Actualités du site lsm
Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons
23 avril 2020
June 2020 exams / Fill the form before 27.04.20
June 2020 exams will be online only, through different formats to be specified.
Students will be informed of the exam modalities on 27.04.20.
Please fill the form before 27.04.20 to help us organize June exams, specially to provide support if you have IT access problems.
Download our...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 10 avril 2020
22.04.20 / LSM Dean Live
Dear students,
The current situation is like none before, but be sure we will not let you down.
The whole Faculty staff has already found pragmatic solutions in order to continue the courses, projects and internships to our best ability during this coronavirus pandemic.
We will continue...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 06 avril 2020
Enquête / Covidfunding
Amélie Wuillaume, Chercheuse Post-Doc UCLouvain, réalise une enquête ayant pour objectif d'étudier l'intérêt potentiel du citoyen belge et des entrepreneurs / chefs d'entreprise concernés pour la relance économique des entreprises belges via le "crowdfunding", ou financement...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 26 mars 2020
Academics for Development is recruiting
Academics for Development (AFD) is an international organisation inspired by social entrepreneurship and built on two pillars: Projects and Events.
The AFD team is looking for their successors! Do you believe you can do more than you are currently doing today? Are you striving to have...
Cliquez pour en savoir plus 26 mars 2020
Prof. Philippe Grégoire inducted into the Performance &...
Prof. Philippe Gregoire, professor in finance and vice-dean for Louvain-la-Neuve, has been inducted into the Risk Measurement Hall of Fame (RMHF) in 2020, as one of two from a set of 25 nominees, selected for considerable contributions to the field; significant achievements, innovation and trend...
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