Midis de la recherche

12 mai 2020



Leclercq 82

Au vu des mesures prises par notre Université pour faire face à une situation exceptionnelle, nous annulons nos midis de la recherche de cette année académique.


Mireille Le Guen (DEMO/UCLouvain)
Mylène Rouzaud-Cornabas, Henri Panjo, Laurent Rigal,
Virginie Ringa, Caroline Moreau

Has the 2013 French pill scare led to a redefinition of social inequalities in accessing to medical contraceptives? Results from three population based surveys conducted between 2010 and 2016

While the consequences of various pill scares have been relatively well-documented in the public health literature revealing a drop in pill use and a rise in unplanned pregnancies and abortion rates, research tends to smooth these consequences on women contraceptive practices. However, social differentiations in the reception of pill scares, as well in accessing to health professionals who prescribe contraception could increase reproductive health inequalities. Using data from three national cross-sectional surveys conducted in France in 2010, 2013 and 2016, we study the evolution over 6 years of medical contraceptive use, and of specific medical method (pill, IUD, implant, patch or vaginal ring, and female sterilization) according to women social background. We show a social gradient in the decrease in medical contraception and pill use while the increase in IUD use is observe only among higer-class women. Consequently, it seems that the French pill scare reshaped social inequalities in accessing medical contraceptives.