21 mai 2021
11:30 CET
The economy defines the power of the country. The happening of the recent year has shaken it immensely. What effect the crisis has on the power and who will rule the world after the global crisis?
In the past year, we acknowledged a significant shift in lifestyle: we changed how we work, how we think about the future, and what we value. All of these and other factors shape the world differently, we live in another era, and its real leaders are still rising.
During the webinar, Professor Josep Maria Moré will cover:
- Global macroeconomic trends: sources of power. Who will win - China or the USA?
- Post Covid-19 paradigms: the challenges for the future. How to stay competitive after Covid-19?
Josep Maria Moré is a BMI’s Executive Education program’s professor on corporate finance; professor on Finance and Governance programmes, MDE Business School and Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.
He is an in-company professor for several multinational companies, such as leading banks, construction and utilities companies, and a columnist in Spanish economic newspapers. Josep is a speaker at several international Finance, M&A and Strategy congresses.
The webinar is organized by BMI Brussels for the UCLouvain BMI International EMBA programme.
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