In its last call for industrial projects #26, MecaTech, the Walloon competitivity pole in mechanical engineering, has recently accepted the CardiAmmonia project for an integrated information system in cardiology. The project is coordinated by IBA, the world-leader manufacturer of cyclotrons namely in protontherapy (a former UCLouvain Spin-off) and involves the following partners: Elysia-Raytest (for detection of radio-labelled compounds), The Laboratory of Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry as well as the Cyclotron Research Center of Université de Liège, and the LouRIM from LSM. The project will also involve some Walloon and Dutch hospitals.
Prof. J. Vanderdonckt will lead the LouRIM team responsible for interfacing the information system to the devices via graphical, mobile, and gestural interface based on an integrated software process modelling.
Image copyright: Eraxion