Archives for CIOL



Séminaires Erasmus+ Arménie Automne 2018

Anna Onanyan, Les caractéristiques iconographiques et ornementales des voiles de calice. Shushanik Hambaryan, The miniaturist Markos Patkerahan (17th c.). Seda Manukyan, Connections between artistic traditions of Armenia and monumental painting of Cappadocia. Vera Saharyan, The role of...
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Echoes of Holiness: The Recensions of the Life of St....

St. Bishoi (Paisios) is one of the most renowned Egyptian monastics of the fifth century. He has been consistently venerated in the Orthodox East over the centuries, and today he remains one of the most popular saints among Egypt’s Christians. This paper explores the Arabic recensions of...
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At the Crux of Communal Identities and Polemics:...

Bishop Demetrius of Alexandria (189-232) is best known for his contentious interactions with the renowned theologian, Origen. Among Egypt’s Christians, however, Demetrius is best remembered as the married pope, and as an ecclesiastical reformer. This lecture traces the evolving biography of...
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Sixième journée d'études classiques et orientales néolouvanistes

Royauté et pouvoir dans les sources antiques

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Quatrième Journée d'Études du Groupe de Recherches sur...

Le Groupe de Recherches sur l'Égypte ancienne (EGYP) organise, en collaboration avec INCAL et le CIOL, sa 4e Journée d'Études en l'honneur du Professeur Claude Vandersleyen, Émérite de l'UCL et à l'occasion de ses 90 ans. Programme 14h00    Introduction par Claude Obsomer...
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