Midis de la recherche

11 février 2021


En raison des nouvelles mesures entrées en vigueur à l'UCLouvain, les Midis de la recherche se dérouleront uniquement en visio-conférence.

Pour assister au séminaire, pour les membres de l'UCLouvain, cliquez ici.

Pour assister au séminaire, pour les personnes extérieures à l’UCLouvain, veuillez contacter gaelle.marion@uclouvain.be.


Konrad Turek (NIDI - University of Amsterdam)

Comparative Panel File (CPF): Harmonizing Household Panel Surveys from Seven Countries

The Comparative Panel File (CPF) is an open science project to harmonise the world’s largest and longest-running household panel surveys from seven countries: Australia (HILDA), Germany (SOEP), Great Britain (BHPS and UKHLS), Korea (KLIPS), Russia (RLMS), Switzerland (SHP), and the United States (PSID). The project aims to support the social science community in the analysis of comparative life course data. The project is designed as an open-science platform for cooperation in the development of the code. The code integrates individual and household panel data from all seven surveys into a harmonised dataset that contains 2.7 million observations from 360 thousand respondents, covering the period from 1968 and up to 40 panel waves per respondent (Version 1.0 released in 12.2020). The project has been developed by Konrad Turek, Matthijs Kalmijn and Thomas Leopold. I will present the background, design, and content of the CPF, provide an overview of data and the research potential, and explain the open-science platform.