Leadership in Europe

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

25 octobre 2022

Human needs of today are more than ever changing and diversified. In this context, new visions towards a desirable future could be a solid base for engagement.

With this strong conviction, BMI Faculty Member Frederik Leloup is presenting this open class to brainstorm on a new leadership in Europe (but not only), accessible to everyone through an uncomplicated dialogue between current EMBA students, general audience and exemplary business & political leaders.

In this opportunity, the main guest will be Virginijus Sinkevičius (31), appointed European Commissioner for the Environment, Ocean and Fisheries in 2019 when he was 28 years old, the youngest-ever Commissioner in the EU. He was previously Minister of Economy and Innovation in Lithuania at the age of 26.

Commissioner Sinkevičius will interact with:

Karolien Haese. Renowned lawyer and partner at DHC Avocats, specialized in family businesses. She has been appointed as an affiliate professor at the BMI Executive Institute for the International Executive MBA. She is also the founder of Building H(W)ealthcare for Tomorrow, international NPO aiming to bridge citizens, commercial and non-profit interests within new economic approaches. As former CEO of a major hospital in Brussels, she experienced the need to rethink the classical profit-sharing models through executive leadership based on a better balance between monetary and human values.

Frederik Leloup. Member of the Strategic & Academic Council of UCLouvain BMI Executive Institute for the International Executive MBA. He is also founder of Planet Sapiens and Spirit of Change, both organizations committed to provide managers with valuable, efficient insights in terms of leadership and self-awareness.


18.00 Registration Opening
18.30 Welcome by UCLouvain – BMI Executive Institute
18.45 Dialogue between speakers and EMBA students
19.45 Q/A & debate
20.00 Networking Reception

If you need more information about the event, please contact Lucas Van Rey: +32 470 91 59 34 or lucas@bmiinstitute.com

Registration on https://www.bmiinstitute.com/brussels/events/can-we-expect-a-new-leadership-in-europe/