Two LSM graduates stand out at the HERA Awards

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

On 25 April, the Foundation for Future Generations presented the HERA Awards on the UMons campus. Juliette Doyen and Ségolène D'Hooghe, two LSM alumni, were nominated for their outsanding dissertations; Juliette was even awarded the 2024 HERA Award Sustainable Behavior.

Since 2010, the HERA awards have been awarded for master's dissertations and doctoral theses that take a systemic approach to an issue and offer answers to the challenges facing future generations.

After graduating from a Master’s degree in Business Engineering at LSM in Mons in August 2023, Juliette Doyen won the 2024 HERA Award Sustainable Behavior for her dissertation titled “Gestion durable des déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques (DEEE) : Perception des consommateurs à l’égard des appareils électroniques revalorisés”.

Ségolène D’Hooghe has been nominated for the Hera Awards in the Sustainable Design section, for her dissertation: “How to radically reduce air travel emissions for student mobilities? UCLouvain Case Study”. She also graduated in August 2023 from a Master’s degree in Business Engineering at LSM.

The faculty warmly congratulates both of them for their incredible work.

In 2025, it will be UCLouvain’s turn to host the HERA Awards ceremony./ UCLouvain will host the HERA Awards ceremony in 2025.

Find Juliette’s work here.

Check out Ségolène’s work.

Publié le 05 juillet 2024