Webinar / "Pathways to digital transformation: do it right", Prof. Joe Peppard

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

22 février 2022

11:30 CET



Digital technologies are redefining the way organisations compete and how they engage with customers. During the past few years, the pace of digital transformation has accelerated on a global scale, at a time when more than 70% of digital transformation efforts either fail or underachieve in their objectives.

The goal really isn’t digital transformation but rather business and organisational transformation — using digital capabilities to transform a traditional enterprise into a top performer in the digital economy. One leadership role is to determine which pathway to pursue — and how aggressively to move.

BMI Executive Institute invites you to a webinar, where Professor Joe Peppard will introduce four viable pathways for transformation, illustrate the experiences of organizations on each of the paths, and examine their pros and cons.


The webinar is organized by BMI Brussels for the International EMBA programme.

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