Midis de la recherche

18 mai 2021


En raison des nouvelles mesures entrées en vigueur à l'UCLouvain, les Midis de la recherche se dérouleront uniquement en visio-conférence.

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Louise Caron (INED)

The effects of intergenerational social mobility on individuals’ subjective social status: A comparison between immigrants and natives

In this presentation, we revisit a classic question in the study of social stratification: the subjective effect of intergenerational social mobility, and apply it to an original setting by analyzing how intergenerational social mobility shapes individuals’ subjective social status and whether this effect varies between natives and immigrants. Taking advantage of the recent nationally representative French Trajectoires et Origines 2 survey (TeO2, 2019-2020), we jointly model the effect of respondents’ social position, that of their parents’, as well as that of intergenerational mobility between the two. Preliminary results indicate that the effects of intergenerational social mobility are relatively stronger for immigrants than for natives. These effects are gendered and differ by length of stay in France as well as by ethnic origin. We discuss these findings by building on established hypotheses in the social mobility literature and reconceptualize them to incorporate lessons drawn from recent research on immigrants. In doing so, we hope to contribute to the developing field of analysis positioned at the interaction of migration studies and social stratification research.