 se tenait l'édition 2017 de la cérémonie de remise des diplômes de la Louvain School of Management à l'Aula Magna à Louvain-la-Neuve. Près de 400 diplômés ont reçu des mains de Vincent Blondel, recteur de l'UCL, de Jacques Grégoire, vice-recteur...
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Dutch HRM Network Best Paper Award

Congratulations to Ina Aust, LSM professor and her colleagues Marco Guerci, Adelien Decramer, Thomas Van Waeyenberg, they have won the best paper award of the 10th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, which was held on the 9-10 November 2017, for their paper entitled:...
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LSM confirmed as the Best Business School in Belgium by...

Eduniversal held its 10th World Conference on the campus of the American University in Dubai from 8th till 11th November 2017. At this occasion, Louvain School of Management was confirmed as Belgium’s Best Business School, with 5 "palms of excellence" and a recommendation rate by the...
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LSM at PIM 2017 Conference in Tel Aviv

The Louvain School of Management was at the PIM 2017 Conference hosted by the The Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University, last October. About 100 people (deans, academics and senior faculty of leading business schools from all over the world) attended the conference. Louvain School...
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