14 janvier 2021
12:30 CET
In good times and bad times, a team should have the same vision and goals to achieve the best results. But being a captain in a stormy sea means taking team management abilities to the next level. What specific skills are needed in challenging circumstances? And how do lessons learned sailing on the ocean apply in business?
BMI Brussels is hosting a motivational webinar with the professional sailor and olympian Rokas Milevicius titled “Leadership during the storm: a real-life (team management) story”.
A member of the Ambersail team, Rokas Milevicius will share an inspiring and motivational story of how to manage and mobilize a team in challenging times. He will share his insights on how the emotional state of a leader affects the team and what is needed to bring the team together to sail out of the storm and achieve efficiency.
The webinar is organized by BMI Brussels for the UCLouvain BMI International EMBA programme.
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