Dr. Gunter Pauli speaks on the Blue Economy

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

LSM and Academics for Development LLN are honoured to invite you to its free conference (in French) by the inventor of the the revolutionary concept "the Blue Economy", Dr Gunter Pauli. Dr Pauli has published 20 books on the theme and is advisor and on the board of a range of NGOs internationally, as well as visiting professor and researcher at a range of universities.
You can also check his website here

What is the Blue Economy? Considering waste as a raw material is one of the principles of the blue economy. Inspiring oneself from living things and valuing local resources are also an integral part of this form of economy.

The conference proposed by Mr. Pauli, also known as the Steve Jobs of sustainable development, will focus on improving everyone's life through radical transformations of our habits. It is possible to improve our daily lives in so many ways. Just to name one example, we could learn how to use the resources at our disposal in such a different way. 

Also a member of the Club of Rome, Mr. Pauli is the founder of many companies, including Ecover, and of the ZERI Foundation ("Recherche et initiatives pour zéropollution"). He advocates for the dissemination of sustainable solutions with a social dimension through conferences, youth education and books.

At the end of the conference a signing session stand for his latest books, "Li-Fi la communication à la vitesse de la lumière" and "Soyons aussi intelligents que la nature!" will also be organized.

As registration is mandatory make sure to save your spot.


Publié le 15 février 2019