Conference papers
Pécher, Stéphanie. Activists’ responses to (lack of) agentivity in headlines: a study of the 2019 Chilean social outburst.. Discpol23: Discourse and politics in times of crisis (En ligne, du 11/04/2023 au 12/04/2023).
Cardon, Rémi ; Bibal, Adrien ; Souza Wilkens, Rodrigo ; Alfter, David ; Norré, Magali ; Müller, Adeline ; Watrin, Patrick ; François, Thomas. Annotation Linguistique pour l'Évaluation de la Simplification Automatique de Textes. 18e Conférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications -- 16e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en RI -- 30e Conférence sur le Tra (Paris, France, du 06/06/2023 au 09/06/2023). In: Actes de CORIA-TALN 2023. Actes de la 30e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), volume 4 : art, ATALA: Paris, 2023. 0000000000, p. 35-48.
Van Praet, Wout ; Degand, Liesbeth ; Van linden, An. As if grammar, discourse and prosody don’t interact: Comparative study of hypothetical manner clauses in English and Dutch. 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europeae (Athens, du 29/08/2023 au 01/09/2023).
Van Praet, Wout ; Degand, Liesbeth ; Van linden, AN. As if grammar, discourse, and prosody don't interact: A comparative study of hypothetical manner clauses in English and Dutch. PLIN Linguistic Day 2023 (Louvain-la-Neuve, 27/04/2023).
Pécher, Stéphanie. Atribución de responsabilidad a los perpetradores de violaciones de derechos humanos: acercamiento a los criterios de análisis de la agentividad.. Linguistweets: the third international twitter conference on linguistics (Twitter , 05/12/2022).
Simon, Ellen ; De Clercq, Bastien ; Degrave, Pauline. Belemmert fonetische variatie de verstaanbaarheid? Een studie naar de perceptie van regionaal gekleurd Nederlands door Franstalige leerders in België. NVT-net dag: Taal, communicatie en cognitie: van onderzoek naar onderwijs (31/03/2023).
Paquot, Magali. Bringing the Law of Comparative Judgment into the methodological toolbox of learner corpus researchers. Graduate Student Conference in Learner Corpus Research (online, du 25/10/2023 au 27/10/2023).
Paquot, Magali. CLARIN – Knowledge Centre for Learner Corpora: objectives and current (collaborative) initiatives. CLARIN Annual Conference 2023 (KULeuven, Belgium, 18/10/2023).
Katanneck, Stanislav. ChatGPT und DeepL Write im universitären DaF-Unterricht: Erfahrungen internationaler Studierender und erprobte Aufgabenformate für das wissenschaftliche Schreiben. DeutschGPT – Konferenz zum Deutschunterricht in Zeiten von Chatbots und KI (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, du 21/07/2023 au 21/07/2024). In: DeutschGPT – Konferenz zum Deutschunterricht in Zeiten von Chatbots und KI, p. 13-15 (2023).
Van Praet, Wout ; Degand, Liesbeth. Clause-combining at the grammar-discourse interface in French. 18th International Pragmatics Conference (Brussels, du 09/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).
Radar, Laurie ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Combiner le rappel stimulé avec l’enregistrement des frappes de touches et l’enregistrement de l’écran dans la recherche sur l'écriture dans une langue seconde : Une exploration méthodologique. Doctoral Day (University of Saint-Louis , 22/05/2023).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Bodart, Romane ; Obrusnik, Adam ; Piette, Justine. Comment évaluer la qualité des post-éditions ? La taxonomie MTPEAS et le logiciel à la rescousse. Languages, literature and translation studies: Lessons from the past and challenges of the future (UMons, du 27/04/2023 au 28/04/2023).
Thwaites, Peter ; Kollias, Charalambos ; Paquot, Magali. Comparative judgement for L2 writing assessment: Do narrow proficiency range and homogeneous topics affect reliability?. The 32nd Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA32) (Birmingham, UK, du 30/08/2023 au 02/09/2023).
Thwaites, Peter ; Vandeweerd, Nathan ; Paquot, Magali. Comparative judgement for L2 writing assessment: are expert judges necessary?. EALTA Joint Special Interest Group Meeting for the Assessment of Writing and Academic Purposes (Helsinki, 15/06/2023).
Thwaites, Peter ; Vandeweerd, Nathan ; Paquot, Magali. Comparative judgement for L2 writing assessment: are expert judges necessary?. BAAHE 2023 (Leuven, Belgium, 17/11/2023).
Mottin, Mélanie. Comparer l’agrammatisme en allemand et en français : une étude morphosyntaxique. SeSLa (Université Saint Louis Bruxelles).
Van Goethem, Kristel. Complementation or competition between syntax and morphology? The case of Dutch binominal constructions expressing positive evaluation. Morphology in the Low Countries (University of Münster, du 05/10/2023 au 06/10/2023).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Construction grammar and lexico-grammar, and why they matter to each other. Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar (LxGr2023) (Edge Hill University, Ormskirk (United Kingdom) [held online], du 06/07/2023 au 08/07/2023).
Pécher, Stéphanie. Contradiscurso y atribución de responsabilidad en contextos de abusos a los derechos humanos: el caso de Piensa Prensa.. DNC5ALED: Discourses and their impacts on a world of multiple crises (Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain, du 25/07/2023 au 28/07/2023).
Frey, Jennifer - Carmen ; König, Alexander ; Stemle, Egon ; Paquot, Magali. Core Metadata Schema for L2 data. 32nd conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA) (University of Birmingham , du 30/08/2023 au 02/09/2023).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Corpus linguistics to tackle multiword units: Necessary but not sufficient?. International Workshop on Multi-Word Units in Multilingual Learners (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, du 30/11/2023 au 01/12/2023).
Granger, Sylviane. Crossing spaces in learner corpus research. International Corpus Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 44) (Vanderbijlpark (Afrique du Sud), du 17/05/2023 au 21/05/2023).
Mottin, Mélanie. Crosslinguistic variability in non fluent aphasia: the case of French and German.. XVI International Symposium of Psycholinguistics (University of the Basque Country (Vitoria-Gasteiz), du 31/05/2023 au 02/06/2023).
Thwaites, Peter ; Kollias, Charalambos ; Paquot, Magali. Crowdsourced comparative judgement for L2 writing assessment: is high reliability still possible when texts are long, homogeneous in proficiency, and topically diverse?. BKL-CBL Linguists Day 2023 (Antwerp, Belgium, 13/10/2023).
Thwaites, Peter ; Paquot, Magali. Crowdsourced comparative judgement of L2 writing: Does a narrow proficiency range reduce test reliability?. ALTE 8th International Conference (Madrid, du 26/04/2023 au 28/06/2023).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Suner Munoz, Ferran ; Wasserscheidt, Philipp. DIONE: Challenges and solutions. Micro-collaboration as a new pillar in the internationalisation of teaching. Séminaire PLIN - Multiplier event DIONE (Louvain-la-Neuve, 26/01/2023).
Romero Muñoz, Eloy ; Decorte, Remy ; Dachet, Dylan. De l’importance des croyances des enseignant. es en formation. Bilan d’une expérience sur l’utilisation de la Grammaire Cognitive en formation initiale. (Dé)construire la norme / (De)constructing the norm - Journée d’étude des PRISMES (Paris, France, 30/09/2023).
De Sutter, Gert ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Plevoets, Koen. Different translators, different translation solutions? Analyzing n-grams in a French-to-Dutch multiple-translation corpus – and what it reveals about expertise, priming and cognitive routinisation. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS2023) (Poznan, Poland, du 10/07/2023 au 12/07/2023).
Rondiat, Coline. Discussing the Boundaries of Science. Science* as a Sociopolitical Keyword in Debates on the Covid-19 Crisis Management. International Pragmatics Association Conference (Brussels, du 09/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).
Wu, Yaru ; Didirkova, Ivana ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Disfluencies in continuous speech in French: Prosodic parameters of filled pauses and vowel lengthening. Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (Bielefeld, du 28/08/2023 au 30/08/2023). In: Proc. Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (DiSS) Workshop 2023, (2023). In: , 2023, 76-80. doi:10.21437/DiSS.2023-16.
Dejans, Lidwin ; Degrave, Pauline. Do French-speaking musicians outperform French- speaking non-musicians in Dutch word stress production?. Linguistic Society of Belgium Linguists' Day (Anvers, 13/10/2023).
De Cock, Barbara. Do we think populists actually do something? A discursive analysis of populists as agents or patients in French, Spanish and Belgian tweets. Parallel Corpora across Disciplines: New Challenges Ahead. 4th International Symposium PaCoR (León, du 22/11/2023 au 24/11/2023).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Isa Hendrikx. Dutch compound constructions in additional language acquisition: a diasystematic-constructionist approach. Dahlem lectures in linguistics (Freie Universität Berlin, 03/01/2023).
Radar, Laurie ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Dyslexia in L2 writing: A product- and process-based approach. ILC Poster Day (UCLouvain).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Radar, Laurie. Dyslexia in L2 writing: A product- and process-based approach’. Writing Research Across Boarders (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, du 17/02/2023 au 22/02/2023).
Rondiat, Coline. Décider en temps de pandémie. Analyse du débat politique sur la fermeture de l’HORECA . Journée des doctorants de l'ED3Bis Langues Lettres et Traductologie (Bruxelles, 22/05/2023).
Jiang, Nan-Jiang ; Tan, Chenhao ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. Ecologically Valid Explanations for Label Variation in NLI. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023 (Singapore). In: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, 2023. doi:10.18653/v1/2023.findings-emnlp.712.
Gallez, Françoise ; Hermann, Manon. Embodied teaching, reasoning and testing: A case study on German motion and localization expressions. 7th International Symposium of Figurative Thought and Language (University of Genoa - Italy, du 20/09/2023 au 22/09/2023).
Suner Munoz, Ferran. Embodiment und Grammatikvermittlung. DaF GASTVORTRÄGE (Justus Liebig University Gießen, 22/05/2023).
Shchinova Shchinov, Nadezda. Empty or overloaded? A comparative analysis of the keywords populism and populist in Belgian, French, and Spanish political and media discourses. The 18th International Pragmatics Conference IPrA 2023 (Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), du 09/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).
Bodart, Romane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Errors in student translation and post-editing: Same or different?. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS2023) (Poznan, Poland, du 10/07/2023 au 12/07/2023).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Experimental methodologies and corpus linguistics in language learning research. 14th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics (ExLing 2023) (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens , du 18/10/2023 au 20/10/2023).
Rondiat, Coline ; Hambye, Philippe ; Reuchamps, Min. Experts or politicians: who should decide? The reconfiguration of political legitimacy during covid-19 in Belgium. Discourses of covid-19 and the reconfiguration of the political (online, du 23/02/2023 au 24/02/2023).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Exploring the base of the iceberg: Writing processes in learner corpus research. XIV International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2023) (Universidad de Oviedo (Spain), du 10/05/2023 au 12/05/2023).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; De Sutter, Gert. Fatal attraction – how EU interpreters (more so than translators) are drawn to incorrect renderings when TL salience is strong. A multifactorial corpus study. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS2023) (Poznan, Poland, du 10/07/2023 au 12/07/2023).
Bibauw, Serge ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet. Frequency of occurrence in output helps predict incidental vocabulary learning. AAAL 2023 Conference (Portland, OR, du 19/03/2023 au 21/03/2023).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. From language acquisition research to language teaching through the prism of corpora. XXIII. Congreso de la Asociación Alemana de Hispanistas (Universität Graz (Austria), du 22/02/2023 au 25/02/2023).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Grammaire des Constructions en contraste : Variation autour de la causation. VariaR III (Variation dans les langues romanes) (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (France), du 14/06/2023 au 16/06/2023).
Louis, Laetitia ; Degrave, Pauline ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. Het profiel van instromende studenten één- / meertalig onderwijs. NACV - Van instroom tot uitstroom: academische communicatieve competenties doorheen het hoger onderwijs (Leuven, 10/02/2023).
Dubois, Tanguy. Het vaardigheidsniveau van EFL leerders beïnvloedt de keuze van genitiefvariant : Bewijs uit corpusgegevens en experimenten. KZM (online, 18/03/2023).
De Cock, Barbara ; Figueras Bates, Carolina. Hierarchies of knowledge in responses to messages of newbies in online health support groups. 18th International Pragmatics Conference (Bruxelles, du 09/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. In praise of writing processes, and how corpus linguistics can help. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), du 04/05/2023 au 07/05/2023).
Hutin, Mathilde ; Degand, Liesbeth ; Allassonnière-Tang, Marc. Investigating the Syntax-Discourse Interface in the Phonetic Implementation of Discourse Markers. INTERSPEECH 2023. In: Proceedings of Interspeech, Vol. 2023, no.2023, p. 2958-1796 (2023). doi:10.21437/interspeech.2023-1619.
Katanneck, Stanislav. KI-Schreibtools für das wissenschaftliche Schreiben im universitären DaF-Unterricht?! – Erfahrungen internationaler Studierender und zukünftige Aufgabenformate . Fachtagung KI: Edu. NRW: KI-Anwendungen beim Lehren und Lernen von Fremdsprachen und im wissenschaftlichen Schreiben (University of Bochum, 02/06/2023).
Katanneck, Stanislav. Kollaboratives Schreiben mit dem Etherpad: Systematische Förderung der Schreibkompetenz am Beispiel eines Blended-Learning-Settings im universitären DaF-Unterricht. 8. Bremer Symposion an der Universität Bremen. Die Rolle von Sprachenzentren neu denken: Flexibilität, Relevanz & Vision (University of Bremen, du 01/03/2023 au 03/03/2023).
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Obrusnik, Adam. L'évaluation des traductions des étudiants : a-t-on raté le virage technologique ? . Languages, literature and translation studies: Lessons from the past and challenges of the future (UMons, du 27/04/2023 au 28/04/2023).
Aulit, Laetitia. La celebración de las fiestas de Moros y Cristianos en la España del siglo XXI: del estudio lingüístico de una controversia a la reflexión sobre su aportación en la sociedad. Seminario doctoral Premio Europeo Carlos V - Rutas culturales del Consejo de Europa (Jarandilla de la Vera (España), du 07/06/2023 au 09/06/2023).
De Cock, Barbara. La lingüística de corpus en la enseñanza de la pragmática, ¿corpus o cuerpo extraño?. I Colloque International d’Applications de la linguistique de corpus dans la didactique de langues (Paris, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, du 15/06/2023 au 16/06/2023).
Mottin, Mélanie. Le mode verbal dans l’agrammatisme : perspectives translinguistiques . Journée linguistique du Cercle Belge de Linguistique (Universiteit Antwerpen, 13/10/2023).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Le projet MUST au service de la traductologie appliquée et de l’enseignement de la traduction. Midis de la recherche du centre Tradital (ULB, Bruxelles, 09/02/2023).
Paquot, Magali. Le projet Varieties of English for Specific Purposes dAtabase (VESPA) : Constitution du corpus, méthodes d’analyse et exploitation. « Corpus d’apprenants / corpus d’experts : quels enseignements pour la caractérisation du discours scientifique? » (Université Paris Cité, France, 14/12/2023).
Davidse, Kristin ; Simon-Vandenbergen, Anne-Marie ; Van Praet, Wout. Listening to the voices of citizens in climate communication. NaLLT Conference on Language and Climate Change (Namur, 20/04/2023).
Aulit, Laetitia. Management of disagreements in online focus groups: on the use of mitigation and intensification strategies. 18th International Pragmatics Conference (Bruxelles, du 09/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).
Escouflaire, Louis ; Descampe, Antonin ; Fairon, Cédrick. Mapping Subjectivity in Press Discourse: Human vs. Transformer Comprehension of Belgian French Press Articles. New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data 2023 (Amherst, Massachusetts, United States of America, du 08/11/2023 au 10/11/2023).
Cuberos Vicente, Rocio ; De Cock, Barbara ; Suner Munoz, Ferran. Metaphorical production in L2: the impact of genre on creativity and cultural variation. Variation in Language Acquistion 5 (Bruxelles, du 01/06/2023 au 02/06/2023).
Prinzie, Thomas. Multiple French translations of English noun sequences can reveal cognitive processes. ILC Day 2023 (UCLouvain, 17/02/2023).
Prinzie, Thomas. Multiple translations as evidence for cognitive and linguistic factors influencing the French translation of English [N+N(+N)…] constructions. PLIN Day 2023 (UCLouvain, 27/04/2023).
Lee, Yu-Tse. Méthodologie de recherche sociophonétique à distance : Étude du sajiao en tant que marqueur du genre, stratégie de politesse et pratique de séduction à Taïwan. Journée d’étude : « Actualité de la recherche en Genre & Langage » (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France, 27/11/2023).
De Cock, Barbara ; Hambye, Philippe ; Shchinova Shchinov, Nadezda ; Filardo-Llamas, Laura. Negotiating and resisting membership : “I am not a populist”. CA Day 2023 (Loughborough, 18/12/2023).
Jadoulle, Pauline. Noviceness or non-nativeness? Disentangling the use of stance in French EFL learner academic writing. The 20th AILA World Anniversary Congress (ENS Lyon, du 17/07/2023 au 21/07/2023).
Cardon, Rémi ; Adrien Bibal. On Operations in Automatic Text Simplification. Text Simplification, Accessibility and Readability (Varna, Bulgaria, 07/09/2023). In: Proceedings of the Second Text Simplification, Accessibility and Readability Workshop, 2023. 0000000000.
He, Bailing ; Suner Munoz, Ferran. On the cognitive and affective impact of digital game-based learning on L2 speaking ability. Sun Yat-sen University Conference on Bilingualism (SYSUCB) (Zhuhai, China, du 09/06/2023 au 11/06/2023).
Ormaechea Grijalba, Lucia ; Bouillon, Pierrette ; Coavoux, Maximin ; Esperança-Rodier, Emmanuelle ; Gerlach, Johanna ; Goulian, Jérôme ; Lecouteux, Benjamin ; Macaire, Cécile ; Mutal, Jonathan ; Norré, Magali ; Pupier, Adrien ; Schwab, Didier ; Spechbach, Hervé. PROPICTO : Développer des systèmes de traduction de la parole vers des séquences de pictogrammes pour améliorer l’accessibilité de la communication. 30ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN/RÉCITAL) (Paris, France, du 05/06/2023 au 09/09/2023). In: Actes de CORIA-TALN 2023. Actes de la 30e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), Vol. -, no.-, p. - (2023).
Ormaechea Grijalba, Lucia ; Bouillon, Pierrette ; Coavoux, Maximin ; Esperança-Rodier, Emmanuelle ; Gerlach, Johanna ; Goulian, Jérôme ; Lecouteux, Benjamin ; Macaire, Cécile ; Mutal, Jonathan ; Norré, Magali ; Pupier, Adrien ; Schwab, Didier. PROPICTO: Developing Speech-to-Pictograph Translation Systems to Enhance Communication Accessibility. 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Tampere, Finland, du 12/06/2023 au 15/06/2023). In: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, European Association for Machine Translation: Tampere, Finland, 2023. 978-952-03-2947-1, p. 515-516.
Degand, Liesbeth ; Royo Viñuales, Víctor ; Van linden, An ; Van Praet, Wout. Panel Introduction: Clause combining at the discourse-grammar interface. 18th International Pragmatics Conference (Brussels, du 09/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).
Rondiat, Coline. Populism and Technocracy: so Far, yet so Close? The Polarization of Belgian Public Debate on Covid-19 Vaccine. PANCOPOP Symposium 2023: Pandemic Communication and Populism (Loughborough, du 12/06/2023 au 13/06/2023).
Jadoulle, Pauline. Pour une approche pédagogique englobante des scripteurs novices natifs et non-natifs ? L’exemple du ‘hedging’ en anglais académique. COSEDI – Corpus de genres spécialisés : caractérisation, méthodes et applications didactiques (Université Grenoble Alpes, du 06/12/2023 au 08/12/2023).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Wasserscheidt, Philipp. Presentation DIONE micro-collaboration kit: Corpus-based constructional analysis. Séminaire PLIN - Multiplier event DIONE (Louvain-la-Neuve, 26/01/2023).
Dubois, Tanguy. Proficiency level influences EFL learners’ choice of genitive variant: Complementary evidence from corpus data and rating experiments. ICAME44 (Vanderbijlpark, South Africa, du 17/05/2023 au 21/05/2023).
Hofmann, Lisa ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Tonhauser, Judith. Projection differs across embedding operators -- but not like you think. Sinn und Bedeutung 28 (Ruhr University Bochum). In: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 28.
Hofmann, Lisa ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Tonhauser, Judith. Projection variability of clausal complements across different operators. The Tenth Biennial Meeting of Experimental Pragmatics (XPRAG X) (Université Paris Cité). In: The Tenth Biennial Meeting of Experimental Pragmatics (XPRAG X), 2023 (Soumis).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Degrave, Pauline. Quelles compétences en langues étrangères pour les jeunes diplômé·es universitaires ?. Journées nationales de l'orientation et de l'insertion professionnelle (Grenoble , du 28/06/2023 au 30/06/2023).
Pécher, Stéphanie. Questioning media reports on human rights abuses: conflict talk in discussing conceptualisations of acts of violence.. 18th International Pragmatics Conference (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium, du 09/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).
Gallez, Françoise. Redefining the link between the caused motion and the resultative construction in German. 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (Düsseldorf, du 07/08/2023 au 11/08/2023).
Souza Wilkens, Rodrigo ; Pintard, Alice ; Alfter, David ; Folny, Vincent ; François, Thomas. TCFLE-8: a Corpus of Learner Written Productions for French as a Foreign Language and its Application to Automated Essay Scoring. 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (Singapore, du 06/12/2023 au 10/12/2023). In: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Association for Computational Linguistics: Stroudsburg, PA, 2023. 979-8-89176-060-8, p. 3447-3465. doi:10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.210.
Bogaert, Jérémie ; Escouflaire, Louis ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Descampe, Antonin ; Standaert, François-Xavier ; Fairon, Cédrick. TIPECS : A corpus cleaning method using machine learning and qualitative analysis. International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (JLC) (Grenoble, France, du 05/07/2023 au 07/07/2023). In: Actes des 11èmes Journées Internationales de la Linguistique de Corpus, 2023, P. 160-164.
Cuberos Vicente, Rocio ; De Cock, Barbara ; Suner Munoz, Ferran. Teaching is like being on a stage: a cross-genre analysis of the use of deliberate metaphors in L1 and L2 Spanish writing. Conferencia PRACOMUL: La adquisición y el desarrollo de la competencia pragmática (Bruxelles, du 28/08/2023 au 30/08/2023).
Tack, Anaïs ; Kochmar, Ekaterina ; Yuan, Zheng ; Bibauw, Serge ; Piech, Chris. The BEA 2023 Shared Task on Generating AI Teacher Responses in Educational Dialogues. Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA) (Toronto, Canada, 13/07/2023). In: Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2023), Association for Computational Linguistics: Stroudsburg, PA, 2023. 978-1-351-11758-6, 785--795. doi:10.18653/v1/2023.bea-1.64.
Paquot, Magali. The Core Metadata Schema for L2 data: Collaborative efforts towards improved data findability, metadata quality and study comparability in L2 research. “Corpus Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Research” series of online talks (Universidad de Murcia, Spain (online), 30/10/2023).
Van Goethem, Kristel. The Dutch Expressive Binominal Construction in syntax and morphology. 12th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG12) (Charles University, Prague, du 19/05/2023 au 21/05/2023).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Bodart, Romane ; Obrusnik, Adam ; Piette, Justine. The Post-Edit Me! project. 24th Annual Conference of The European Association for Machine Translation (Tampere (Finland), du 12/06/2023 au 14/06/2023). In: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT), 2023. 978-952-03-2947-1, p. 493-494.
Escouflaire, Louis ; Bogaert, Jérémie ; Descampe, Antonin ; Fairon, Cédrick. The RTBF Corpus: a dataset of 750,000 Belgian French news articles published between 2008 and 2021. International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (JLC) (Grenoble, France, du 05/07/2023 au 07/07/2023). In: Actes des 11èmes Journées Internationales de la Linguistique de Corpus, 2023, 155-159.
De Cock, Barbara ; Galiana, Patricia ; Gras, Pedro ; Rosado, Elisa. The acquisition of discourse marking in L2: from discourse markers to connectivity. Discourse markers - Theories and methods (Paris, du 24/05/2023 au 26/05/2023).
Paolo della Putta ; Suner Munoz, Ferran. The present and the future of embodiment and cognitive linguistics in language teaching. 7th International Symposium on Figurative Thought. Cognitive, bodily, and cultural processes in Figurative Thought and Language (Genoa, du 20/09/2023 au 22/09/2023).
Jadoulle, Pauline. The relationship between L1 and L2 stance use: An investigation of noviceness, non-nativeness and individual variation in academic writing. Linguists’ Day of the Linguistic Society of Belgium (University of Antwerp, 13/10/2023).
De Cock, Barbara ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; Suner Munoz, Ferran. The role of TV series on the comprehension of taboo language in foreign language students. Variation in Language Acquistion 5 (Bruxelles, du 01/06/2023 au 02/06/2023).
Egbert, Jesse ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Larsson, Tove. The use of internal states words by bilingual children with Down syndrome: Longitudinal development, cross-linguistic variation, and register variation. Twelfth International Corpus Linguistics Conference (Lancaster , du 03/07/2023 au 06/07/2023).
Paquot, Magali. Theoretical foundations and construct validity in L2 complexity research: Zooming in on phraseological complexity. Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education (BAAHE) conference (KULeuven, Belgium, 17/11/2023).
Cuberos Vicente, Rocio ; De Cock, Barbara. Towards a graded lexical inventory in L2 Spanish: Insights from productive vocabulary knowledge. Linking Lexicographic and Language Learning Resources (4LR) (Wien, 13/09/2023).
Prinzie, Thomas. Translation variability in a multiple parallel corpus as evidence for cognitive processes. Seminar series of the Center for English Corpus Linguistics (Université catholique de Louvain, 15/05/2023).
Louis, Laetitia ; Degrave, Pauline ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. Trekt meertalig onderwijs studenten met hetzelfde taalprofiel aan als ééntalig onderwijs?. Linguistic Society of Belgium Linguists' Day (Anvers, 13/10/2023).
Suner Munoz, Ferran. Using force dynamics and embodied practices for the teaching of modal verbs in German . 7th International Symposium on Figurative Thought. Cognitive, bodily, and cultural processes in Figurative Thought and Language (Genoa, du 20/09/2023 au 22/09/2023).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Using student translation and post-editing corpora in translator education: Taking stock and looking ahead . Workshop on Corpora in Translation Education (ULiège, 25/05/2023).
Muriel Norde ; Francesca Masini ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Daniel Ebner. Wannabe approximatives: creativity, routinization, or both?. DGfS 2023: Linguistic creativity and routine (University of Cologne, du 07/03/2023 au 10/03/2023).
Romero Muñoz, Eloy ; Decorte, Remy. Why a good theory does not necessarily make a better textbook: The case of Foreign Language teaching materials within the Applied Cognitive Linguistics framework. ConGram23 - IV Congrés International Sobre L'ensenyament de la Grammatica (Valéncia, du 25/01/2023 au 27/01/2023).
Norré, Magali ; Cardon, Rémi ; Vandeghinste, Vincent ; François, Thomas. Word Sense Disambiguation for Automatic Translation of Medical Dialogues into Pictographs. International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) (Varna, Bulgaria, du 04/09/2023 au 06/09/2023). In: Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2023), INCOMA Ltd.: Shoumen, Bulgaria, 2023. 978-954-452-092-2, p. 803-812.
Bodart, Romane ; Pasquier, Christine ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. eTranslation output on multilingual platforms: the university perspective . Upskilling Translators for the AI era, EMT Network Meeting 2023 (University of Salamanca, du 19/10/2023 au 20/10/2023).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Évolution des formations universitaires en traduction : défis actuels et innovations pédagogiques. Réunion du Réseau international des chefs de service de traduction française (Comité économique et social européen / Comité européen des régions, Bruxelles, 24/11/2023).
Rondiat, Coline. ‘Infections Are on the Rise, What Should We Do?’. A Study of the Practical Reasoning of Belgian Experts and Politicians during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Discourse and Politics Conference (online, du 11/04/2023 au 12/04/2023).
Hambye, Philippe ; Vernet, Samuel. "Democracy under Attack": Viewpoint and Doxa in the Coverage of the Jan. 6th 2021 Events at the US Capitol on Belgian and French radio channels. A True and Fair View: Communicative, Linguistic and Ethical Aspects of Expressing Point of View in Journalism (Vrij Universiteit Brussels, du 8/12/2022 au 9/12/2022).
Alfter, David ; Cardon, Rémi ; François, Thomas. A Dictionary-Based Study of Word Sense Difficulty. 2nd Workshop on Tools and Resources for People with REAding DIfficulties (READI) (Marseille, France, 24/06/2022). In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Tools and Resources for People with REAding DIfficulties (READI), ELRA: Marseille, France, 2022. 979-10-95546-84-9.
Mutal, Jonathan ; Bouillon, Pierrette ; Norré, Magali ; Gerlach, Johanna ; Ormaechea Grijalba, Lucia. A Neural Machine Translation Approach to Translate Text to Pictographs in a Medical Speech Translation System - The BabelDr Use Case. 15th Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Orlando, USA, du 12/09/2022 au 16/09/2022). In: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Vol. 1, no.-, p. 252-263 (2022).
Shchinova Shchinov, Nadezda. A pragmatic analysis of populis* in French and Spanish parliamentary debates. Political Discourse: New Approaches to New Challenges? (Université de Lorraine, France, du 07/03/2022 au 08/03/2022).
Picron, Gervaise. Accompagner les étudiants dans leur rédaction des écrits universitaires : proposition d'un dispositif pédagogique. Journée du Centre for English Corpus Linguistics (Louvain-La-Neuve, 25/05/2022).
Larsson, Tove ; Callies, M. ; Dixon, T. ; Hasselgard, H. ; Hober, N. ; Laso, N. J. ; Verdaguer, I. ; van Vuuren, S. ; Paquot, Magali. Adverb placement in L2 spoken production: The effect of linguistic and extralinguistic factors. ICAME43 (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK, du 27/07/2022 au 30/07/2022).
Mottin, Mélanie. Agrammatismus im Französischen und Deutschen: ein morphosyntaktischer Vergleich. Forschungskolloquium (unter der Leitung von Pro. Dr. Martina Penke)- Universität zu Köln (Cologne, 02/11/2022).
Radar, Laurie ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. An exploratory product- and process-based analysis of L2 writing by dyslexic language learners. LSB (Linguistic Society of Belgium) Linguists’ Day (Université de Liège (Belgium), 21/10/2022).
Jadoulle, Pauline. An investigation of stance in French native novice writing: Bringing the Anglo-Saxon tradition into the French-speaking research sphere. The Linguists' Day of the Linguistic Society of Belgium (University of Liège, 21/10/2022).
Bibauw, Serge. Aportes y límites de las tecnologías educativas: unas lecciones de la pandemia. VII Congreso Ciencia, Sociedad e Investigación universitaria (CSIU7) (Ambato, Ecuador, du 17/10/2022 au 21/10/2022).
De Cock, Barbara ; Van Laar, Jan Albert. Argumentatie, zelfpromotie of beide? Een analyse van de tweets van politici en experten over de covid-19 pandemie. mini-VIOT online (Gent (en ligne), 19/01/2022).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Assessing NMTPE quality in translator training: the PostEditMe project. SPECTRANS Closing Event (Université Paris Cité, du 15/12/2022 au 16/12/2022).
Gries, S. Th. ; Paquot, Magali. Association measures in learner corpus research: problems and pointers for improvement . Learner Corpus Research 6 (Padua, Italy, du 22/09/2022 au 24/09/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Beyond syntactic constructions: How to approach their lexico-grammatical aspects. PREDICAR in Network: Variation, methodology and teaching (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) [held online], du 18/04/2022 au 20/04/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Beyond the tip of the iceberg: Exploring L2 writing processes. GSAAL (Graduate Student Organization of Applied Linguistics) Public Talk (Northern Arizona University (USA), 07/10/2022).
Souza Wilkens, Rodrigo ; Alfter, David ; Cardon, Rémi ; Gribomont, Isabelle ; Bibal, Adrien ; Watrin, Patrick ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; François, Thomas. CENTAL at TSAR-2022 Shared Task: How Does Context Impact BERT-Generated Substitutions for Lexical Simplification?. Workshop on Text Simplification, Accessibility, and Readability (TSAR-2022) (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 06/12/2022). In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Text Simplification, Accessibility, and Readability (TSAR-2022), Association for Computational Linguistics: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2022. 978-1-959429-25-8, p. 231 - 238.
Bibauw, Serge ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet. Can we detect short term fluency development after 2 hours of chat with a dialogue system?. CALICO Annual Conference 2022 (Seattle, WA, du 01/06/2022 au 04/06/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Ceci n’est pas un belgicisme : Variation linguistique en francophonie. Department of Global Languages and Cultures (Northern Arizona University (USA), 03/11/2022).
Suner Munoz, Ferran. Connecting the Body and the Language: On the Impact of Embodied Teaching Practices on Grammar Learning.. Innovation in Language Learning (Florence, du 10/11/2022 au 11/11/2022).
Dupont, Maïté ; Granger, Sylviane. Connector placement in EFL learner writing: Focus on 'however' . 6th Learner Corpus Research Conference (Padua, du 22/09/2022 au 24/09/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Corpus and experimental data: The (almost) perfect pair in linguistic research. 9th Advanced Research Seminar of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, 11/03/2022).
Aulit, Laetitia. Debate on controversial issues in online focus groups in Spanish: a case study on the role of mitigation and intensification strategies in the argumentation. Empirical studies of discourse and argumentation in public policy: multidisciplinary and multilingual perspectives. (Brescia, du 08/09/2022 au 09/09/2022).
De Cock, Sylvie. Defying the Q&A format in interviews? Exploring interrogatives in learner interviewee speech. BAAHE 2022 (ULiège, 02/12/2022).
Escouflaire, Louis ; Descampe, Antonin ; Fairon, Cédrick. Detecting opinion in news. An automated analysis of linguistic subjectivity in French-language press articles. 4th Biennial Conference of the Brussels Institute for Journalism Studies (BIJU) - A true and fair view (Brussels, Belgium, du 08/12/2022 au 09/12/2022).
Wu, Yaru ; Didirkova, Ivana ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Disfluences en parole continue en français : paramètres prosodiques des pauses pleines et des allongements vocaliques. 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole - JEP2022 (Île de Noirmoutier, du 13/06/2022 au 17/06/2022). In: Actes des 34e Journées d'Études sur la Parole, (2022).
Dejans, Lidwin ; Degrave, Pauline. Do musicians outperform non-musicians in foreign language prosody production?. SysMys'22 (Ghent, Belgium, du 07/09/2022 au 09/09/2022).
De Cock, Sylvie. Do you love me: Interrogatives in learner speech in LINDSEI and in the Trinity Lancaster Corpus . 6th Learner Corpus Research Conference 2022 (Padova (Italie), du 22/09/2022 au 24/09/2022).
Hambye, Philippe. Doxa, évidence, hégémonie : qu’est-ce qui fait tenir la "Langue du Capitalisme néolibéral" ?. Situation critique, intervention littéraire. Avec Sandra Lucbert, autour de "Personne ne sort les fusils" (Seuil, 2020) (Université de Liège, 12/05/2022).
Gallez, Françoise. E-LearnScene Learning scenarios to support inclusive language and culture education for heterogeneous school classes. Séminaire TeAMM/PLIN (Louvain-La-Neuve, 26/04/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. EFL learners’ awareness of their writing processes. SIG Writing Conference 2022 (Umeå University (Sweden), du 20/06/2022 au 22/06/2022).
Detaye, Séverine ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Hendrikx, Isa. Een pracht van een constructie vs een prachtconstructie. An exploratory corpus study of Dutch expressive binominal constructions in syntax and morphology . CogLing Days 2022 (Université de Tilburg, du 08/12/2022 au 09/12/2022).
Aulit, Laetitia. El conflicto en interacciones en línea sobre temas controvertidos: estudio de su aparición y desarrollo a partir de la intensificación lingüística. L Simposio - IV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (Madrid, du 04/04/2022 au 08/04/2022).
Aulit, Laetitia. El papel de la atenuación e intensificación en la argumentación en interacciones en línea: análisis de comentarios a artículos de prensa sobre tradiciones controvertidas . IV Congreso Internacional RECoD "En torno a la comunicación digital en español: Cultura participativa y discurso en la red" (Alicante (España), du 06/10/2022 au 07/10/2022).
Baudoin, Noémie ; De Cock, Sylvie ; Degrave, Pauline ; Hamaide, Bertrand ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; März, Virginie ; Van Drooghenbroeck, Sébastien. English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) : diversité des conceptions et des pratiques des enseignants universitaires. Congrès international d’Actualité de la Recherche en Éducation et en Formation (AREF) (Lausanne, du 13/09/2022 au 15/09/2022).
Paquot, Magali ; Thwaites, Peter ; Rubin, Rachel ; Vandeweerd, Nathan. Enriching learner corpora with crowdsourced L2 proficiency assessment and the technique of adaptive comparative judgment . Linguists’ Day 2022 (Liège, Belgium, 21/10/2022).
Pécher, Stéphanie. Estallido social chileno: análisis de la construcción discursiva de la responsabilidad de los perpetradores de violaciones de derechos humanos. Ciclo de conferencias ADAL "Crisis latentes de América Latina: grandes desafíos del siglo XXI" - Jornada jóvenes investigadores (En ligne, 24/06/2022).
Hambye, Philippe ; Jaspers, Jürgen. Experts of good language. Normativity and authority in debates about language. Sociolinguistic Symposium 24 (University of Ghent, du 13/07/2022 au 16/07/2022).
Aguiar De Souza Penha Marion, Laura. Explicitation and implicitation in L1-L2 student translation: A relevance-theoretic approach. TRICKLET Conference 2022 (RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, du 19/05/2022 au 20/05/2022).
Souza Wilkens, Rodrigo ; Alfter, David ; Wang, Xiaoou ; Pintard, Alice ; Tack, Anaïs ; Yancey, Kevin ; François, Thomas. FABRA: French Aggregator-Based Readability Assessment toolkit. Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022) (du 20/06/2022 au 25/06/2022). In: Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), 2022. 979-10-95546-72-6.
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. From written product to writing process: A new direction in learner corpus research. 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE) (University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) [online], du 15/09/2022 au 17/09/2022).
Suner Munoz, Ferran. Generating evidence-based practice opportunities from cognitive linguistic approaches to language teaching: Challenges, trends and new directions. 1st Conference on the relationship between linguistic theories and L2 teaching (Oxford, Cambridge, Vic, 28/01/2022).
Todirascu, Amalia ; Souza Wilkens, Rodrigo ; Rolin, Eva ; François, Thomas ; Bernhard, Delphine ; Gala, Nuria. HECTOR: A Hybrid TExt SimplifiCation TOol for Raw Texts in French. LREC 2022 (Marseille, du 20/06/2022 au 25/07/2022). In: Proceedings of LREC 2022, European Language Resources Association: Paris, 2022. 9791095546726, 4620‑4630.
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Has thrifting become trendy? A diachronic corpus-based study. American Association for Corpus Linguistics conference (AACL 2022) (Northern Arizona University (USA), du 08/09/2022 au 11/09/2022).
Suner Munoz, Ferran. How much bodily engagement does language learning need? Insights, trends and pedagogical implications.. Presentation at the Davis Language Center, University of California Davis (Davis, 25/05/2022).
Escouflaire, Louis. Identification des indicateurs linguistiques de la subjectivité les plus efficaces pour la classification d'articles de presse en français. TALN-RECITAL2022 (Avignon, France, du 27/06/2022 au 01/07/2022).
Van Praet, Wout. Insubordinate which: Conjunction or pronoun?. Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (Bucharest, Romania, du 24/08/2022 au 27/08/2022).
Van Praet, Wout. Insubordinate which: Ill-behaved relative pronoun or new-found conjunction? . BAAHE Annual Meeting (Liège, 02/12/2022).
Bibauw, Serge. Intelligence artificielle et FLE: outils pour enseignants et apprenants. 14e Congrès National des Professeurs de Français (Quito, Équateur, du 27/09/2022 au 30/09/2022).
Paquot, Magali ; Rubin, Rachel ; Vandeweerd, Nathan. Introducing the CLAP project: Adaptive Comparative Judgment as a community-based solution for enriching learner corpora with crowdsourced L2 proficiency assessment. Learner Corpus Research 6 (Padua, Italy, du 22/09/2022 au 24/09/2022).
Paquot, Magali. Investigating phraseological complexity in learner language : from collocations to collostructions and other lexicogrammatical structures. Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar (LxGr) (Edge Hill University, Cambridge, 09/07/2022).
Romero Muñoz, Eloy ; Decorte, Remy ; Dachet, Dylan. Investigating preservice teachers’ acceptance of Cognitive Grammar as a viable innovation: A case study. CogLing Days 2022 (Tilburg, Netherlands, du 08/12/2022 au 09/12/2022).
Norré, Magali ; Vandeghinste, Vincent ; François, Thomas ; Bouillon, Pierrette. Investigating the Medical Coverage of a Translation System into Pictographs for Patients with an Intellectual Disability. Ninth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT-2022) (Dublin, Ireland, 27/05/2022). In: Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT-2022), ACL Anthology: Online, 2022. 978-1-955917-49-0, p. 44-49.
Rondiat, Coline. Justifier la décision en temps de crise. Une analyse discursive du raisonnement pratique des experts et des décideurs politiques belges. Convegno internazionale LinC (Linguaggi della Crisi) (Bari, du 02/12/2022 au 03/12/2022).
Katanneck, Stanislav. Kollaboratives Schreiben mit dem Etherpad im universitären DaF-Unterricht: Empirische Daten zu Lerneffekten und Überarbeitungsprozessen. 49. Jahrestagung des Fachverbands Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache (FaDaF) (University of Kassel, du 31/08/2022 au 03/09/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. L1 and L2 writing fluency: A corpus-based comparative approach. 15th Biennial High Desert Linguistics Society Conference (HDLS 15) (The University of New Mexico (USA), du 11/11/2022 au 13/11/2022).
Pécher, Stéphanie. La atribución de responsabilidad en las violaciones de derechos humanos: análisis de la agentividad en el género discursivo de los informes de derechos humanos en el contexto de las protestas chilenas de 2019.. Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Hispánica en Italia (CILHI) (En ligne , du 13/01/2022 au 14/01/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Learner Corpus Research meets English as a Lingua Franca. Symposium at the 48th conference of the Japan Association for English Corpus Studies (JAECS) (Meijo University (Japan) [held online] , 01/10/2022).
Dupret, Pauline ; De Cock, Barbara ; Hambye, Philippe ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Legal, but not so innocent: Immigrant representations in Belgian political discourse online . Sociolinguistics Symposium 24 (Ghent University, du 13/07/2022 au 16/07/2022).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Les corpus de traductions d'apprenants : Enjeux méthodologiques et applications pédagogiques. Séminaire du CeRLA (Lyon, 08/04/2022).
Cardon, Rémi ; Bibal, Adrien ; Souza Wilkens, Rodrigo ; Alfter, David ; Norré, Magali ; Müller, Adeline ; Watrin, Patrick ; François, Thomas. Linguistic Corpus Annotation for Automatic Text Simplification Evaluation. EMNLP 2022 (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, du 07/12/2022 au 11/12/2022). In: Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Association for Computational Linguistics: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2022, p. 1842–1866.
Escouflaire, Louis ; Descampe, Antonin ; Fairon, Cédrick. L’évolution de la subjectivité linguistique dans le journalisme web du XXIe siècle : analyse d’un corpus belge francophone d’articles de 2010 à 2021. JADT 2022 : 16th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (Naples, Italie, du 06/07/2022 au 08/07/2022). In: Proceedings of the 16th JADT Conference, 2022, 377-384.
Souza Wilkens, Rodrigo ; Daiane Seibert ; Wang, Xiaoou ; François, Thomas. MWE for Essay Scoring English as a Foreign Language. READI Workshop 2022 (Marseille, 24/06/2022). In: Proceedings of Tools and resources with REAding DIfficulties (READI), European language resources association: Paris, 2022. 979-10-95546-84-9.
Gries, S. Th. ; Paquot, Magali. Many association measures do not measure association (but frequency), and what to do about that. ICAME43 (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK, du 27/07/2022 au 30/07/2022).
Wassercheidt, Philipp ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Filipovic, Jelena. Micro-collaboration in DIONE project. Circle U. Think and Do Tank café (Humboldt University Berlin, 28/04/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. More than meets the eye, or why we should consider the process in language learning. Lancaster Symposium on Innovation in Corpus Linguistics 2022 (Lancaster University (United Kingdom) [held online], 22/06/2022).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Isa Hendrikx. Nominal compounds in Dutch and French. Typological differences and additional language acquisition from a Diasystematic Construction Grammar Perspective. 13th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (University of the Aegean, Rhodes (Greece), du 19/05/2022 au 22/05/2022).
Pirali, Camille ; François, Thomas ; Gala, Nuria. PADDLe: a Platform to Identify Complex Words for Learners of French as a Foreign Language (FFL). Workshop READI 2022 (Marseille, 24/06/2022). In: Proceedings of the LREC 2022 workshop on Tools and Resources with REAding DIfficulties (READI), European Language Resources Association (ELRA): Paris, 2022. 979-10-95546-84-9, p. 46-53.
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Phrasal verbs as multiword units: A comparison of EFL and ESL. 43rd International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English Conference (ICAME 43) (Anglia Ruskin University (United Kingdom), du 27/07/2022 au 30/07/2022).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Phraseology Extraction: From Corpora to Deep Learning. Europhras 2022. Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology (University of Malaga, du 28/09/2022 au 30/09/2022).
Shchinova Shchinov, Nadezda. Populismo, palabra clave en el debate político español en Twitter. IV Congreso Internacional RECoD “En torno a la comunicación digital en español: Cultura participativa y discurso en la red” (Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, España, du 06/10/2022 au 07/10/2022).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Bodart, Romane ; Piette, Justine ; Obrusnik, Adam. Post-editing quality assessment in translator education and beyond: Introducing the MTPEAS taxonomy. Translation in Transition 6 (Prague, du 22/09/2022 au 23/09/2022).
Villalobos Cardozo, Mercedes ; Crible, Ludivine ; Degand, Liesbeth. Predicting topic in conversation: A study of turn initial discourse markers in Spanish. 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea [SLE 2022] (Bucharest, Rumania, du 23/08/2022 au 25/02/2023).
Villalobos Cardozo, Mercedes ; Crible, Ludivine ; Degand, Liesbeth. Predicting topic in conversation: A study of turn initial discourse markers in Spanish. DisCorX 2.0 (Bern, Switzerland, du 17/11/2022 au 18/11/2022).
De Cock, Sylvie. Preferred ways of writing things in press releases. Boosting business communication teaching and learning material with DDL activities. Teaching and Language Corpora Conference - TaLC 2022 (University of Limerick and Mary Immaculate College, du 13/07/2022 au 16/07/2022).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Hermann, Manon ; Suner Munoz, Ferran. Project presentation: Digitalising mobility and international networks with open education (DIONE) . TeAMM seminar (Teaching and Acquiring Multilingualism and Multiliteracies) (Louvain-la-Neuve, 26/04/2022).
Van Praet, Wout ; Lams, Lutgard ; Naulaers, Karel. Question design and stance-taking in political interviews in Flanders. A True and Fair View: Communicative, Linguistic and Ethical Aspects of Expressing Point of View in Journalism. Fourth Biennial C (Brussels, du 08/12/2022 au 09/12/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Recueil, traitement et analyse des corpus d’apprenants : Défis méthodologiques et enjeux. Journée d’étude autour des corpus d’apprenants (JECA 2022) (Université Grenoble Alpes (France), 18/03/2022).
Vogeleer, Svetlana. Retraductions de ‘’Marxisme et philosophie du langage’’ (V. Vološinov, 1929) en français et en espagnol : peut-on préserver un texte épistémique de toute contamination par des courants qui lui sont postérieurs ? . Séminaire "La retraduction dans tous ses états" organisé par le centre "TranSphères", USL-B (USL-B, Bruxelles, 30/09/2022).
Picron, Gervaise ; Paquot, Magali ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Stades évolutifs de la compétence rédactionnelle à l'université : tentative de modélisation à partir de l'analyse quantitative de deux corpus d'écrits universitaires. Colloque E-CALM : Analyser de grands corpus scolaires et universitaires : des questions pour la recherche et pour la formation (Bordeaux, du 28/06/2022 au 30/06/2022).
Fredriksson, Christine ; Asgari, Marjan ; Suner Munoz, Ferran. Student’s Engagement and Writing Production in Project-Based Language Learning: The Potential of Using Learner-Generated Content. Innovation in Language Learning (Florence, du 10/11/2022 au 11/11/2022). In: 15th International Conference Innovation in Language Learning Hybrid Edition (CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS; 15), FILODIRITTO INTERNATIONAL: Bologna, 2022. 979-12-80225-42-9, p. 49-55.
Girletti, Sabrina ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Tarification de la post-édition : sensibilisation des étudiants aux enjeux de la traduction automatique. Enseigner la traduction et l’interprétation à l’heure neuronale (Bruxelles, du 29/09/2022 au 30/09/2022).
Pécher, Stéphanie. The attribution of responsibility to perpetrators of human rights abuses.. Linguists' Day (Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium, 21/10/2022).
Pécher, Stéphanie. The conceptualization of agents in human rights abuses. CogLing Days 2022 - Language, Discourse and Cognition: Interdisciplinary Approaches (Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands, du 08/12/2022 au 09/12/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. The contribution of ecolinguistics to the ecological crisis: A corpus-based study of ‘second-hand’. 16th Arizona Linguistics Circle (ALC 16) (The University of Arizona (USA), du 21/10/2022 au 22/10/2022).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. The contribution of learner translation corpora to theory development in empirical translation studies. TRICKLET conference (Aachen, du 19/05/2022 au 20/05/2022).
Escouflaire, Louis. The linguistic functions of emoji in French and in English Facebook comments and Tweets : a multimodal corpus analysis of emoji in conversation. 13th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature — Sorbonne University (Paris, France, du 31/05/2022 au 02/06/2022).
Van Praet, Wout ; Verbeke, Gil. The role of prosodic accentuation in the production of English consonant clusters. Current Trends in English Linguistics (Online, du 18/05/2022 au 19/05/2022).
Allmanns, Lora ; Van Goethem, Kristel. The use of diminutive constructions in French, English, Dutch and German. A corpus-based study of the crosslinguistic differences. 13th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (University of Rhodos, Greece, du 19/05/2022 au 22/05/2022).
Suner Munoz, Ferran. The use of educational technology in language teaching practice and research. Presentation at the Digital Language Learning Lab at the University of Victoria (Victoria, Canada, 08/06/2022).
Suner Munoz, Ferran. Theorie und Praxis der Wortschatzvermittlung. Presentation at the Davis Language Center, University of California Davis (Davis, 13/05/2022).
Vogeleer, Svetlana ; Guéron, Jacqueline. Tough-construction and lexical aspect. WAASAP Conference (Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adjectives/Adverbs and Participles/Prepositions) (University of Greenwich, London, du 16/06/2022 au 17/06/2022).
Yamaguchi, Nami ; Alfter, David ; Sugiyama, Kaori ; François, Thomas. Towards a Verb Profile: distribution of verbal tenses in FFL textbooks and in learner productions. 11th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2022) (Louvain-la-Neuve, 09/12/2022). In: Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2022) (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings; 190), 2022. 978-91-7929-459-5, p. 123-142.
König, A. ; Frey, J.-C. ; Stemle, E. ; Glaznieks, A. ; Paquot, Magali. Towards standardizing LCR metadata. Learner Corpus Research 6 (Padua, Italy, du 22/09/2022 au 24/09/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Using the tools of screencasting and keylogging for formative and summative assessment of L2 writing. International Workshop on Discourse Analysis (IWoDA ’22) (University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) [held online], du 07/07/2022 au 08/07/2022).
Prinzie, Thomas. Variability in a multiple translation corpus as evidence for cognitive processes. CogLing Days (Belgium Netherlands Cognitive Linguistics Association): Language, Discourse and Cognition (Tilburg University, Netherlands, du 08/12/2022 au 09/12/2022).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. What norms for language learners? A corpus-based research and teaching perspective. 48th conference of the Japan Association for English Corpus Studies (JAECS) (Meijo University (Japan) [held online] , 01/10/2022).
Aulit, Laetitia ; Cigada, Sara ; De Cock, Barbara ; Greco, Sara ; Modrzejewska, Ewa ; Palmieri, Rudi. Who has to take action in order to reach fashion sustainability: an interdisciplinary analysis of digital activism concerning the #FashionRevolution. Conference on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research for sustainable development (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 24/11/2022 au 25/11/2022).
Hambye, Philippe. « Maitrise » de la langue française dans l’enseignement en Belgique francophone. Quelles compétences pour quelles idéologies langagières ?. 5e Congrès du Réseau francophone de sociolinguistique (Aix-Marseille Université , du 13/12/2022 au 16/12/2022).
Bodart, Romane ; Piette, Justine ; Obrusnik, Adam ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Évaluation de la qualité des post-éditions des étudiants : la taxonomie MTPEAS au service des formations universitaires en traduction. Enseigner la traduction et l’interprétation à l’heure neuronale (Bruxelles, du 29/09/2022 au 30/09/2022).
Paquot, Magali ; König, Alexander ; Rubin, Rachel ; Vandeweerd, Nathan. A community-based solution for large-scale proficiency rating: The Crowdsourcing Language Assessment Project (CLAP). EUROSLA30 (Barcelona (online), du 30/06/2021 au 03/07/2021).
Shchinova Shchinov, Nadezda. A cross-linguistic study of 'populism' in political, news, and social media discourses. Journée d'étude ILC Day 10 + 1 (UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 25/11/2021).
Van Goethem, Kristel. Acquiring intensifying constructions: A case study of learning foreign languages in Belgium . Invited seminar "Typology" (University of Patras, Greece (online presentation on Zoom), 05/04/2021).
Mottin, Mélanie. Agrammatism in French and German : the challenges of a cross linguistic study.. 1st International Graduate Students in Language, Communication, & Culture Conference (Alberta, Canada (online), du 11/08/2021 au 12/08/2021).
Shchinova Shchinov, Nadezda. Analyse comparative des discours politiques et médiatiques sur le populisme en Belgique, France et Espagne. Journée des Doctorants de l’École doctorale Langues, Lettres et Traductologie (Université de Mons, Campus Plaine de Nimy, Mons, Belgique, 06/09/2021).
Francesca Masini ; Muriel Norde ; Van Goethem, Kristel. ApproxiMo - Approximation in Morphology: Introduction to the discontinuous workshop. ApproxiMO - Approximation in Morphology (Bologna, Berlin, Louvain-la-Neuve (online discontinuous workshop), du 19/10/2021 au 03/05/2022) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Aprendizaje del inglés basado en tareas y tecnología. Aprendizaje del inglés basado en tareas y tecnología. 2.o Congreso Interancional de Educación “Yo educo” (Cuenca, Ecuador, du 27/04/2021 au 29/04/2021).
Villalobos Cardozo, Mercedes ; Crible, Ludivine ; Degand, Liesbeth. Are discourse markers useful to predict change of topic in an interaction?. ILC Day 10 + 1 (Université catholique de Louvain, 25/11/2022).
Aulit, Laetitia. Atenuación e intensificación en interacciones controvertidas en comentarios sobre noticias digitales y en Twitter. XXXV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas (Zaragoza (online), du 29/09/2021 au 01/10/2021).
Bibauw, Serge ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet. Automatizing L2 fluency measurement: Validity and developmental sensitivity of temporal fluency metrics variations. AILA 2021 (Gröningen, NL, du 17/08/2021 au 20/08/2021).
Norré, Magali ; Bouillon, Pierrette ; Gerlach, Johanna ; Spechbach, Hervé. BabelDr : un système de traduction médicale avec des pictogrammes pour les patients allophones aux urgences et dans un secteur de dépistage COVID-19. Journée AFIA/TLH - ATALA : La santé et le langage (France (Online), 04/02/2021). In: TLH et Santé, p. 6-7 (2021).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Breaking new ground in contrastive and translation studies: Learner translation corpora to the fore. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (Bertinoro, Italy, du 09/09/2021 au 11/09/2021).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Bursts of writing in process data: A new way of approaching constructions. 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG11) (University of Antwerp (online), du 18/08/2021 au 20/08/2021).
François, Thomas ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. CBTS meets readability research: New methodological insights for the study of the simplification hypothesis. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (Bertinoro, Italy, du 09/09/2021 au 11/09/2021).
Degrave, Pauline. Can songs or beat help learners to discriminate lexical stress in a foreign language?. AILA 2021 (Groningen, du 15/08/2021 au 20/08/2021).
Van Praet, Wout ; Davidse, Kristin ; Simon-Vandenbergen, Anne-Marie. Climate Communication between Flemish Politicians and Citizens on Facebook. Workshop on The language of debate and communication about climate change (Leuven, du 23/09/2021 au 24/09/2021).
Poncin, Fiona ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Colourful causal constructions: a source of intensification? A cross-linguistic constructional analysis in Dutch, English and French. Colorful concepts from a linguistic point of view (Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany (online presentation), du 08/09/2021 au 10/09/2021).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; d’Herbais de Thun, Valérie. Comparison of L1 and L2 writing fluency on the basis of a corpus of screencast videos and keystroke log files. Corpus Linguistics (CL2021) (University of Limerick and Mary Immaculate College (online), du 13/07/2021 au 16/07/2021).
Dupont, Maïté. Conjunctive markers of contrast in English and French: syntactic patterns and discourse effects. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (6th edition) (Bertinoro, du 09/09/2021 au 11/09/2021).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Meriläinen, Lea. Constrained communication in EFL and ESL: The case of embedded inversion. 42nd International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English Conference (ICAME 42) (TU Dortmund University (online), du 18/08/2021 au 21/08/2021).
Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Constructional transfer: compound constructions in second language acquisition. UCCTS 2021, Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (6th edition) (Bertinoro, Italy (online presentation), du 09/09/2021 au 11/09/2021).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Corpus et expérimentation : un duo gagnant. CUSO doctoral school workshop in language sciences (Université de Berne (online), 07/09/2021).
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Corpus-based translation studies: Can we do better? Insights from a combined quantitative and qualitative survey. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (Bertinoro, Italy, du 09/09/2021 au 11/09/2021).
Degrave, Pauline. Des « circuits d’exercices » pour soutenir l’apprentissage, répondre aux besoins individuels et développer l’autonomie des étudiants. Congrès national de l'Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire - Section Belgique (Bruxelles, 20/05/2021).
Degand, Liesbeth. Discourse Markers as markers of (dis)fluency: The role of peripheral position. DISS 2021 (Université Paris 8, du 25/02/2021 au 27/02/2023).
Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Dutch compound constructions in additional language acquisition: a diasystematic-constructionist approach. LingTalk Seminar (Université de Liège, 16/12/2021).
Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Dutch compound constructions in second language acquisition: a diasystematic-constructionist approach. 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar (University of Antwerp, du 18/08/2021 au 20/08/2021).
Norré, Magali ; Bouillon, Pierrette ; Gerlach, Johanna ; Spechbach, Hervé. Evaluating the Comprehension of Arasaac and Sclera Pictographs for the BabelDr Patient Response Interface. 3rd Swiss conference on barrier-free communication (BfC 2020) (Winterthur (online), du 29/06/2020 au 04/07/2020). In: Proceedings of the 3rd Swiss conference on barrier-free communication (BfC 2020), Winterthur : ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, 2021, p. 55-63. doi:10.21256/zhaw-3001.
Norré, Magali ; Vandeghinste, Vincent ; Bouillon, Pierrette ; François, Thomas. Experiments for the adaptation of Text2Picto to French. 31st Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN 31) (Belgium (Online), 09/07/2021).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Exploiting screencasting and keylogging for L2 writing process instruction. L2 Writing Research Seminar (L2WR) (Universidad de Murcia (online), du 20/05/2021 au 22/05/2021).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Exploring multiword units in writing process data. EUROPHRAS 2021 (Université catholique de Louvain (online), du 06/09/2021 au 09/09/2021).
Norré, Magali ; Vandeghinste, Vincent ; Bouillon, Pierrette ; François, Thomas. Extending a Text-to-Pictograph system to French and to Arasaac. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (Online, du 01/09/2021 au 07/09/2021). In: Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, ACL Anthology: Online, 2021. 978-954-452-072-4, p. 1050-1059.
Aulit, Laetitia. Face and facework in online interactions: a case study on the use of mitigation and intensification strategies in Spanish. 17th International Pragmatics Conference (Winterthur (online), du 27/06/2021 au 02/07/2021).
Mahler, Taylor ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Lai, Catherine. Factivity, prosody, and at-issueness: Investigating the projection behavior of (non-)factives. MK40: Common Knowledge, Common Ground, and Context in Communication. In: MK40: Common Knowledge, Common Ground, and Context in Communication.
Rolin, Eva ; Langlois, Quentin ; Watrin, Patrick ; François, Thomas. FrenLyS: a tool for the automatic simplification of French general language texts. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (Online, du 01/09/2021 au 07/09/2021). In: Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, ACL Anthology: Online, 2021. 978-954-452-072-4, p. 1196-1205.
Samofalova, Yuliya ; Catellani, Andrea ; Cougnon, Louise-Amélie. Greenpeace memes for communicating climate change. Mots-machines #3 « Les machines ont-elles le sens de l'humour ? » (Brest, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, 05/03/2021).
Van de Poel, Bert ; Paquot, Magali. How do non-native speakers discuss, engage and learn in MOOC forums: a corpus linguistic approach. ICODOC 2021 (ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France, du 06/10/2021 au 08/10/2021).
Vincent, Arnaud. Hybridation: retour d'expériences. Hybr'ed: rencontre transnationale (Namur, du 12/10/2021 au 14/10/2021).
Picron, Gervaise. Identification de stades évolutifs de la compétence rédactionnelle à partir d'une combinaison d'analyses qualitatives et quantitatives d'écrits d'étudiants à l'université. Journée linguistique organisée par le Cercle Belge de Linguistique (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 22/10/2021).
Zhang, Xinliang Frederick ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. Identifying inherent disagreement in natural language inference. Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. In: Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.18653/v1/2021.naacl-main.390.
Vincent, Arnaud. Je corrige, j'annote, je souligne, mais apprennent-ils? Optimiser le feedback correctif écrit grâce à l'annotateur MARKIN. Université d'été LUDOVIA#18 (Ax-les-Thermes, du 23/08/2021 au 26/08/2021).
De Cock, Barbara ; Figueras Bates, Carolina. La construcción de la identidad de experto en un foro médico en español. IV Jornada Internacional de la Delegación Noroeste de Europa de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filogía de América Latina (Uppsala (en ligne), du 25/03/2021 au 26/03/2021).
Colau, Aline. La construction du rythme dans le slam : quels outils pour l’analyse d’un corpus bimodal ? . Outils et Nouvelles Explorations de la Linguistique Appliquée (Toulouse, du 19/10/2021 au 21/10/2021).
Mottin, Mélanie. La dichotomie "subjonctif-conjonctif" en français et en allemand dans le cadre d'une étude de l'agrammatisme. Subjonctif et conditionnel: usages, aspects historiques et théoriques (Journée d'étude) (Universita' degli studi di Napoli l'Orientale, 26/02/2021).
De Cock, Barbara ; Dupret, Pauline ; Hambye, Philippe ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. La frontière entre opinion et discours de haine dans les tweets de personnalités politiques belges francophones. Twiter l'Europe et le monde (Mons, 26/11/2021).
Pierre, Emeline. Low transitivity across passive-like structures in Spanish and French. 17th International Pragmatics Conference (Winterthur, du 27/06/2021 au 02/07/2021).
Paquot, Magali ; Van de Poel, Bert ; Dumont de Chassart, Philippe ; Frenay, Mariane ; Lambotte, François ; de Montpellier d’Annevoie, Pauline ; Rivera Villa, Dennis ; Swaen, Valérie ; Zienkowski, Jan. MOOCresearch2.0: A mixed-method and multidisciplinary approach to socio-cognitive conflicts in online educational platforms. Corpus Linguistics 2021 (University of Limerick, Ireland - ONLINE, du 13/07/2021 au 16/07/2021).
Villalobos Cardozo, Mercedes ; Ludivine, Crible ; Degand, Liesbeth. Markers of local and global discourse structure in dialogue: from production to prediction. Discourse in corpus and experimental data: Bridging the methodological gap (Online, du 18/03/2021 au 19/03/2021).
Paquot, Magali. Measures of phraseological complexity: reliability and validity. AILA World Congress (University of Groningen, The Netherlands (online), du 15/08/2021 au 21/08/2021).
Catellani, Andrea ; Cougnon, Louise-Amélie ; Samofalova, Yuliya. Nature “enrollment” in climate change visual communication: COP official accounts’ strategies on Instagram. Re-MEDIAting the Wild The 16th Conference on Communication and Environment (COCE) (En ligne - online, du 21/06/2021 au 24/06/2021).
Lecouvet, Mathieu. Non-canonical word order phenomena as indicators of syntactic complexification in advanced L2 German. Germanic Linguistics Association Annual Conference (GLAC) 27 (University of Wisconsin-Madison (moved online), du 12/05/2021 au 14/05/2021).
Shchinova Shchinov, Nadezda ; De Cock, Barbara ; Hambye, Philippe ; Nuevo Gascó, Raül ; Roginsky, Sandrine. Online political discourse on populism: from self-expression to aggression. 17th International Pragmatics Conference (Winterthur, Switzerland - en ligne, du 27/06/2021 au 02/07/2021).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Phrasal verbs in L2 English: EFL and ESL compared. Workshop on Multiword Units in Multilingual Speakers (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (online), du 07/06/2021 au 08/06/2021).
Paquot, Magali. Phraseological complexity in learner language : measurement, analysis and evaluation. EUROPHRAS2020 (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 06/09/2021 au 09/09/2021).
Shchinova Shchinov, Nadezda. Pragmatic functions of populis* in online political discourse: a case study on the Twitter discourse of Spanish politicians. Linguists’ Day of the LSB (Linguistic Society of Belgium) (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 22/10/2021).
Buntinx, Natacha. Reading to write an MA thesis in languages and literatures: Are we educating multilinguals with a monolingual bias?. 7th Young Linguists’ Meeting (Poznań (online), du 23/04/2021 au 25/04/2021).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Sens phraséologique ou distributionnel : démêler l’écheveau sémantique par l’algorithmie. 3e journée internationale de phraséologie « Phraséologie, image et représentation du sens » (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, 15/10/2021).
Van de Poel, Bert. SnelSLiM, a user-friendly and fast tool to perform better keyword analysis through Stable Lexical Marker Analysis. Corpus Linguistics 2021 (University of Limerick, Ireland - ONLINE, du 13/07/2021 au 16/07/2021).
Nzoimbengene, Philippe. Succinct écho au symposium sur le "serviteur de Dieu" Mgr Christophe Munzihirwa. Symposium à l’occasion du 25e anniversaire de l’assassinat de Mgr Christophe MUNZIHIRWA SJ. Prophète et martyr. (Kinshasa, du 28/10/2021 au 31/10/2021).
Lecouvet, Mathieu. Syntax-discourse performance and pausing behavior in L2 writing: A keystroke-logging study. Münster Conference Linguistic Representations and Language Processing (University of Münster (moved online), du 25/03/2021 au 27/03/2021).
Dubois, Tanguy. The beauty of nature or nature's beauty? The Genitive Alternation in EFL learners. The international society for the linguistic of English (online, du 02/06/2021 au 05/06/2021).
Vandeweerd, Nathan ; Alex Housen ; Paquot, Magali. The development of phraseological complexity across oral and written modes in L2 French. EUROPHRAS 2021 (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 06/09/2021 au 09/09/2021).
Shchinova Shchinov, Nadezda ; De Cock, Barbara ; Hambye, Philippe ; Werner, Romane. The discursive construction of populism in the francophone Belgian media. CL 2021 (University of Limerick, Ireland - en ligne, du 13/07/2021 au 16/07/2021).
De Knop, Sabine ; Gallez, Françoise. The distributed expression of motion in German - satellites, morphosyntactic case-marking and pragmatic factors. NAMED: De/constructing motion events (Paris, PSL, du 01/07/2021 au 03/07/2021).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Norde, Muriel ; Masini, Francesca. The fate of ‘pseudo-’ words: a contrastive corpus-based analysis . UCCTS 2021, Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (6th edition) (Bertinoro, Italy, du 09/09/2021 au 11/09/2021).
Simon, Ellen ; De Clercq, Bastien ; Degrave, Pauline ; Decourcelles, Quentin. The impact of multimodal phonetic training on L2 perception: a study on French learners of Dutch in Belgium. AILA 2021 (Groningen, du 15/08/2021 au 20/08/2021).
De Cock, Barbara ; van Laar, Jan Albert. The importance of self-reference in argumentation on Twitter: a comparison of politicians and experts in the covid-19 crisis. Citizens, experts and institutions: empirical analysis of public policy argumentation (Louvain-la-Neuve (en ligne), 13/01/2021).
Vandeweerd, Nathan ; Alex Housen ; Paquot, Magali. The longitudinal development of phraseological complexity in oral and written L2 French. AILA 2021 (Groningen, du 15/08/2021 au 20/08/2021).
Marsily, Aurélie. The pragmatics of requests: Naturalized Interactions as an innovative means of collecting cross-cultural data. 17th International Pragmatics Conference (Winterthur (Suisse), du 27/06/2021 au 02/07/2021).
Shchinova Shchinov, Nadezda ; Nuevo Gascó, Raül. Transformations between political discourse and media representations: a comparative analysis of the term populis* in French media. Les mutations des discours médiatiques : approche contrastive et interculturelle (Université Grenoble Alpes, France - en ligne, du 03/06/2021 au 04/06/2021).
De Cock, Sylvie ; Granger, Sylviane. Typical features of press releases vs business news reports in the lexical bundle spotlight. Corpus Linguistics International Conference 2021 (University of Limerick and Mary Immaculate College, du 13/07/2021 au 16/07/2021).
De Cock, Sylvie ; Granger, Sylviane. Uncovering the typical phraseology of press releases and business news reports using a lexical bundle approach. EUROPHRAS 2021 (UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, du 06/09/2021 au 09/09/2021).
Godefridi, Isabelle ; Suner Munoz, Ferran ; Leblanc, Cécile ; Meunier, Fanny. Using virtual reality and peer feedback to reduce L2 speaking anxiety: an exploratory study. Eurocall (Paris, du 26/08/2021 au 27/08/2021). In: CALL and professionalisation: short papers from EUROCALL 2021, N. Zoghlami, C. Brudermann, C. Sarré, M. Grosbois, L. Bradley, & S. Thouësny , 2021. 9782490057979, p. 100+105.
Greco, Sara ; Mercuri, Chiara ; De Cock, Barbara ; Schär, Rebecca. Victims or Agents for Change? Argumentative Strategies Related to Women’s Discursive Representations in the Social Media Debate Surrounding Sustainable Fashion. ARGAGE: Argumentation and Language (Neuchâtel, du 10/11/2021 au 12/11/2021).
Hambye, Philippe ; Reuchamps, Min ; Rondiat, Coline. Who gets to decide? How does political discourse frame the role of politicians and scientific experts in times of pandemic?. 17th International Pragmatics Conference (Winterthur, du 27/06/2021 au 02/07/2021).
Aulit, Laetitia. Who has to take action in order to reach fashion sustainability: an analysis of the use of deontics in tweets concerning the #FashionRevolution. Discourses surrounding sustainability policies. (Lugano, du 27/09/2021 au 28/09/2021).
De Cock, Barbara. Who is being called populist?. “Us versus Them”: Exploring Transatlantic Practices and Mediations of Fascism(s) and Populism(s) from the Margins (Rome, du 14/12/2021 au 16/12/2021).
Aulit, Laetitia ; Cigada, Sara ; De Cock, Barbara ; Greco, Sara ; Modrzejewska, Ewa ; Palmieri, Rudi. Who leads the #FashionRevolution? A study of the presentation of agents related to fashion sustainability. Citzens, experts and institutions: empirical analyses of public policy argumentation (Louvain-la-Neuve (en ligne), 13/01/2021).
De Cock, Barbara. ¿Una coalición progresista o populista? Un análisis discursivo de la investidura del Segundo Gobierno Sánchez en España. VIII Jornadas de Estudios Sicilianos Hispánicos y del Mediterráneo "Personajes, discursos y frases célebres" ((en ligne), du 10/05/2021 au 12/05/2021).
De Cock, Barbara ; Dupret, Pauline ; Hambye, Philippe ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. A corpus-based study of the boundary between opinion and hatespeech in Belgian French- speaking online political discourse. Corpora and Discourse International Conference 2020 (Brighton (moved online due to covid-19:, du 17/06/2020 au 19/06/2020).
François, Thomas ; Müller, Adeline ; Rolin, Eva ; Norré, Magali. AMesure: A Web Platform to Assist the Clear Writing of Administrative Texts. AACL (Suzhou, China, du 04/12/2020 au 07/12/2020). In: Proceedings of the 1st Confererence of the AACL: System Demonstrations, , p. 1-7 (2020).
Gala, Nuria ; Tack, Anaïs ; Javourey-Drevet, Ludivine ; François, Thomas ; Ziegler, Johannes. Alector: A Parallel Corpus of Simplified French Texts with Alignments of Misreadings by Poor and Dyslexic Readers. LREC 2020 (Marseille, du 13/05/2020 au 15/05/2020). In: Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, European Language Resources Association: Marseille, 2020, p. 1353–1361.
Picron, Gervaise. Analyse linguistique des stades évolutifs de la compétence rédactionnelle à l'université. Journée des Doctorant·es de l'École doctorale Langues, Lettres et Traductologie (ED3bis) (UCLouvain, 08/09/2020).
Picron, Gervaise. Analyse linguistique des stades évolutifs de la compétence rédactionnelle à l'université : comment atteindre le deuxième objectif ?. Séminaire Centre for English Corpus Linguistics (UCLouvain, 16/11/2020).
Greco, Sara ; De Cock, Barbara. Analysis of argumentative gaps in the controversy over fashion sustainability. Reasons, Citizens and Institutions. International Conference on Argumentation and Public Policy (Wroclaw, du 04/03/2020 au 06/03/2020).
Pintard, Alice ; François, Thomas. Combining Expert Knowledge with Frequency Information to Infer CEFR Levels for Words. 1st Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People with REAding DIfficulties (READI) (Marseille, 11/05/2020). In: Proceedings of The 1st Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People with REAding DIfficulties, European Language Resources Association: Paris, 2020. 979-10-95546-44-3, p. 85-92.
Aljanaideh, Ahmad ; Fosler-Lussier, Eric ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. Contextualized Embeddings for Enriching Linguistic Analyses on Politeness. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Barcelona, Spain (Online), 12/2020). In: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of Computational Linguistics (Coling 2020).. doi:10.18653/v1/2020.coling-main.198.
Paquot, Magali. Crowdsourcing as a means to democratize access to L2 enriched data: the case of L2 proficiency. 9th NLP4CALL workshop, 8th Swedish Language Technology Conference (Gothenburg, 25/11/2020).
Degrave, Pauline ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Serhadlioglu, Eliz ; Dedonder, Jonathan. De behoefte aan vreemde talen, in het bijzonder aan Nederlands, in Franstalig België. Ledenvergadering van de "Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal en Letteren" (16/12/2020).
Aulit, Laetitia. De los marcadores conversacionales a la atenuación e intensificación del posicionamiento del hablante: estudio de interacciones controvertidas en línea. II Congreso internacional Relaciones y límites entre la morfología, la sintaxis, la semántica y la pragmática del español (Córdoba (en ligne), du 03/12/2020 au 04/12/2020).
Laporte, Samantha. Degree of bilingualism and constructional productivity in World Englishes. Georgetown University Round Table: Multilingualism: Global South and Gobal North perspectives (Georgetown University, Washington, du 13/03/2020 au 15/03/2020).
Van Goethem, Kristel. Denominal verb constructions. A Germanic Sandwich?. Invited seminar "How new words emerge" (Humboldt Universität Berln, 13/01/2020).
Degrave, Pauline. Des « circuits d’exercices » pour soutenir l’apprentissage, répondre aux besoins individuels et développer l’autonomie des étudiants. AIPU - Redéfinir l’expérience d’enseignement et d’apprentissage (Canada, Université Laval, du 19/05/2020 au 22/05/2020).
Aguiar De Souza Penha Marion, Laura. Directionality in empirical translation studies: Triangulating product and process data. Journée des Doctorants de l'École doctorale Langues, Lettres et Traductologie (ED3bis) (UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 08/09/2020).
Larsson, Tove ; Egbert, Jesse ; Biber, Doug. Do corpus linguists focus on statistics at the expense of linguistic analysis? A ten-year perspective. ICAME 41 (Heidelberg [online]).
De Cock, Barbara. ELELex: aplicaciones didácticas de una herramienta para la complejidad léxica desde el MCER. XVII Foro de profesores ELE (Valencia, du 28/02/2020 au 29/02/2020).
Marsily, Aurélie. El modo derivable como estrategia de petición: el caso del impreativo y sus equivalentes funcionales. II Congreso Internacional. Relaciones y límites entre la morfología, la sintaxis, la semántica y la pragmática del español (Universidad de Córdoba, du 03/12/2020 au 04/12/2020).
Paquot, Magali. Exploring phraseological complexity in learner corpora. Webinar hosted by the Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics (LAEL) (Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 15/09/2020).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Extracting meaning by idiomaticity: Description of the HSemID system at CogALex VI (2020). COLING 2020 - Workshop on the Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (Barcelona, du 08/12/2020 au 13/12/2020).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Muriel Norde. Extravagant 'fake' morphemes in Dutch. Morphological productivity, semantic profiles and categorical flexibility. Séminaire Valibel (Louvain-la-Neuve (online presentation via Teams), 12/05/2020).
Cierro, Alessandro ; Philippette, Thibault ; François, Thomas ; Nahon, Sébastien ; Watrin, Patrick. Eye-tracking for Sense of Immersion and Linguistic Complexity in the Skyrim Game: Issues and Perspectives. ETRA '20: 2020 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (Stuttgart Germany, 02/06/2020). In: ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, ACM, 2020. 9781450371346, p. 1-5. doi:10.1145/3379156.3391836.
Colson, Jean-Pierre. HMSid and HMSid2 at PARSEME Shared Task 2020: Computational Corpus Linguistics and unseen-in-training MWEs. COLING 2020 - Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Electronic Lexicons (Barcelona, du 08/12/2020 au 13/12/2020).
De Cock, Barbara ; Figueras Bates, Carolina. How to be an expert online? A corpus-based study of expert identity construction on a Spanish medical forum. Corpora and Discourse International Conference 2020 (Brighton (moved online due to covid-19:, du 17/06/2020 au 19/06/2020).
Pierre, Emeline. Influencia del contexto lingüístico en las estructuras despersonalizadoras . II Congreso Internacional "Relaciones y límites entre la morfología, la sintaxis, la semántica y la pragmática del español" (Córdoba, du 03/12/2020 au 04/12/2020).
Jadoulle, Pauline. Investigating novice academic writing: a crosslinguistic approach to stance. BAAHE 2020 Conference Digital Humanities in English Language and Literature Studies in Belgium: Current Trends, Future Prospects (University of Antwerp, 17/12/2020).
Aulit, Laetitia. L'atténuation dans des interactions controversées dans des commentaires à des articles de presse en ligne et sur Twitter. The Linguists' day of the Linguistic Society of Belgium (Namur (en ligne), 16/10/2020).
Aulit, Laetitia. La atenuación en interacciones controvertidas en comentarios sobre noticias digitales y en Twitter. XLIX Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (Tarragona, du 21/01/2020 au 24/01/2020).
Aulit, Laetitia. La atenuación en interacciones controvertidas en comentarios sobre noticias digitales y en Twitter. VII Jornadas de Iniciación a la Investigación Lingüística (JIIL) (Cáceres (en ligne), du 10/09/2020 au 11/09/2020).
Degrave, Pauline ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Lambrecht, Philippe ; Neyt, Philippe ; Parmentier, Philippe P.. Les étudiants face à l’apprentissage des langues étrangères dans leur parcours universitaire. Linguists'Day 2020 (Namur, 16/10/2020).
Gallez, Françoise ; Gallez, Françoise. L’expression du déplacement en allemand Approche constructionnelle et pistes de réflexion pour l’enseignement de la traduction allemand-français. Tradital - Séminaire (ULB-ISTI, du 22/10/2020 au 22/11/2020).
Buntinx, Natacha ; Meunier, Fanny. Pluriliterate practices in students' academic writing: A mixed-methods study. Le bilinguisme et au-delà : Faire avancer la réflexion sur les pédagogies, les politiques et les pratiques (CCERBAL, Ottawa, Canada (online), du 29/04/2021 au 01/05/2021).
Buntinx, Natacha ; Meunier, Fanny. Presentation at the Research School SIG Writing 2020 #righttowrite ‘Integrating multiple perspectives on writing’. Research School of the SIG Writing 2020 #righttowrite (Umeå University, Sweden (cancelled due to Covid-19), du 13/06/2020 au 14/06/2020).
Dubois, Tanguy. Probabilistic Grammar in Learner Language: The Case of the Genitive Alternation. Linguists' Day (online, 16/10/2020).
Goldman, Jean-Philippe ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. ProsoBox, a Praat Plugin for Analysing Prosody. Speech Prosody (Tokyo, Japan, du 25/05/2020 au 28/05/2020). In: Proceedings Speech Prosody 2020, 2020.
Degrave, Pauline ; Serhadlioglu, Eliz ; Pomponio, Elisa ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Parmentier, Philippe P. ; Dedonder, Jonathan. Quels besoins linguistiques pour les diplômés universitaire de Belgique francophone?. Linguists'Day 2020 (Belgique, Namur, 16/10/2020).
Laporte, Samantha ; Larsson, Tove. Testing the Principle of No Synonymy across levels of abstraction: A constructional account of subject extraposition. Linguistic Society of America (New Orleans, du 02/01/2020 au 05/01/2020).
Sauvan, Lauren ; Stolowy, Natacha ; Aguilar, Carlos ; François, Thomas. Text Simplification to Help Individuals with Low Vision Read More Fluently. 1st Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People with REAding DIfficulties (READI) (Marseille, 12/05/2020). In: Proceedings of The 1st Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People with REAding DIfficulties, European Language Resources Association: Paris, 2020. 979-10-95546-44-3, p. 27-32.
Paquot, Magali. The Crowdsourcing Language Assessment Project (CLAP): An attempt at enriching learner corpora with crowdsourced L2 proficiency assessment.. 1st enetCollect Webinar Series (online, 17/12/2020).
Lecouvet, Mathieu. The interaction of multiple interfaces (syntax-morphology/syntax-discourse) from the perspective of L1-L2 typological distance . Second Language Research Forum 2020 (Vanderbilt University (moved online due to COVID-19), du 23/10/2020 au 25/10/2020).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Granger, Sylviane. The passive and the lexis-grammar interface: An inter-varietal perspective. 41st International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English Conference (ICAME 41) (Digital Conference , du 20/05/2020 au 23/05/2020).
Mahler, Taylor ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Lai, Catherine. The prosody of presupposition projection in naturally-occurring utterances. In: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24. In: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24, 2020.
Mahler, Taylor ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Lai, Catherine. The prosody of presupposition projection in naturally-occurring utterances. Sinn und Bedeutung 24 (Osnabrück). In: Sinn und Bedeutung 24 (abstract). In: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeuntung 24, 2020 (Soumis).
Lecouvet, Mathieu. The role of case morphology at the syntax-discourse interface in L2 German. Boston University Conference on Language Development 45 (Boston University, du 05/11/2020 au 08/11/2020).
Nivre, Joakim ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Ginter, Filip ; Hajič, Jan ; Manning, Christopher D. ; Pyysalo, Sampo ; Schuster, Sebastian ; Tyers, Francis ; Zeman, Daniel. Universal Dependencies v2: An Evergrowing Multilingual Treebank Collection. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020).. In: Universal Dependencies v2: An Evergrowing Multilingual Treebank Collection. European Language Resources Association..
Figueras Bates, Carolina ; De Cock, Barbara. Who is an expert? Expert identity and agentivity in Spanish online health fora. International Conference on Stance, (inter)subjectivity and identity in discourse (STANCEDISC20) (Madrid (online conference due to covid-19), du 09/09/2020 au 11/09/2020).
Norré, Magali ; Bouillon, Pierrette ; Gerlach, Johanna ; Spechbach, Hervé. Évaluation de la compréhension de pictogrammes Arasaac et Sclera pour améliorer l'accessibilité du système de traduction médicale BabelDr. 11e conférence de l'IFRATH sur les technologies d'assistance (Paris, France, du 04/11/2020 au 06/11/2020). In: Handicap 2020 : technologies pour l'autonomie et l'inclusion, Institut Fédératif de Recherche sur les Aides Techniques pour personnes Handicapées: Paris, France, 2020. 9782957121809, p. 177-182.
Norré, Magali. Évaluation de la prédiction de mots dans un système de communication améliorée et alternative pour les personnes en situation de handicap : Presage et ACAT. 11e conférence de l'IFRATH sur les technologies d'assistance (Paris, France, du 04/11/2020 au 06/11/2020). In: Handicap 2020 : technologies pour l'autonomie et l'inclusion, Institut Fédératif de Recherche sur les Aides Techniques pour personnes Handicapées: Paris, France, 2020. 9782957121809, p. 183-188.
Marsily, Aurélie. "Perdone, ¿puede repetir? Es que no lo he oído": Estrategias de (des)cortesía y de imagen en el contexto académico. III Encuentro de Lingüística hispánica en Bélgica (KULeuven, 08/02/2019).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Norde, Muriel. 'Fake' morphemes in Dutch. Morphological productivity as a predictor of categorical flexibility?. SLE 2019, 52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (University of Leipzig, du 21/08/2019 au 24/08/2019).
Aguiar De Souza Penha Marion, Laura. A product- and process-based analysis of translation directionality. Invited talk (Ghent University, Ghent, 24/06/2019).
De Cock, Sylvie ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. A slew of activities to explore quantity approximation in Dutch, English and French Introducing the APPROXI_FEN (Français, English, Nederlands) project. EUROCALL 2019 (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 28/08/2019 au 31/08/2019).
Aguiar De Souza Penha Marion, Laura ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. A triangulation approach to translation directionality. L2 Translation: Getting out of the Grey Zone (Charles University, Prague, du 20/09/2019 au 21/09/2019).
Gala, Núria ; David, Catherine ; Tack, Anaïs ; François, Thomas. Assessing Vocabulary Knowledge for Learners of French as a Foreign Language: Accounting for L1 Variability to Go Beyond the CEFR Scale. The 27th Conference of the European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL 2019) (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 28/08/2019 au 31/08/2019).
Paquot, Magali. Assessing phraseological complexity with corpus-based metrics. Vocab@Leuven (Leuven, Belgium, du 01/07/2019 au 03/07/2019).
Paquot, Magali ; Rubin, Rachel ; Housen, Alex. Assessing the cross-linguistic validity of phraseological complexity measures as indices of L2 proficiency. Learner Corpus Research 2019 (Warsaw, Poland, du 12/09/2019 au 14/09/2019).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Automatic extraction of constructions and statistical associations in the constructicon: an exploratory methodology. Towards a Multilingual Constructicon:Issues, Approaches, Perspectives (University of Düsseldorf, du 04/12/2019 au 06/12/2019).
Lombart, Erika. CMC Texte-based messages environment types. CMC Corpora (Cergy-Pontoise, du 09/09/2019 au 10/09/2019). In: Proceedings of the 7th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (CMC-Corpora2019) (Soumis).
Schutz, Natassia. Comment rendre nos apprenants plus autonomes grâce à internet ? – Le cas de la rédaction en langues étrangères. SETT 2019 (School, Education, Transformation and Techonolgy) (Namur, du 25/04/2019 au 26/04/2019).
Gallez, Françoise. Constructions causatives de déplacement (caused motion constructions) en allemand Le cas des constructions avec durch-, ein- et weg-. Séminaire Valibel (UCLouvain, 12/03/2019).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Corpora in Translation Studies and Learner Translation Research. Invited talk (University of Agder, 22/10/2019).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Koutsoukos, Nikolaos ; Houtart, Virginie. Denominal verb-formation in English, Dutch and German. A comparative corpus-based study. The 12th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM12) (University of Ljubljana, du 27/06/2019 au 30/06/2019).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Diachronic learner corpus research: Examining learner language through the lens of time. International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English Conference (ICAME 40) (Université de Neuchâtel, du 01/06/2019 au 05/06/2019).
Aguiar De Souza Penha Marion, Laura. Directionnalité et expertise : La triangulation de données empiriques représentant le produit et le processus de traduction. Forum Traduction (UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 14/03/2019).
Jadoulle, Pauline. Distinguishing between learner vs. novice writing features: A crosslinguistic approach. 5th Learner Corpus Research Conference (University of Warsaw, du 12/09/2019 au 14/09/2019).
Jiang, Nanjiang ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. Do You Know That Florence Is Packed with Visitors? Evaluating State-of-the-art Models of Speaker Commitment. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Florence, Italy, 7/2019). In: Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019). doi:10.18653/v1/p19-1412.
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Données de corpus et données expérimentales : Un mariage presque parfait. Colloque de doctorants et de jeunes chercheurs en Sciences du langage (Université Paris Nanterre, du 27/11/2019 au 28/11/2019).
Bibauw, Serge ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet. Effects of interactivity of written practice on incidental vocabulary acquisition. Vocab@Leuven International Conference (Leuven, Belgium, du 01/07/2019 au 03/07/2019).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; De Smet, Audrey ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Van Mensel, Luk ; Galand, Benoît. Emoties, attitudes en motivatie bij Franstalige CLIL-leerders van het Nederlands. CLIL Connect Conference (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, du 14/02/2019 au 15/02/2019).
Grosman, Iulia ; Simon, Anne-Catherine ; Degand, Liesbeth. Empathetic hearers perceive repetitions as less disfluent, especially in non-broadcast situations. DiSS 2019 Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech with an additional special day on (Dis)Fluency in Children’s Speech (Budapest (Hungary), du 12/09/2019 au 14/09/2019). In: Proceedings of DiSS 2019, 2019.
Hambye, Philippe. Esprit d'entreprise, es-tu là ? Légitimation de l'adéquation aux besoins du marché dans le discours sur la formation en alternance . Public/privé, d'un discours l'autre... Quelles argumentations pour quelles politiques ? (MESHS, Lille, 13/09/2019).
Marsily, Aurélie. Estrategias de (des)cortesía en las peticiones nativas y no-nativas en el discurso oral. Congreso Internacional de Estudios Interdisciplinares de la Pragmática y del Discurso Oral (Universidad de Salamanca, du 15/05/2019 au 17/05/2019).
Marsily, Aurélie. Etude comparative de la formulation de requêtes en espagnol. Journée des Doctorants (Université de Liège, 23/05/2018).
Jiang, Nanjiang ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. Evaluating BERT for natural language inference: A case study on the CommitmentBank. Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Hong Kong, China, 11/2019). In: Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2019). doi:10.18653/v1/d19-1630.
Paquot, Magali. Expanding the scope of complexity research in SLA: a phraseological perspective. 5th Learner Corpus Research conference (Warsaw, Poland, du 12/09/2019 au 14/09/2019).
Buntinx, Natacha ; Meunier, Fanny. From English-medium instruction to active pluriliterate practices: A qualitative study of students’ attitudes and experiences. Multilingual and Multicultural Learning: Policies and Practices (Charles University, Prague, du 14/12/2019 au 15/12/2019).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Bulon, Amélie ; Degrave, Pauline ; Mathilde Dumont ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane. Het Nederlands van Franstalige CLIL-leerders onder de taalkundige loep. CLIL Connect Conference (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, du 14/02/2019 au 15/02/2019).
Delforge, Carole ; Meurice, Alice ; Meunier, Fanny. How to become a proficient digital teacher designing a mobile hunt. Mobile Language Learning Experience. International Conference (New York, du 21/02/2019 au 22/02/2019).
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Adam Obrusnik. Hypal4MUST: A community-based web interface for translation teaching. EUROCALL 2019 (UCLouvain, du 28/08/2019 au 31/08/2019).
Granger, Sylviane ; Dupont, Maïté ; Meunier, Fanny ; Paquot, Magali. ICLEv3: An extended web-based version of the International Corpus of Learner English. 5th Learner Corpus Research conference (Warsaw, Poland, du 12/09/2019 au 14/09/2019).
Pierre, Emeline. Inclusión/exclusión de participantes en las estructuras despersonalizadoras en español, francés e inglés: la influencia de factores pragmático-discursivos. Congreso Internacional "Estudios Interdisciplinares de la Pragmática y del Discurso Oral (Salamanca, Spain, du 15/05/2019 au 17/05/2019).
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Dickerman, Mandy ; Elsner, Micha ; Speer, Shari R.. Individual strategies for resolving lexical and prosodic cues to certainty. 32nd CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (Boulder). In: 32nd CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing.
Larsson, Tove. Informality and register awareness: Grammatical stance marking in student and expert production. Linguistic Society of America 2019 Annual Meeting (New York, du 03/01/2019 au 06/01/2019).
Aguiar De Souza Penha Marion, Laura ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Information-seeking behavior of L1 and L2 student translators: Insights from screen recording. Bilingualism and Directionality in Translation (USL-B, Brussels, 12/12/2019).
Hendrikx, Isa. Intensifying compounds in the Diasystem of Belgian French-speaking learners of Dutch and English. Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (Ljubljana, du 27/06/2019 au 01/07/2019).
Hendrikx, Isa. Intensifying constructions in the Diasystem of Belgian French-speaking learners of Dutch. Learner Corpus Research Conference (Warsaw, Poland, du 12/09/2019 au 14/09/2019).
Bibauw, Serge ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet. Interactivity in dialogue-based CALL practice: effects on learners perceptions and production. EUROCALL Conference 2019: "CALL and Complexity" (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 28/08/2019 au 31/08/2019).
Vandeweerd, Nathan. Issues in applying phraseological complexity indices to L2 French. Broadening the scope of L2 complexity research (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, du 14/11/2019 au 15/11/2019).
Mottin, Mélanie. L'agrammatisme en allemand et en français: une comparaison. ILC Day - Posters Day.
Pierre, Emeline. La voix passive en espagnol, anglais et français: étude de corpus Analyse de l’interaction entre différentes structures passives. Journée des Doctorants (Liège, 23/05/2019).
Van de Vyver, Julie. Language teachers and pupils going mobile in secondary education in Belgium : ready?. MOBILLE - Mobile language learning experience (New York, US, du 21/02/2019 au 22/02/2019).
Delforge, Carole ; Van de Vyver, Julie ; Meurice, Alice. Learning to design a mobile hunt on Actionbound: a complex task?. CALL and complexity – short papers from EUROCALL 2019 (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 27/08/2019 au 31/08/2019). In: CALL and complexity – short papers from EUROCALL 2019,, 2019. 9782490057535, p. 431 pages. doi:10.14705/rpnet.2019.38.993.
Hambye, Philippe ; Violette, Isabelle. Les idéologies linguistiques dans le débat médiatique sur l’écriture inclusive. Une analyse comparée entre la Belgique, la France et le Québec. ILPE4 – Les idéologies linguistiques dans la presse écrite: l’exemple des langues romanes (Messine, du 23/10/2019 au 25/10/2019).
Hambye, Philippe. Les politiques d'intégration linguistique à la lumière du paradigme de l'insertion socioprofessionnelle. Déqualification, responsabilisation, contractualisation. Projets socioprofessionnels d’étudiant·e·s universitaires en situation migratoire : perspectives comparatives (Université de Lausanne, 17/05/2019).
Hansen, Dirk ; Arnett, Carlee ; Suner Munoz, Ferran. Leveraging collaborative work for game-based language learning. EUROCALL 2019 - CALL and Complexity (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 28/08/2019 au 31/08/2019). In: CALL and complexity – short papers from EUROCALL 2019, p. 169-173.
Granger, Sylviane ; Bestgen, Yves. Lexical errors in L2 French writing: Do higher intermediate learners differ from advanced learners?. Vocab@Leuven (Leuven, du 01/07/2019 au 03/07/2019).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Galand, Benoît ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk. L’immersion en question(s). Résultats d’un projet de recherche multidisciplinaire. Assessing CLIL: International perspectives (Fondation Universitaire, Brussels, du 07/05/2019 au 09/05/2019).
Lander, Bruce ; Morgana, Valentina ; Van de Vyver, Julie ; Delforge, Carole. MALL tools tried and tested. Eurocall 2019 - Call and Complexity (Louvain-la-Neuve, BE, du 27/08/2019 au 31/08/2019). In: CALL and complexity – short papers from EUROCALL 2019,, 2019. 978-2-490057-55-9, p. 252-256. doi:10.14705/rpnet.2019.38.1018.
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Multi-word Units in Machine Translation: why the Tip of the Iceberg Remains Problematic – and a Tentative Corpus-driven Solution. MUMTT2019, The 4th Workshop on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology (University of Málaga, 27/09/2019).
Tonhauser, Judith ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Speer, Shari R. ; Stevens, Jon. On the information structure sensitivity of projective content.. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23. In: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23.
Vaiksnoraite, Elena ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Tonhauser, Judith. On the prosody of presupposition projection: A production experiment. In: North East Linguistic Society, Vol. 49, no./, p. 241-254 (2019).
Paquot, Magali ; Marsden, Emma ; Plonsky, Luke ; Thompson, Sophie. Open science in language learning research: IRIS and OASIS. EUROCALL 2019 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 28/08/2019 au 31/08/2019).
Vandeweerd, Nathan ; Housen, Alex ; Paquot, Magali. Phraseological Complexity as an Index of L2 French Writing Proficiency. 5th Learner Corpus Research Conference (Warsaw, Poland, du 12/09/2019 au 14/09/2019).
Vandeweerd, Nathan. Phraseological Complexity in Oral and Written L2 French. Eurosla 29 (Lund, Sweden, du 28/08/2019 au 31/01/2020).
Rubin, Rachel. Phraseological complexity as an index of L2 Dutch writing proficiency. Vocab@Leuven 2019 (Leuven, Belgium, du 01/07/2019 au 03/07/2019).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Phraseology, data and culture: an experiment with the Parseme 2018 dataset. EUROPHRAS 2019, Computational and Corpus-based phraseology (University of Málaga, du 25/09/2019 au 27/09/2019).
Todirascu, Amalia ; Cargill, Marion ; François, Thomas. PolylexFLE : une base de données d'expressions polylexicales pour le FLE. Conférence TALN 2019 (Toulouse, du 01/07/2019 au 05/07/2019). In: Actes de la conférence TALN 2019, 2019, p. 143-156.
Erdmann, Alexander ; Wrisley, David Joseph ; Allen, Benjamin ; Brown, Christopher ; Cohen-Bodénès, Sophie ; Elsner, Micha ; Feng, Yukun ; Joseph, Brian ; Joyeux-Prunel, Béatrice ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. Practical, Efficient, and Customizable Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition in the Digital Humanities. Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North (Minneapolis, Minnesota, 6/2019). In: Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.18653/v1/n19-1231.
Meunier, Fanny. Promoting Skills Development: Considering measures to enhance digital skill sets and promote multiple language learning. Towards a European Education Area: Promoting Higher Education in Europe (Brussels, 12/02/2019).
Hambye, Philippe. Qu’est-ce qui fait la valeur d’un usage ? Critères de (dé)légitimation des variations en français dans les discours médiatiques et épilinguistiques. 4e Congrès international du Réseau francophone de sociolinguistique (Ottawa, Université d'Ottawa, du 13/06/2019 au 16/06/2019).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Screencasting and keylogging as pedagogical tools to enhance writing skill development. 27th EUROCALL conference (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 28/08/2019 au 31/08/2019).
De Cock, Barbara ; Michaud Maturana, Daniel. Solidarity art in the Low Countries: the Chilean arpilleras. Chilean denunciatory art asking for solidarity. The Low Countries and Latin America from the 19th Century until Present (Leuven, du 08/04/2019 au 10/04/2019).
Marsily, Aurélie. Sortez des bouquins. Apprenez la langue du terrain!. Ma Thèse en 180 secondes (Louvain-la-Neuve, 28/03/2019).
Pierson, Agathe ; Fairon, Cédrick. Study of lexical aspect in the French medical language. Development of a lexical resource.. 2nd Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, du 02/06/2019 au 07/06/2019). In: Proceedings of the 2nd Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop, , p. 55-64 (2019).
Larsson, Tove ; Kaatari, Henrik. Syntactic complexity in L2 writing: Testing different measures across levels of formality. EuroCALL 2019 (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 28/08/2019 au 31/08/2019).
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Simons, Mandy ; Tonhauser, Judith. The CommitmentBank: Investigating projection in naturally occurring discourse. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23. In: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23.
Lefer, Marie-Aude. The Multilingual Student Translation corpus: A new resource for Empirical Translation Studies. Symposium on Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies (RWTH Aachen University, 14/02/2019).
Tack, Anaïs ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet ; Fairon, Cédrick. The Prediction of Lexical Competence in Foreign Language Reading: A Systematic Synthesis. The 27th Conference of the European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL 2019) (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 28/08/2019 au 31/08/2019).
Tack, Anaïs ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet ; Fairon, Cédrick. The Role of Cognate Vocabulary in CEFR-based Word-level Readability Assessment. Vocab@Leuven International Conference (Leuven, Belgium, du 01/07/2019 au 03/07/2019).
Degand, Liesbeth. The paradox of Discourse Markers: Evidence from production under cognitive load.. 6th International Conference on Discourse Markers in Romance Languages (University of Bergamo, du 29/05/2019 au 31/05/2019).
Degand, Liesbeth. The paradox of Discourse Markers: Evidence from production under cognitive load.. 6th International Conference on Discourse Markers in Romance Languages (Bergamo, du 29/05/2019 au 31/05/2019).
Larsson, Tove ; Granger, Sylviane. The phraseology of core vocabulary in expert and learner data: The case of thing(s). LCR 2019 (Warsaw, Poland, du 12/09/2019 au 14/09/2019).
Rubin, Rachel. The role of phraseological complexity in the assessment of L2 Dutch writing proficiency. Broadening the Scope of L2 Complexity Research (Brussels, Belgium, du 14/11/2019 au 15/11/2019).
De Cock, Barbara ; Roginsky, Sandrine. To be or not to be Europe: identity construction in the 2019 EU elections campaign on Twitter. Approaches to Digital Discourse analysis 2 (Turku, du 23/05/2019 au 25/05/2019).
Tack, Anaïs. Towards a contextualization of complexity to better the prediction of lexical competence in L2 reading. Colloquium "Broadening the Scope of L2 Complexity Research" (VUB Campus Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium, du 14/11/2019 au 15/11/2019).
Paquot, Magali ; Naets, Hubert ; Gries, Stefan. Tracing phraseological complexity development in a longitudinal learner corpus with verb + object co-occurrences. 2019 American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference (Atlanta, USA, du 09/03/2019 au 12/03/2019).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Une nouvelle ressource pour l'étude comparative de l'interprétation simultanée et de la traduction écrite au Parlement européen : Le corpus EPTIC. Bruxelles et ses langues : un territoire partagé ? (USL-B, 26/04/2019).
Larsson, Tove ; Paquot, Magali ; Biber, Doug. Using a multi-dimensional approach to explore register variation in learner writing. ICAME 40 (Neuchâtel, Switzerland, du 01/06/2019 au 05/06/2019).
Larsson, Tove. Using big data in educational settings: Empowering students through increased autonomy. the Asian Conference on Education and International Development (Tokyo, Japan, du 25/03/2019 au 27/03/2019).
Arnold, Aron. Vocal eroticism practices and what they tell us about gender dynamics. Lavender Languages and Linguistics 26 (Université de Gothenburg, Suède, du 02/05/2019 au 04/05/2019).
Marsily, Aurélie. "¿Podría repetir, por favor?" vs. "¿Qué?" Estrategias de (des)cortesía y de imagen en el contexto académico. VIII Coloquio Internacional EDICE (Université de Séville, du 23/10/2018 au 26/10/2018).
Marsily, Aurélie. "¿Podría repetir, por favor?" vs. "¿Qué?" Estrategias de (des)cortesía y de imagen en el contexto académico. VIII Coloquio Internacional EDICE (Université de Séville, du 23/10/2018 au 26/10/2018).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Luk Van Mensel. 'Content and Language Integrated Learning' onder de taalkundige, cognitieve en socio-affectieve loep. Nederlands in beweging - 20ste colloquium neerlandicum (Leuven, du 27/08/2018 au 31/08/2018).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk. 'Content and Language Integrated Learning' onder de taalkundige, socio-affectieve en cognitieve loep. 20ste Colloquium Neerlandicum - Nederlands in beweging (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, du 27/08/2018 au 31/08/2018).
Yimam, Seid Muhie ; Biemann, Chris ; Malmasi, Shervin ; Paetzold, Gustavo ; Specia, Lucia ; Štajner, Sanja ; Tack, Anaïs ; Zampieri, Marcos. A Report on the Complex Word Identification Shared Task 2018. The 13th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (NAACL2018 Workshops) (New Orleans, Louisiana, 05/06/2018). In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, Association for Computational Linguistics: New Orleans, Louisiana, 2018, 66–78.
Bulon, Amélie. A comparison of the phraseological lexicon of CLIL and NON-CLIL learners of Dutch or English in French-speaking Belgium: a longitudinal study. Research seminar (UCL).
Degand, Liesbeth ; Crible, Ludivine ; Grzech, Karolina. A multi-dimensional, multi-functional and multilingual account of discourse marker variation. DIPVAC4: Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change (University of Helsinki, du 28/05/2018 au 30/05/2018).
Abuzcki, Agnes ; Burkšaitienė, Nijole ; Crible, Ludivine. A pilot study on underspecified discourse connectives in the TED Talk parallel corpus. 20th DiscourseNet (Budapest, Hungary, du 17/05/2018 au 19/05/2018).
Paquot, Magali. A selected overview of corpus-based phraseological studies and their applications in applied linguistics. Current issues in phraseology and its application in terminology/lexicography" doctoral seminar (Bergen, Norway, du 17/10/2018 au 19/10/2018).
Degrave, Pauline ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Müller, Adeline. ANA: een website over Academisch Nederlands voor Anderstaligen . Onderzoeksmarkt ANBF (France, Lille, 07/12/2018).
Van de Vyver, Julie ; Meurice, Alice ; Meunier, Fanny ; Delvigne, Nathalie ; Delforge, Carole. Actionbound et ses jeux de piste : la technologie mobile au service de l’apprentissage des langues. ABC-DAY 2018 (Bruxelles, BE, 25/05/2018).
Larsson, Tove ; Paquot, Magali ; Callies, Marcus ; Hasselgard, Hilde ; Laso, Natalia ; Van Vuuren Sanne ; Verdaguer, Isabel. Adverb placement in EFL academic writing: Going beyond syntactic transfer . 14th American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) conference (Atlanta, USA, du 20/09/2018 au 22/09/2018).
Suner Munoz, Ferran ; El-Bouz, Katsiaryna ; Roche, Jörg. An image-schematic approach to teaching light verb constructions in German. 10th International Conference on Construction Grammar. Methods, Concepts and Applications (Paris, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, du 16/07/2018 au 20/07/2018).
Simon, Anne-Catherine. Analyse de la variation prosodique et syntaxique dans un corpus multigenre en français. Modèles, méthodes et résultats. Formation doctorale - La variation dans la langue. Variation diamésique et variation diaphasique (Fribourg (Suisse), du 03/05/2018 au 04/05/2018).
Pierre, Emeline. Analyzing participant inclusion in Spanish, French and English passive-like structures: the influence of pragmatic-discursive factors . Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 12/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Pierre, Emeline. Analyzing participant inclusion in Spanish, French and English passive-like structures: the influence of pragmatic-discursive factors. XXXVI AESLA International Conference (Cádiz, du 19/04/2018 au 21/04/2018).
Suner Munoz, Ferran. Applying cognitive grammar to teaching foreign languages. Grammar and Pragmatics (GaP) (Antwerpen, University of Antwerpen, 28/02/2018).
Bulon, Amélie ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk. Assessing Dutch and English CLIL education in French-speaking Belgium: Linguistic, cognitive and socio-educational perspectives. Focus on Language (Freiburg, du 22/03/2018 au 24/03/2018).
Paquot, Magali ; Broisson, Zoé ; Brezina, Vaclav ; Gablasova, Dana ; Naets, Hubert. Assessing L2 oral performance with the help of relational co-occurrences. CogLing2018 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 13/12/2018 au 14/12/2018).
Hmida, Firas ; Billami, Mokhtar ; François, Thomas ; Gala, Nuria. Assisted Lexical Simplification for French Native Children with Reading Difficulties. 1st workshop on Automatic Text Adaptation (ATA) (Tilburg, 08/11/2018). In: Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Automatic Text Adaptation (ATA), Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018. 978-1-948087-91-9, p. 21-28.
Degand, Liesbeth. Causal relations between discourse and grammar. A contrastive perspective.. One Brain - Two Grammars? Examining dualistic approaches to language and cognition (University of Rostock, du 01/03/2018 au 02/03/2018).
Philippette, Thibault ; Duek, Carolina. Children, Platforms and Collections: a methodological approach to contemporary practices. Assises de la recherche en cultures populaires et médiatiques 2018 "Approches critiques des fictions médiatiques" (Paris (Nanterre), du 11/10/2018 au 13/10/2018).
Crible, Ludivine ; Cuenca, Maria Josep. Co-occurrence of discourse markers: from juxtaposition to composition. Cross-linguistic Discourse Annotation: Applications and Perspectives (TextLink2018) (Toulouse, France, du 19/03/2018 au 21/03/2018).
Broisson, Zoé ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Comparative constructions in French-speaking Belgian learners of English: A contrastive approach. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (5th edition) (UCCTS 2018) (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 12/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Dupont, Maïté. Connective placement in English and French: a cross-register corpus study . Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 12/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Aguiar De Souza Penha Marion, Laura ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Constrained communication and learner translated language: A corpus-based pilot study of L1 and L2 student translations. International Congress of Linguists (ICL20) (Cape Town, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Constructing learner speech: On the use of spoken data in Applied Construction Grammar. International Conference on Constructionist Approaches to Language Pedagogy (CALP-3) (Texas, Austin, du 15/02/2018 au 17/02/2018).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Construction-driven learning: Using corpora to foster L2 construction learning. International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG10) (Paris, du 16/07/2018 au 20/07/2018).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk ; Bulon, Amélie ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane ; Galand, Benoît ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud. Content and Integrated Language Learning onder de taalkundige, cognitieve en socio-affectieve loep. ANBF Onderzoeksmarkt (Roubaix, 07/12/2018).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Corpus Linguistics and language teaching: How can teachers, students and other educational actors benefit from corpora?. Corpus e construcións (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, du 22/11/2018 au 23/11/2018).
Buntinx, Natacha ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Cross-linguistic perspectives on intensification in speech: A comparison of L1 French and L2 English and Dutch. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (5th edition) (UCCTS 2018) (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 12/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Meunier, Fanny. Data-driven learning: from classroom scaffolding to sustainable practices . International conference on Data-Driven Learning (Torino University).
Mathilde Dumont ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. De V2- en V-eindregel bij (niet-)CLIL-leerders van het Nederlands. ANBF Onderzoeksmarkt (Roubaix, 07/12/2018).
De Hertog, Dirk ; Tack, Anaïs. Deep Learning Architecture for Complex Word Identification. The 13th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (NAACL2018 Workshops) (New Orleans, Louisiana, 05/06/2018). In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, Association for Computational Linguistics: New Orleans, Louisiana, 2018, 328–334.
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Koutsoukos, Nikolaos. Derivational morphology as a synchronic criterion of (non-)configurationality: typological evidence based on a comparative corpus analysis. 20th International Congress of Linguists. The Dynamics of Language (Cape Town, South Africa, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).
Crible, Ludivine ; Mendes, Amalia. Designing a corpus-based lexicon for spoken DRDs: semantic considerations. Cross-linguistic Discourse Annotation: Applications and Perspectives (TextLink2018) (Toulouse, France, du 19/03/2018 au 21/03/2018).
Bibauw, Serge ; Van den Noortgate, Wim ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet. Dialogue-based CALL: a multilevel meta-analysis. LEAD Summer School in L2 Acquisition (Tübingen, Germany, du 23/07/2018 au 27/07/2018).
Bibauw, Serge. Dialogue-based CALL: a multilevel meta-analysis. Werkgroep over Taal seminar (VUB) (Brussels, Belgium, 30/11/2018).
Crible, Ludivine ; Demberg, Vera. Disambiguating discourse relations with or without a connective: Does “and” really say nothing?. Cross-linguistic Discourse Annotation: Applications and Perspectives (TextLink2018) (Toulouse, France, du 19/03/2018 au 21/03/2018).
Degand, Liesbeth. Discourse Markers as (dis)fluency markers.. IWODA 2018 (Santiago de Compostella, du 26/09/2018 au 27/09/2018).
Hambye, Philippe. Dynamiques urbaines et racisation des rapports sociaux: un éclairage sociolinguistique. Quelle France multiculturelle? Variations de la langue, de la politique de la ville, du discours (Rome, Université Sapienza de Rome, 17/05/2018).
Durlich, Luise ; François, Thomas. EFLLex: A Graded Lexical Resource for Learners of English as a Foreign Language. 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018) (Miyazaki, Japan, du 07/05/2018 au 12/05/2018). In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), 2018.
François, Thomas ; De Cock, Barbara. ELELex: a CEFR-graded lexical resource for Spanish as a foreign language. PLIN Linguistic Day 2018: Technological innovation in language learning and teaching (Louvain-la-Neuve, 18/05/2018).
Anne-Sophie Christiaens ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. Een verkennend actieonderzoek naar verzoeken in het Nederlands van Franstalige M.O.-leerlingen. ANBF Onderzoeksmarkt (Roubaix, 07/12/2018).
De Cock, Barbara. El discurso de la derecha en Twitter: ¿un caso particular o no? Análisis lingüístico de los nuevos medios de comunicación. Para definir la nueva ultraderecha internacional 1985-2017 (Barcelona, du 25/10/2018 au 27/10/2018).
Bibauw, Serge. Enseignement-apprentissage des langues assisté par ordinateur : état de la recherche et des applications. 12e Congrès national des professeurs de français d’Équateur (Quito, Ecuador, du 12/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Larsson, Tove ; Schutz, Natassia. Epistemic modality across academic disciplines: the phraseology of epistemic verbs. BAAHE 2018 (Mons, Belgium, 30/11/2018).
Arnold, Aron ; Brown, Leann ; Candea, Maria ; Abbou, Julie. Etudier la voix humaine comme site de prolifération ou fluidité des genres. 8ème Congrès International des Recherches Féministes dans la Francophonie (CIRFF) (Université de Nanterre, France, du 27/08/2018 au 31/08/2018).
De Cock, Barbara ; Roginsky, Sandrine. Eurodéputé.e.s en campagne: quels usages de Twitter? Etude comparative des député.e.s européen.nes français, espagnols et britanniques.. Le renouveau parlementaire: dix ans d'actions et de discours (2008-2018) (Arras, du 17/05/2018 au 18/05/2018).
De Cock, Barbara ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Expressing stance in parliamentary debates: A French-Spanish corpus-driven study. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (5th edition) (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 12/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Simons, Mandy ; Tonhauser, Judith. Factivity in doubt: Clause-embedding predicates in naturally occurring discourse. Sinn und Bedeutung 23 (Barcelona).
De Smet, Audrey ; Mettewie, Laurence. Favourable affective profiles in CLIL: Chicken or egg?. Psychology of Language Learning (PLL3) (Tokyo, Japan, du 07/06/2018 au 10/06/2018).
Degrave, Pauline. Foreign language lexical stress perception: Can music help?. Conference on Multilingualism (COM) 2018 (Ghent University, du 16/12/2018 au 18/12/2018).
Degand, Liesbeth ; Crible, Ludivine ; Grzech, Karolina. Functions and domains of discourse markers across languages: Testing a two-dimensional annotation scheme. Cross-linguistic Discourse Annotation: Applications and Perspectives (TextLink2018) (Toulouse, France, du 19/03/2018 au 21/03/2018).
Abbou, Julie ; Arnold, Aron ; Brown, Leann ; Candea, Maria ; German, James ; Mahrt, Tim ; Reid-Collins, Oriana. Gender and the voice: comparing metadiscourse in vlogs, interviews and scientific discourse. Sociolinguistics Symposium 22 (University of Auckland, New Zealand, du 27/06/2018 au 30/06/2018).
Larsson, Tove. Grammatical stance marking in student and expert production: Revisiting the informal-formal dichotomy. ICAME 39 (Tampere, Finland, du 30/05/2018 au 03/06/2018).
Suner Munoz, Ferran ; Arnett, Carlee. How can concept-based approaches to grammar be made more accessible to L2 learners?. 8th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (Koblenz, du 25/09/2018 au 28/09/2018).
Obrusnik Adam ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Hypal4MUST: An enhanced user-friendly tool for the collection, alignment and annotation of student translations. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCLouvain, du 12/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
De Cock, Barbara ; Michaud Maturana, Daniel ; Ruiz Zuñiga, Marcela Alejandra. Informes de violaciones de derechos humanos en dictadura y en transición: representación discursiva del perpetrador . Parole et violence. Quelles représentations dans les mondes hispaniques contemporains? (Lille & Arras, du 07/06/2018 au 08/06/2018).
Bibauw, Serge ; Van den Noortgate, Wim ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet. Insights from a multilevel meta-analysis on the effectiveness of dialogue-based CALL. XIXth International CALL Research Conference: CALL Your Data (Bruges, Belgium, du 04/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).
Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Intensifying constructions in the diasystem of Belgian French-speaking learners of Dutch and English. International Conference on Construction Grammar 10 (Paris, France, du 16/07/2018 au 20/07/2018).
Hambye, Philippe. Invoking and questioning identity in sociolinguistics: scientific and political issues. Failing Identities: Identification and Resistance (Liège, Université de Liège, du 20/09/2018 au 21/09/2018).
Lecouvet, Mathieu. L'interface syntaxe-discours en allemand langue étrangère: défis d'apprentissage et perspectives d'enseignement. SeSLa Séminaire des Sciences du Langage (Saint-Louis University, Brussels, 22/11/2018).
Hambye, Philippe ; Violette, Isabelle. Langue, genre et domination : une analyse argumentative du débat médiatique sur l’écriture inclusive dans l’espace francophone. 11e Frankoromanistenkongress, symposium "Conflits sur/dans la langue" (Osnabrück, Universität Osnabrück, du 26/09/2018 au 29/09/2018).
De Smet, Audrey. Le rôle des variables socio-affectives dans l’enseignement CLIL/EMILE en Belgique francophone. Forum de recherche de l'Institut des langues officielles et du bilinguisme (ILOB) (uOttawa, Ottawa, 02/02/2018).
Suner Munoz, Ferran ; De Cock, Barbara. Learning figurative language: the comprehension of taboo metaphors by L2 speakers. 4th International conference on figurative thought and language (Braga, du 23/10/2018 au 26/10/2018).
Hambye, Philippe ; Snyers, Bénédicte. Les francophones de Belgique, de l’insécurité à la sécurité linguistique ?. Les "Francophones" devant les normes, 40 ans après les Français devant la norme. L’(in)sécurité linguistique aujourd’hui : persp (Tours, Université de Tours, du 13/06/2018 au 15/06/2018).
Simon, Anne-Catherine. Les petites musiques du slam. Peut-on caractériser le slam par son rythme?. Journée d'études Poésie et slam (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 27/04/2018).
Colau, Aline. Les stratégies éditoriales à la fin du Moyen Âge (fin du XVe et début du XVIe siècle) : une nouvelle perspective sur Antoine Vérard. Histoire de la littérature, histoire de la langue : 1965-2015. Bilan et perspectives (Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, du 13/06/2018 au 16/06/2018).
Amiot, Dany ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Les séquences [N1N2] subordonnées en français : composés ou expressions polylexicales ? Une analyse dans le cadre de la Grammaire des Constructions. French (construction) morphology meets medieval medical vocabulary (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 16/03/2018).
Rubin, Rachel. Lexicogrammatical complexity in L2 Dutch. EuroSLA 28 (Münster, Germany, du 05/09/2018 au 08/09/2018).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Linguistic reproducibility and cognitive entrenchment: corpus-based evidence and applications for language teaching and translation. Europhras 2018 (Bialystok (Poland), du 10/09/2018 au 12/09/2018).
Paquot, Magali. Linking up phraseology and complexity research in L2. Current issues in phraseology and its application in terminology/lexicography (Bergen, Norway, du 17/10/2018 au 19/10/2018).
Arnold, Aron. L’abaissement de la fréquence fondamentale comme pratique de séduction. XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP) (Aix-en-Provence, France, du 04/06/2018 au 08/06/2018).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. L’apport des grammaires de construction à la phraséologie : quelques éléments théoriques et leur application dans les corpus. Journée d’étude internationale La phraséologie : corpus et méthodes (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, Laboratoire CNRS Atilf , 05/10/2018).
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. MUST: A collaborative corpus collection initiative for translation teaching and research. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCLouvain, du 12/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Tack, Anaïs ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet ; Fairon, Cédrick. Making Sense of L2 Lexical Complexity with NT2Lex, a CEFR-graded Lexicon Linked to Open Dutch WordNet. The XIXth International Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Research Conference (Bruges, du 04/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).
Michaud Maturana, Daniel ; De Cock, Barbara ; Berlien Araos, Karin. Multimodality and viewpoint in Chilean denunciatory popular art. 8th CogLing Days (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 13/12/2018 au 14/12/2018).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos. Multiple exponence in Modern Greek varieties: the case of implicit derivational multiple exponence in Griko . “A glimpse into Greek linguistics: investigating the past, the present and the future of Greek language” workshop. (University of Ljubljana , 18/05/2018).
Tack, Anaïs ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet ; Fairon, Cédrick. NT2Lex: A CEFR-Graded Lexical Resource for Dutch as a Foreign Language Linked to Open Dutch WordNet. The 13th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (NAACL 2018 Workshops) (New Orleans, Louisiana, 05/06/2018). In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, Association for Computational Linguistics: New Orleans, Louisiana, 2018, 137–146.
Didirkova, Ivana ; Christodoulides, George ; Crible, Ludivine ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Naïve annotations of French et and alors: comparison with experts and effect of implicitation. Cross-linguistic Discourse Annotation: Applications and Perspectives (TextLink2018) (Toulouse, France, du 19/03/2018 au 21/03/2018).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. New resources for new challenges: Comparing vocabulary knowledge in ESL and EFL. International Congress of Linguists (ICL20) (Cape Town, du 02/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).
De Cock, Barbara. New times, new discourses ? An analysis of European political discourse on Twitter. V Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y Literatura. Intersecciones en el estudio de lenguas modernas (Santander, du 25/06/2018 au 27/06/2018).
Meurice, Alice ; Van de Vyver, Julie ; Meunier, Fanny ; Delforge, Carole ; Delvigne, Nathalie. Open your data: Digital literacies and language learning through the mobile app Actionbound. CALL Research Conference 2018 - CALL Your Data. (Bruges, du 04/07/2018 au 06/07/2018). In: CALL Your Data. Proceedings of the XIXth International CALL Research Conference (4-6 July 2018, Brugge, Belgium), University of Antwerp: Antwerp, 2018. 9789057285943, p. 1-388.
Christodoulides, George ; Simon, Anne-Catherine ; Didirkova, Ivana. Perception of Prosodic Boundaries by Naïve and Expert Listeners in French. Modelling and Automatic Annotation. Speech Prosody 9 (Poznań, Poland, du 13/06/2018 au 15/06/2018).
Paquot, Magali. Phraseological complexity in learner language: a research programme. Symposium on language learning and use (Uppsala, Sweden, 03/05/2018).
De Cock, Sylvie. Positive evaluative adjectives in promotion-oriented texts: an exploratory study using a translation corpus. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (5th edition) (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 12/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Luken, Jackson ; Jiang, Nanjiang ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. QED: A fact verification system for the FEVER shared task. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER) (Brussels, Belgium, 11/2018). In: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER).. doi:10.18653/v1/w18-5526.
Hambye, Philippe. Quels rapports au savoir et au langage pour quels savoirs en formation professionnelle ?. "Rapport au langage dans la formation professionnelle : action, langage et connaissance" (AgroSup Dijon, du 03/07/2018 au 04/07/2018).
Billami, M. ; François, Thomas ; Nuria Gala. ReSyf: a French lexicon with ranked synonyms. COLING 2018 (Santa Fe, du 22/08/2018 au 26/08/2018). In: Proceedings of COLING 2018, 2018, 2570-2581.
Hendrikx, Isa. Receptive knowledge of intensifying compounds: Belgian French-speaking learners of Dutch and English . Intensity: Annual conference of the Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education (BAAHE) (Mons, Belgium, 30/11/2018).
Paquot, Magali ; Brezina, Vaclav ; Gablasova, Dana ; Naets, Hubert. Relational co-occurrences as an index of oral proficiency in the Trinity Lancaster Learner Corpus. 14th American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) conference (Atlanta, USA, du 20/09/2018 au 22/09/2018).
Gallez, Françoise. The Contribution of Construction Grammar to Translation Teaching A Case Study on the Transfer of German Path and Property Resultatives into French. DGKL 8 - Applied Cognitive Linguistics (Universität Koblenz, du 26/09/2018 au 28/11/2018).
Gallez, Françoise. The Contribution of Construction Grammar to Translation Teaching A Case Study on the Transfer of German Path and Property Resultatives into French. 8th International GCLA-Conference “Applied Cognitive Linguistics” (Universität Koblenz-Landau (Koblenz), du 26/09/2018 au 28/09/2018).
Gallez, Françoise. The Interaction between Verb Classes and Constructions in German Path and Property Resultatives – A description of durch-, ein- and weg-Constructions. Verb Classes, Semantic Frames, and Constructions (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim (D), du 26/04/2018 au 27/04/2018).
Granger, Sylviane ; Paquot, Magali. The Louvain English for Academic Purposes Dictionary: A combined reference, learning and teaching, and corpus retrieval tool. PLIN Day 2018: Technological innovation in language learning and teaching (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 18/05/2018).
Granger, Sylviane ; Paquot, Magali. The Louvain English for Academic Purposes Dictionary: From design to evaluation. 14th American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) conference (Atlanta, USA, du 20/09/2018 au 22/09/2018).
Didirkova, Ivana ; Christodoulides, George ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. The Prosody of Discourse Markers alors and et in French. A Speech Production Study. Speech Prosody 9 (Poznań, Poland, du 13/06/2018 au 15/06/2018).
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. The Translation-oriented Annotation System: A tripartite annotation system for translation research. Parallel Corpora: Creation and Applications. PaCor 2018 (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, du 05/11/2018 au 07/11/2018).
Crible, Ludivine ; Demberg, Vera. The effect of genre variation on the production and acceptability of underspecified discourse markers in English. 20th DiscourseNet (Budapest, Hungary, du 17/05/2018 au 19/05/2018).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos. The how and why of derivational multiple exponence: two cases studies.. Valibel seminar - Universitè catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, 27/04/2018).
Larsson, Tove ; Paquot, Magali. The impact of multiple coders: Examining inter-rater reliability in a study of adverb placement in student writing. Work-in-progress seminar on first-language and second-language writing (Uppsala, Sweden, 03/05/2018).
Lecouvet, Mathieu. The interplay between grammar beliefs and L2 proficiency at the syntax-discourse interface. EuroSLA 28 (University of Münster, Germany, du 05/09/2018 au 08/09/2018).
Abuzcki, Agnes ; Burkšaitienė, Nijole ; Crible, Ludivine. The underspecified connective and in a parallel TedTalk corpus: functions, translation and implicitation. 20th DiscourseNet (Budapest, Hungary, du 17/05/2018 au 19/05/2018).
Natassia Schutz. The use of corpora in EAP textbooks: an analysis of the treatment of academic verbs. The 39th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive for Modern and Medieval English (Tampere, Finland, du 30/05/2018 au 03/06/2018).
Schutz, Natassia. The use of corpora in EAP textbooks: an analysis of the treatment of academic verbs. The 39th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive for Modern and Medieval English (Tampere, Finland, du 30/05/2018 au 03/06/2018).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. The ‘just because’ constructions revisited: on the fuzzy border between grammar, phraseology and discourse. . International symposium “Tendencias actuales de la investigación en fraseopragmática y fraseodidáctica” (University of Murcia (Spain), du 18/10/2018 au 19/10/2018).
Hiligsmann, Philippe. To CLIL or not to CLIL? That’s not the question!. COM2018 Conference on Multilingualism (Gand, du 16/12/2018 au 18/12/2018).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Toward(s) an Americanization of non-native Englishes? ESL and EFL compared. International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English Conference (ICAME 39) (Tampere, du 30/05/2018 au 03/06/2018).
Pierre, Emeline. Transitivity in passive-like structures in Spanish, French and English. 8th Conference of the Belgium Netherlands Cognitive Linguistics Association (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 13/12/18 au 14/12/18).
Aguiar De Souza Penha Marion, Laura ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Translation Directionality and Expertise: An empirical approach. Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, du 12/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Abuczki, Agnes ; Burkšaitienė, Nijole ; Crible, Ludivine. Translation of “and” in a parallel TedTalk corpus of English, Czech, Hungarian, Lithuanian and French: functions and omissions. Cross-linguistic Discourse Annotation: Applications and Perspectives (TextLink2018) (Toulouse, France, du 19/03/2018 au 21/03/2018).
Pierre, Emeline. Un análisis de la transitividad en las estructuras despersonalizadoras en español, francés e inglés. XIII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Xeral (Vigo, du 13/06/2018 au 15/06/2018).
Kaatari, Henrik ; Larsson, Tove. Using the BNC and the Spoken BNC2014 to study the syntactic development of I think and I’m sure. ICAME 39 (Tampere, Finland, du 30/05/2018 au 03/06/2018).
Schutz, Natassia. Verifying the general academic status of academic verbs: an analysis of co-occurrence and recurrence in business, linguistics and medical research articles. The XVIII EURALEX International Congress (Ljubljana, Slovenia, du 17/07/2018 au 21/07/2018).
Hambye, Philippe. Vernacular French vs standard French at school. Indeterminate legitimacies. Youth languages: the age of maturity? (Nanterre, Université Paris Nanterre, du 07/06/2018 au 08/06/2018).
Justine Desablens ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Mettewie, Laurence. Wat na CLIL-onderwijs? Oud-leerlingen blikken terug. ANBF Onderzoeksmarkt (Roubaix, 07/12/2018).
Justine Desablens ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Mettewie, Laurence. Wat na CLIL-onderwijs? Oud-leerlingen blikken terug. Nederlands in beweging - 20ste colloquium neerlandicum (Leuven, du 27/08/2018 au 31/08/2018).
Schutz, Natassia. What should be considered as general academic vocabulary? An analysis of the Academic Word List, the Academic Keyword List and the Academic Vocabulary List. Linguists' Day 2018 of the Linguistic Society of Belgium (Université de Liège, 25/05/2018).
Vincent, Arnaud. Where is the Rhetorical God Gap? Use Corpus Linguistics to Ask the Data!. 7th Conference on Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD) (Aalborg University, Denmark, du 04/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).
Mathilde Dumont ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. Woordvolgorde bij CLIL- en niet-CLIL-leerders van het Nederlands: één pot nat?. Nederlands in beweging - 20ste colloquium neerlandicum (Leuven, du 27/08/2018 au 31/08/2018).
Pépiot, Erwan ; Arnold, Aron. Étude des variations de fréquence fondamentale relatives au genre chez des bilingues Anglais/Français. XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP) (Aix-en-Provence, France, du 04/06/2018 au 08/06/2018).
Degrave, Pauline. ‘Stress deafness’: Can music help?. CogLing2018 (Belgique, Louvain-la-Neuve, du 13/12/2018 au 14/12/2018).
Swamy, Sandesh ; Ritter, Alan ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. "i have a feeling trump will win..................": Forecasting Winners and Losers from User Predictions on Twitter. Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (Copenhagen, Denmark, 9/2017). In: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2017). doi:10.18653/v1/d17-1166.
De Cock, Barbara ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. #JesuisRajoy: Deixis y alternancia de código en tuits en español con la raíz #jesuis.. Congreso internacional de lingüística hispánica 2017. Homenaje a Nicole Delbecque (Leuven, du 20/09/2017 au 22/09/2017).
De Cock, Sylvie. 'Speaking in tongues': EFL learners' use of 'foreign words' in informal interviews. LCR 2017 (Bolzano (Italy), du 04/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Crible, Ludivine ; Dumont, Amandine ; Grosman, Iulia ; Notarrigo, Ingrid. (Dis)fluency across spoken and signed languages: applications of an interoperable annotation scheme. International Conference on Fluency & Disfluency Across Languages and Language Varieties (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 15/02/2017 au 17/02/2017).
Christodoulides, George. A New Corpus of Collaborative Dialogue Produced Under Cognitive Load Using a Driving Simulator. Text, Speech and Dialogue - 20th International Conference TSD 2017 (Prague, Czech Republic, du 27/08/2017 au 31/08/2017). In: Text, Speech, and Dialogue - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference TSD 2017, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; 10415), Springer International Publishing, 2017. 978-3-319-64206-2, p. 380-392. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-64206-2_43. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-64206-2_43.
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. A collostruction-based approach to the Integrated Contrastive Model: The idiomaticity of causative constructions in English, French and French learner English. Idiomaticity Workshop (Oslo, du 01/09/2017 au 02/09/2017).
Pierre, Emeline. A corpus-based analysis of the acquisition of the English article system: Contrasting French, Spanish, Russian and Greek learners of English. 7th International Biennial Conference of the French Association for Cognitive Linguistics (AFLiCo) (Liège, du 31/05/17 au 03/06/17).
Pierre. A corpus-based analysis of the acquisition of the English article system: Contrasting French, Spanish, Russian and Greek learners of English. 7e Colloque International de l'Association française de Linguistique cognitive (Liège, du 31/05/2017 au 03/06/2017).
Marsily, Aurélie. Address terms in Spanish native and non-native requests interactions. 15th International Pragmatics Conference (Belfast, du 16/07/2017 au 21/07/2017).
Crible, Ludivine. Ambiguity, multifunctionality and underspecification: coming to terms with French et, mais, donc. 5th International Conference on Discourse Markers in the Romance Languages (DisRom 2017) (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 08/11/2017 au 10/11/2017).
Crible, Ludivine. Annotation proposal for multilingual and multigenre spoken DRDs. TextLink Workshop on « Annotation of Discourse Relational Devices: Multilingual and multimodal challenges » (Madrid, du 12/06/2017 au 14/06/2017).
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Grioni, Matias ; Kanerva, Jenna ; Ginter, Filip. Assessing the annotation consistency of the Universal Dependencies corpora. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017) (Pisa, Italy). In: Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (DEPLING 2017)..
Christodoulides, George ; Avanzi, Mathieu ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Automatic Labelling of Prosodic Prominence, Phrasing and Disfluencies in French Speech by Simulating the Perception of Naïve and Expert Listeners. Interspeech 2017 (Stockholm, Sweeden, 20-24 August 2017). In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2017, Vol. 2017, no.., p. 3936-3940 (August 2017). doi:10.21437/Interspeech.2017-971.
Mahler, Taylor ; Cheung, Willy ; Elsner, Micha ; King, David ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Shain, Cory ; Stevens-Guille, Symon ; White, Michael. Breaking NLP: Using Morphosyntax, Semantics, Pragmatics and World Knowledge to Fool Sentiment Analysis Systems. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Building Linguistically Generalizable NLP Systems (Copenhagen, Denmark, 9/2017). In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Building Linguistically Generalizable NLP.. doi:10.18653/v1/w17-5405.
Granger, Sylviane ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Bridging the gap between learner corpus research and translation studies: The Multilingual Student Translation corpus. 4th Learner Corpus Research Conference (Bolzano, du 05/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Duvivier, Emilie ; Grosman, Iulia ; Christodoulides, George. Comparing Online and Offline Methodologies for Spoken Corpus Annotation. The case of Filled Pauses and Hesitation-Related Lengthening in French. ExLing 2017, 8th Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics (Heraklion, Crete, Greece, du 19/06/2017 au 22/06/2017).
Bulon, Amélie ; Meunier, Fanny. Comparing the “phrasicon” of teenagers in immersive and non-immersive settings: does input quantity impact range and accuracy?. Learner Corpus Research (LCR) (Bolzano, du 04/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Suner Munoz, Ferran ; De Cock, Barbara. Conceptual and sociocultural differences in metaphor processing in the L2.. Thinking, Doing and Learning (TDL) (University of Munich, du 19/04/2017 au 21/04/2017).
Gallez, Françoise. Constructions verbales exprimant un déplacement en allemand - entre ’constructions causatives avec mouvement' et ’constructions résultatives'. PLIN Day (UCL, 12/05/2017).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Conversion, inflectional complexity and affixation: denominal verb formation in English and Modern Greek. International Contrastive Linguistics Conference 8 (Athens, du 25/05/2017 au 28/05/2017).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Meunier, Fanny. Correlating linguistic performance with cognitive, educational and socio-affective variables in SLA Dutch and English CLIL in French-Speaking Belgium. Learner Corpus based approaches to Second Language Acquisition (University of Utrecht, du 31/03/2017 au 01/04/2017).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos. Denominal verb formation in English and Modern Greek: a contrastive approach. 23rd International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (Thessaloniki, du 31/03/2017 au 02/04/2017).
Crible, Ludivine. Discourse markers within (dis)fluent constructions in English, French and Spanish casual conversations: The challenges of contrastive fluency research. International Conference on Fluency & Disfluency Across Languages and Language Varieties (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 15/02/2017 au 17/02/2017).
Simon, Anne-Catherine. Disfluencies and pauses in non-pathological speech: an overview. Conference on Stuttering (Centre for Disfluencies of the Slovak Medical University in Bratislava, Department of Speech-Language Pathology, du 23/03/2017 au 25/03/2017).
Didirkova, Ivana ; Christodoulides, George. Effects of Dual-Task Induced Cognitive Load on the Production of Disfluencies of Non-Stuttering Speakers and Persons Who Stutter. 11th International Seminar on Speech Production (Tianjin, China, du 16/10/2017 au 19/10/2017).
Lesseur, Mélissa ; Christodoulides, George ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Effects of Prosodic and Syntactic Segmentation on Discourse Processing and Speech Production. 23rd Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 2017) (Lancaster, UK, du 07/09/2017 au 09/09/2017).
Christodoulides, George. Effects of Prosodic-Syntactic Segmentation on the Perception of Fluency and Quality of Simultaneous Interpreting. Third International Conference on Interpreting Quality (ICIQ3) (Granada, Spain, du 05/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Van Mensel, Luk ; Bulon, Amélie ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Meunier, Fanny ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Effects of input on written proficiency in L2 English and Dutch: CLIL and NON-CLIL learners in French-speaking Belgium. Learner Corpus Research (LCR) (Bolzano, du 04/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Elicitation and analysis of sexual concepts: overview of a cognitive sociolinguistic study. Aflico7 Conference – Discourse, Cognition and Constructions: Implications and Applications (Université de Liège, du 31/05/2017 au 03/06/2017).
Gallez, Françoise ; Gallez, Françoise. Enseigner la grammaire à de futurs traducteurs - Les atouts de la grammaire des constructions et de la typologie linguistique. . Quelle formation grammaticale pour de futurs traducteurs ? Colloque international (Université de Mons, du 09/03/2017 au 10/03/2017).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Exploring word-formation in Learner Corpus Research: A case study on English negative affixes. 4th Learner Corpus Research Conference (Bolzano, du 05/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
De Cock, Sylvie. Fluency and the use of foreign words in interviews with EFL learners. International Conference Fluency & Disfluency across Langages and Language Varieties (Université catholique de Louvain, du 15/02/2017 au 17/02/2017).
Crible, Ludivine. From co-occurrence to constructions: patterns of discourse markers and disfluencies across registers in English and French. 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (Tartu, Estonia, du 10/07/2017 au 14/07/2017).
Crible, Ludivine ; Degand, Liesbeth ; Grzech, Karolina. From connective to interpersonal functions: variation of discourse marker use in French, English and Polish. 5th International Conference on Discourse Markers in the Romance Languages (DisRom 2017) (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 08/11/2017 au 10/11/2017).
Möller, Verena. From pedagogical input to learner output: How teaching materials affect the use of the English passive in learner writing. Learner Corpus Research (Bolzano/Italy, du 05/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Arnold, Aron. Gender Ideologies and the Construction of Knowledges in Phonetic Sciences. The 10th Nordic Conference on Language and Gender (University of Akureyri, Iceland, du 20/10/2017 au 21/10/2017).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Laporte, Samantha. Giving students’ writing skills a boost: Towards a self-learning platform for an optimized use of online resources. Let’s inter-act! Innovative teaching practices in English Studies, BAAHE conference 2017 (Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 01/12/2017).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Hic sunt dracones: Exploring terra incognita in learner corpus research. 38th International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English Conference (ICAME 38) (Charles University in Prague , du 24/05/2017 au 28/05/2017).
Crible, Ludivine. How to be (dis)fluent in English, French and Spanish: towards universal constructions of discourse markers and disfluencies across registers. International Pragmatics Association Conference (Belfast, Ireland, du 16/07/2017 au 21/07/2017).
Tack, Anaïs ; François, Thomas ; Roekhaut, Sophie ; Fairon, Cédrick. Human and Automated CEFR-based Grading of Short Answers. The 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (EMNLP 2017) (Copenhagen, Denmark, 08/09/2017). In: Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017, 169-179.
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Hendrikx, Isa. Intensifying constructions in French-speaking L2 learners of Dutch or English. Research Seminar Functional and Cognitive Linguistics: Grammar and Typology (FunC) (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 08/12/2017).
Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Meunier, Fanny. Intensifying constructions in French-speaking L2 learners of Dutch: a collostructional analysis. 11th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (University of Cyprus, du 22/06/2017 au 25/06/2017).
Hendrikx, Isa. Intensifying constructions in French-speaking L2 learners of Dutch: longitudinal results. Morphology Days 2017 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 23/11/2017 au 24/11/2017).
Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Intensifying constructions in French-speaking L2 learners of English: longitudinal results. Learner Corpus Research (Bolzano, du 05/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Picron, Gervaise ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Interférences entre les systèmes phonologiques du mina et du français. Le français parlé par les locuteurs d'origine togolaise en Belgique francophone. Journées FLOraL-PFC 2017 : Dialectologie et phonologie de corpus (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, France, du 23/11/2017 au 25/11/2017).
Tack, Anaïs ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet ; Fairon, Cédrick. Introducing NT2Lex: A Machine-readable CEFR-graded Lexical Resource for Dutch as a Foreign Language. Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 27 (CLIN 2017) (KU Leuven, Belgium, 10/02/2017).
Ferraresi, Adriano ; Bernardini, Silvia ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Milicevic, Maja. Investigating the language of written translation and simultaneous interpretation: Simplification in EPTIC. Congrès Mondial de Traductologie (Université de Paris-Nanterre, du 10/04/2017 au 14/04/2017).
Dupont, Maïté. Issues of segmentation for the cross-linguistic study of discourse connectives. Discourse Markers in Romance Languages (Université catholique de Louvain, du 08/11/2017 au 10/11/2017).
Jacquet, Antoine ; Snyers, Bénédicte. La langue des journalistes a-t-elle la cote ? Discours profanes en Belgique francophone. ILPE 3 – Les idéologies linguistiques dans la presse écrite : l’exemple des langues romanes (Alicante, du 25/10/2017 au 27/10/2017).
Mariscal, Vincent. La négociation collective "sans peine". La loi El Khomri et l’avenir de la démocratie d’entreprise en Europe. Septième congrès triennal de l’Association belge francophone de science politique (ABSP) (Université catholique de Louvain – site de Mons, du 03/04/2017 au 04/04/2017).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. La traduction littéraire des usages dialectaux et régionaux du néerlandais vers le français : arguments traductologiques, sociolinguistiques et phraséologiques. Congrès Mondial de Traductologie (Université de Paris Ouest, du 11/04/2017 au 14/04/2017).
Lucaccini, Ester ; De Cock, Sylvie. Language and Business Engineering Students' Attitudes to English as a Lingua Franca in Wallonia. GABC2017 (University of Antwerp, du 22/05/2017 au 24/05/2017).
Vincent, Arnaud. Le fossé religieux dans les discours de campagnes présidentielles américaines (1952-2008) : ce que la linguistique de corpus peut en dire. Séminaire SESLA/CRESPO (Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, 26/04/2017).
Pierson, Agathe. Le langage médical, un sous-langage ? Étude syntaxique de l'expression de la causalité dans un corpus médical. Les Journées de Linguistique (Laval (Canada), du 16/03/2017 au 17/03/2017).
Simon, Anne-Catherine. Le rôle des structures syntaxiques dans la perception des frontières prosodiques par des auditeurs naïfs en français : un argument pour définir les unités discursives à l’interface de la syntaxe et de la prosodie. Types d’unités et procédures de segmentation. Syntaxe et Discours III (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, du 22/06/2017 au 23/06/2017).
Suner Munoz, Ferran ; Gallez, Françoise. Lernszenarien für den Erwerb sprachlicher und sozialer Kompetenzen. Jahrestagung des Belgischen Germanisten & Deutschlehrerverbandes BGDV (University of Gent, 22/04/2017).
Laporte, Samantha. Light verb constructions in second-language varieties of English: a corpus-based investigation of nativization in Hong Kong English. Light Verb Constructions in Germanic Languages (Université Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, du 17/11/2017 au 18/11/2017).
Snyers, Bénédicte. L’image du français en Belgique francophone : vers une redéfinition des normes linguistiques ?. L'image des langues : 20 ans après (Neuchâtel, du 10/11/2017 au 11/11/2017).
Laporte, Samantha. Making the most of Construction Grammar: Accounting for nativization in second language varieties of English. Construction Grammar: new advances in theoretical and applied linguistics (Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 12/05/2017).
Dupont, Maïté ; Zufferey, Sandrine. Methodological issues in the use of directional parallel corpora: the case of English and French concessive connectives. Discourse Markers in Romance Languages (Université catholique de Louvain, du 08/11/2017 au 10/11/2017).
Christodoulides, George ; Grosman, Iulia ; Degand, Liesbeth ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Methodologies for Modelling Silent Pause Length. Insights on Individual and Situational Variation from a Large-Scale Corpus Study. International Conference on Fluency and Disfluency Across Languages and Language Varieties (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 15/02/2017 au 17/02/2017).
Hambye, Philippe. Minorisation, discrimination, domination: questions scientifiques, enjeux politiques. Minorisation linguistique et inégalités sociales (Moncton (NB, Canada), Université de Moncton, du 04/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. NESSI: A multimodal corpus of New Englishes. International Conference on Multimodal Communication: Developing New Theories and Methods (ICMC2017) (Osnabrück University, du 09/06/2017 au 11/06/2017).
Lison, Pierre ; Bibauw, Serge. Not all dialogues are created equal: Instance weighting for neural conversational models. SIGDIAL 2017 (Saarbrücken, Germany, du 15/08/2017 au 17/08/2017). In: Proceedings of the 18th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue, ACL, 2017. 978-1-945626-82-1, p. 384–394.
Paquot, Magali ; Grafmiller, Jason ; Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt. Particle placement alternation in EFL learner speech vs. native and ESL spoken Englishes: core probabilistic grammar and/or L1-specific preferences? . 4th Learner Corpus Research Conference (Bolzano, Italy, du 05/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Paquot, Magali ; Grafmiller, Jason ; Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt. Particle placement alternation in EFL learner vs. L1 speech: core probabilistic grammar and/or L1-specific preferences?. Learner Corpus Research 2017 (Bolzano, Italy, du 05/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Marsily, Aurélie. Peticiones y ausencia de peticiones en la comunicación intercultural. Seminario de Pragmática e Interculturalidad (Madrid, 25/04/2017).
Paquot, Magali. Phraseological complexity in EFL learner writing across proficiency levels. UCREL / SLLAT seminar (Lancaster, 02/11/2017).
Paquot, Magali. Phraseological complexity in English writing by French EFL learners. Learner Corpus based approaches to Second Language Acquisition (Utrecht, du 30/03/2017 au 01/04/2017).
Hambye, Philippe. Politiques en matière de langue d’enseignement dans l’enseignement supérieur de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. État des lieux et analyse critique. Pour une réelle politique linguistique des universités. L’exploitation des langues et des cultures dans une cité internationale (Bruxelles, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 17/05/2017).
Crible, Ludivine ; Degand, Liesbeth. Polysemy and polyfunctionality: A two-dimensional account of discourse markers. Particles and the Dimensions of Meaning (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, du 29/06/2017 au 30/06/2017).
Lheureux, Charlotte. Pratique d’une recherche transversale en ARchiTecture (Le potentiel rythmique). Journée de la Recherche (UCL, Mons, 23/01/2017).
Stevens, Jon Scott ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Speer, Shari R. ; Tonhauser, Judith. Predicting projection from rational use of prosody in manner adverb utterances. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society Annual Meeting. In: Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society Annual Meeting 2017..
Dumont, Amandine. Profiling French-speaking learners' productive (dis)fluency. International Conference on Fluency & Disfluency Across Languages and Language Varieties (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 15/02/2017 au 17/02/2017).
Grosman, Iulia ; Christodoulides, George ; Degand, Liesbeth ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Prosodic Variation of Identical Repetitions as a Function of their Properties and Editing Terms. A Large-Scale Corpus Study on French Speech. International Conference on Fluency and Disfluency Across Languages and Language Varieties (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 15/02/2017 au 17/02/2017).
Granger, Sylviane ; Paquot, Magali. Putting the Louvain English for Academic Purposes Dictionary to the test: Implicit vs. explicit feedback. ELEX2017: Lexicography from scratch (Leiden, The Netherlands, du 19/09/2017 au 21/09/2017).
De Smet, Audrey ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Galand, Benoît ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van Mensel, Luk. Quel impact l'immersion en anglais et en néerlandais a-t-elle sur les émotions en classe?. Emo-tissage / Emo-learning (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, du 05/07/2017 au 07/07/2017).
Crible, Ludivine. Recycling discourse: from qualitative repair categories to a formal scale of fluency. International Conference on Fluency & Disfluency Across Languages and Language Varieties (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 15/02/2017 au 17/02/2017).
Degand, Liesbeth ; Crible, Ludivine. Revisiting the role of syntax in discourse marker annotation. 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (Zurich, Switzerland, du 10/09/2017 au 13/09/2017).
Volodina, Elena ; Borin, Lars ; Pilán, Ildikó ; François, Thomas ; Tack, Anaïs. SVALex. En andraspråksordlista med CEFR-nivåer. Svenskans beskrivning 35 (Göteborg, du 11/05/2016 au 13/05/2016). In: Svenskans beskrivning 35. Förhandlingar vid trettiofemte sammankomsten, Göteborgs universitet: Göteborg, 2017. 978-91-87850-64-6, p. 369-382.
De Cock, Barbara ; Roginsky, Sandrine. Self- and other-representation in political campaigns on Twitter. 7th International and interdisciplinary conference on applied linguistics and professional practice (Gent, du 21/11/2017 au 23/11/2017).
De Cock, Sylvie. Students' use of English during internships in the Brussels area – a pilot study. English Spoken: The position of English in Brussels (Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, du 30/05/2017 au 30/05/2017).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Studying and teaching English in a multilingual world: A new Tower of Babel?. 52nd Linguistics Colloquium (Erlangen, du 21/09/2017 au 22/09/2017).
Crible, Ludivine ; Degand, Liesbeth. Testing interdependent annotation levels for sense disambiguation in spoken English, French and Polish. 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (Zurich, Switzerland, du 10/09/2017 au 13/01/2017).
Gallez, Françoise. The German weg-construction and its instantiations in the German press . AFLiCo 7 (Université de Liège, du 31/05/2017 au 03/06/2017).
Gallez, Françoise. The German weg-construction and its instantiations in the German press. AFLiCo 7 (Ulg, du 31/05/2017 au 03/06/2017).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. The IdiomSearch Project and its theoretical underpinnings. Advanced Research Residency in Formulaic Language, 2017 (Cardiff University, 27/02/2017).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. The IdiomSearch Project: from theory to a web application. Computational and corpus-based Phraseology (London, du 13/11/2017 au 14/11/2017).
Van de Vyver, Julie ; Meurice, Alice. The TELL-OP app : when data-driven learning meets mobile learning. BAAHE (Louvain-la-Neuve, BE, 01/12/2017).
Jonkers, Sara. The acquisition of Dutch modal verbs: necessity versus possibility. CogLing 7 (Nijmegen, du 05/01/2017 au 06/01/2017).
Dupont, Maïté. The benefits of multilayer corpus coding for cross-linguistic discourse analysis: Connectives in English and French. Corpus Linguistics in the South 14 (Birkbeck, University of London, 04/03/2017).
De Cock, Barbara ; Jonkers, Sara. The conceptualization of passive voice constructions in L2-Dutch and L2-Spanish of French speaking students. CogLing7 (Nijmegen, du 05/01/2017 au 06/01/2017).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. The development of light verb constructions in spoken learner English. Light verb constructions in Germanic languages (Bruxelles, du 17/11/2017 au 18/11/2017).
Bibauw, Serge ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet. The effectiveness of dialogue-based CALL on L2 proficiency development: a meta-analysis. CALICO Conference 2017 (Flagstaff, AZ, du 18/05/2017 au 19/05/2017).
Dumont, Amandine. The effects of speaking task on L2 fluency. 4rth Learner Corpus Research Conference (LCR2017) (Bolzano (Italy), du 04/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. The emergence of a cross-linguistic construction: #jesuis-hashtags. AFLiCo 7. Discours, Cognition & Constructions: Implications & Applications. 7e Colloque International de l'Association française de Linguistique cognitive (Liège, du 31/05/2017 au 03/06/2017).
Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Meunier, Fanny. The expression of intensification in the interlanguage of French-speaking CLIL and non-CLIL learners of English. Cogling7 (Radboud University Nijmegen, du 05/01/2017 au 06/01/2017).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. The norm in learner corpus research and language teaching: How do we choose?. The Education University of Hong Kong seminars in Linguistics and Modern Language Studies (Hong Kong, 07/04/2017).
Paquot, Magali ; Naets, Hubert. The role of the reference corpus in studies of EFL learners’ use of statistical collocations. ICAME38 (Pragues, Czech Republic, du 24/05/2017 au 28/05/2017).
De Cock, Barbara. The self of caregivers and patients: co-responsibility in Q&A-pages concerning diabetes. 15th International Pragmatics Conference (Belfast, du 16/07/2017 au 21/07/2017).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; Dirk De Hertog. The variation of ‘to menstruate’ in Spanish online forum for women. ICLAVE 9 (University of Malaga, du 06/06/2017 au 09/06/2017).
De Cock, Barbara. To be or not to be... a patient - and its consequences for the promotion of personal agency in a medical discussion forum. Conversation Analysis Day (Loughborough, 18/12/2017).
Crible, Ludivine. Towards a constructionist approach to discourse markers and the construal of underspecified pragmatic meaning. PLIN Day 2017 (Louvain-la-Neuve, 12/05/2017).
Granger, Sylviane ; Paquot, Magali. Towards standardization of metadata for L2 corpora. CLARIN workshop on Interoperability of Second Language Resources and Tools (Gothenburg, Sweden, du 06/12/2017 au 08/12/2017).
Meunier, Fanny. Tracking developmental patterns in learner corpora: Focus on longitudinal studies. Research forums (UOttawa) and Speaker series (Carleton University), Ottawa, Canada (Ottawa).
Meunier, Fanny. Tracking developmental patterns in learner corpora: Focus on longitudinal studies. International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki).
Hambye, Philippe. Une politique linguistique commune pour la francophonie ? Réflexions d'un sociolinguiste sur le pouvoir et la langue. L’Opale et les politiques linguistiques. Les conditions d’une influence (Namur, Parlement de Wallonie, 21/11/2017).
Lombart, Erika. Une étude sémiologique, sociolinguistique et pragmatique de l’épidiscours des utilisateurs de Doctissimo sur les émoticônes. Visualizing (in) the new media (Université de Neuchatêl, du 08/11/2017 au 10/11/2017).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Unités de traduction, unités phraséologiques et unités de sens : un nouvel éclairage à partir de la phraséologie informatique. Congrès Mondial de Traductologie (Université de Paris Ouest, du 11/04/2017 au 14/04/2017).
Van de Vyver, Julie. Users' evaluation of the TELL-OP app; the use of learner language input and its impact on mobile language learning. Eurocall 2017 - Call in a climate of change (Southampton, UK, du 23/08/2017 au 26/08/2017).
Suner Munoz, Ferran. Using animations to teach the passive in the first year German. Language Center at the University of California at Davis (Davis, California, 17/08/2017).
Larsson, Tove. Using corpora in English-medium-instruction courses: Benefits and challenges. Conference on University Pedagogy and Development (Uppsala, Sweden, 12/10/2017).
Degrave, Pauline ; Dedonder, Jonathan. V alidation of a French translation of the Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index, an instrument to assess self - reported musical skills and behaviors. ESCOM 2017 (Ghent, Belgium, du 31/07/2017 au 04/08/2017).
Christodoulides, George ; Didirkova, Ivana. Vers un système d’alignement automatique pour la parole bègue à partir de la détection automatique des régions disfluentes. Bégaiement et Disfluences : de la théorie à la clinique (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 27/04/2017 au 28/04/2017).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. What about #JeSuisAnkara? Claiming places of affect. 15th International Pragmatics Conference (Belfast, du 16/07/2017 au 21/07/2017).
Didirkova, Ivana ; Le Maguer, Sébastien ; Gbedahou, Dodji Hubert ; Hirsch, Fabrice. What happens during stuttering-like disfluencies ? An EMA study. 11th International Seminar on Speech Production (Tianjin (China)).
Pierson, Agathe ; Cougnon, Louise-Amélie. « UNE ZONE INFLAMMATOIRE SÉQUELLAIRE D'OESOPHAGITE PEPTIQUE »: FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF THE EXPRESSION OF CAUSE/EFFECT PATTERNS IN MEDICAL RECORDS. 15th International Pragmatics Conference (Belfast, Nothern Ireland, du 16/07/2017 au 21/07/2017).
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Elsner, Micha ; Speer, Shari. “I think it’s a tiger”: Does prosody help distinguish different uses of belief verbs?. Conference on Human Sentence Processing (Cambridge).
De Cock, Sylvie. 'Are you going to ask me a question?' The discourse/pragmatic functions of interrogatives in learner interviewee speech. ESSE2016 (Galway, du 22/08/2016 au 26/11/2016).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. A contrastive collostructional analysis of English and French causative constructions. 37th International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English Conference (ICAME 37) (The Chinese University of Hong Kong , du 25/05/2016 au 29/05/2016).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. A corpus-based comparative and integrated approach to non-native Englishes. 13th European Society for the Study of English Conference (ESSE-13) (National University of Ireland, Galway, du 22/08/2016 au 26/08/2016).
Dumont, Amandine. A corpus-driven approach to native and learner spoken fluency: The contribution of pauses. Nouvelles approches du corpus en linguistique anglaise (Avignon, France, du 9/06/2016 au 10/06/2016).
Möller, Verena. A question of cause and effect – How educational settings at the primary and secondary level interact with intelligence, motivation and anxiety. Focus on the Learner (Konin/Poland, du 17/10/2016 au 19/10/2016).
Granger, Sylviane. Academic phraseology: A key ingredient in successful L2 academic literacy. Conference on Academic Language Use and Academic Literacies from a Multilingual Perspective, Copenhagen University (Denmark, du 09/05/2016 au 11/05/2016).
Kim, Joo-Kyung ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Fosler-Lussier, Eric. Adjusting Word Embeddings with Semantic Intensity Orders. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (Berlin, Germany, 8/2016). In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP.. doi:10.18653/v1/w16-1607.
De Smet, Audrey ; Galand, Benoît ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Van Mensel, Luk. Anxiety and enjoyment in Content and Language Integrated Learning: complementarity of expectancy-value and possible selves?. International Conference on Motivation (Thessaloniki, Greece, du 24/08/2016 au 27/08/2016).
Todirascu, Amalia ; François, Thomas ; Bernhard, Delphine ; Gala, Nuria ; Ligozat, Anne-Laure. Are Cohesive Features Relevant for Text Readability Evaluation?. COLING 2016 (Osaka, du 13/12/2016 au 16/12/2016). In: Proceedings of COLING 2016, 2016, p. 987-997.
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van Mensel, Luk. Assessing Dutch and English Immersion Education in French-Speaking Belgium: Linguistic, Cognitive and Educational Perspectives. American Association for Applied Linguistics (Orlando, du 09/04/2016 au 12/04/2016).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Bestgen, Yves ; Granger, Sylviane. Assessing the CEFR assessment grid for spoken language use: A learner corpus-based approach. 37th International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English Conference (ICAME 37) (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, du 25/05/2016 au 29/05/2016).
François, Thomas ; Billami, Mokhtar ; Gala, Núria ; Bernhard, Delphine. Bleu, contusion, ecchymose : tri automatique de synonymes en fonction de leur difficulté de lecture et compréhension. Conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016 (Paris, du 04/07/2016 au 08/07/2016). In: Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016, Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues: Paris, France, 2016, p. 15-28.
Hansart, Charlotte ; De Meyere, Damien ; Watrin, Patrick ; Bittar, André ; Fairon, Cédrick. CENTAL at SemEval-2016 Task 12: a linguistically fed CRF model for medical and temporal information extraction. 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016) (San Diego, California, du 16/06/2016 au 17/06/2016). In: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016), Association for Computational Linguistics, 2016. 978-1-941643-95-2, p. 1286-1291.
Degrave, Pauline ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. Can music help teachers and learners in prosodic proficiency? The influence of music training, music aptitude and musical didactic tools on the perception of Dutch word stress by French speakers. The Linguistic Society of Belgium 2016 Day (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 13/05/2016).
Degand, Liesbeth. Causal relations between discourse and grammar.. CoCoLaC Seminar “Types and Expressions of Causal and other Logical Relations” (University of Helsinki, 21/10/2016).
Erdmann, Alexander ; Brown, Christopher ; Joseph, Brian ; Janse, Mark ; Ajaka, Petra ; Elsner, Micha ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. Challenges and solutions for Latin named entity recognition. Proceedings of the Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities workshop. In: Proceedings of the Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities workshop..
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. Challenging the taboo of violent death on twitter: a linguistic analysis of the humoristic use of #jesuis. TACO conference (University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Espagne), du 20/09/2016 au 21/09/2016).
Müller, Adeline ; François, Thomas ; Roekhaut, Sophie ; Fairon, Cédrick. Classification automatique de dictées selon leur niveau de difficulté de compréhension et orthographique. Conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016 (Paris, du 04/07/2016 au 08/07/2016). In: Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016, Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues: Paris, France, 2016, p. 372-380.
Dupont, Maïté. Cohesive markers of contrast in English and French: what, where and why?. Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches to Text Structuring (Universitat de València, du 24/01/2016 au 26/01/2016).
Hambye, Philippe. Comprendre le français des quartiers populaires. AFLS Conference: French as a shared language / Le français partagé (Belfast, Queen’s University Belfast, du 20/06/2016 au 22/06/2016).
Gallez, Françoise ; Gallez, Françoise ; De Knop, Sabine. Construction-based teaching of German caused motion constructions with 'ein-/in' to French-speaking learners. Constructionist Approaches to Language Pedagogy 2 (CALP 2) (Univesität Basel, du 10/06/2016 au 11/06/2016).
Crible, Ludivine. Contrasting the category of discourse markers in spoken corpora. A usage-based approach to French and English. Linguists' Day 2016 of the Linguistic Society of Belgium (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 13/05/2016).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Corpora for language learning and teaching: A world of possibilities. The Hong Kong Institute of Education seminars in Linguistics and Modern Language Studies (Hong Kong, 13/05/2016).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Corpus methods in research on first and second language acquisition. “Språk och lärande" workshop on corpus methods for teaching and research (Uppsala Universitet, 09/11/2016).
Bouziri, Basma. Design, Transcription, and Analysis of the Tunisian Lecture Corpus (TLC): Context related Issues. The Eighth Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Conference: Corpora and Context (Bath Spa, United Kingdom, du 16/06/2016 au 17/06/2016).
Ito, Kiwako ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Sandels, Paul. Developmental shift in the organization of lexical alternatives. The mental lexicon (Ottawa). In: The mental lexicon.
Degand, Liesbeth. Discourse segmentation and discourse markers in spoken French. 9èmes journées de linguistique Suisse 2016 (Université de Genève, du 29/06/2016 au 01/07/2016).
Paquot, Magali. EFL phraseological development: Insights from learner corpora. English Profile Seminar (University of Cambridge, 05/02/2016).
Christodoulides, George. Effects of Cognitive Load on Speech Production: Prosody, Disfluencies and Turn-Taking. 22nd Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP16) (Bizkaia Aretoa, Bilbao, Spain, du 1/9/2016 au 3/9/2016).
De Smet, Audrey ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Galand, Benoît. Emotional engagement in the classroom: socio-affective dynamics. Focus on the learner: Contributions of individual differences to second language learning and teaching (Konin, Poland, du 17/10/2016 au 19/10/2016).
De Sutter, Gert ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Empirical Translation Studies in the post-Baker era: A new research agenda. EST Congress (European Society for Translation Studies) (Aarhus University, du 15/09/2016 au 17/09/2016).
Hambye, Philippe. Est-ce que les locuteurs choisissent leurs voyelles ? Habitus linguistique, déterminisme et changement social. Colloque VALS-ASLA: Processus de différenciation : des pratiques langagières à leur interprétation sociale (Genève, Université de Genève, 20-22 janvier 2016, du 20/01/2016 au 22/01/2016).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Galand, Benoît ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk ; Bulon, Amélie ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane. Evaluatie van CLIL in Franstalig België: een multidisciplinair onderzoeksproject. ANBF Onderzoeksmarkt (Université Libre de Bruxelles, 19/02/2016).
Tack, Anaïs ; François, Thomas ; Ligozat, Anne-Laure ; Fairon, Cédrick. Evaluating Lexical Simplification and Vocabulary Knowledge for Learners of French: Possibilities of Using the FLELex Resource. The 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016) (Portorož, Slovenia, du 23/05/2016 au 28/05/2016). In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), European Language Resources Association (ELRA): Paris, France, 2016. 978-2-9517408-9-1, 230-236.
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Norde, Muriel. Expanding the lexicon through debonding: a constructionist perspective. Expanding the lexicon: Linguistic Innovation, Morphological Productivity, and the Role of Discourse-Related Factors (Universität Trier, du 17/11/2016 au 18/11/2016).
Degand, Liesbeth. Explorations at the discourse level: Basic Discourse Units, Discourse Markers, and more. CLiPS colloquium Discourse (Universiteit Antwerpen, 06/06/2016).
Snyers, Bénédicte. Exploring Francophone Belgians’ Language Attitudes: A Discursive Analysis. 6th Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines Conference (CADAAD 2016) (Catane (Sicile), du 05/09/2016 au 07/09/2016).
Degand, Liesbeth. Exploring the discourse level: Basic Discourse Units, Discourse Markers, and more. Grammar & Cognition Symposium (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 24/03/2016).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Expressing negation through morphology in learner English: A corpus-based study of transfer. SLE 2016: 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (University of Naples Federico II, du 31/08/2016 au 03/09/2016).
De Cock, Barbara ; Roginsky, Sandrine. How much conversation is there on Twitter?. 4th International, Interdisciplinary Symposium: Microanalysis Of Online Data (MOOD-S) (Salford, du 15/09/2016 au 16/09/2016).
Hambye, Philippe. How to be legitimately illegitimate? Analyzing the vernacular of French‐speaking Belgians of immigrant descent. Dialect Acquisition and Migration (Oslo, University of Oslo, du 13/04/2016 au 15/04/2016).
Shivade, Chaitanya ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Fosler-Lussier, Eric ; Lai, Albert M.. Identification, characterization, and grounding of gradable terms in clinical text. Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing (Berlin, Germany, 8/2016). In: Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing.. doi:10.18653/v1/w16-2903.
Bibauw, Serge ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet. Instructional design and natural language processing in dialogue-based CALL. CALICO 2016 (East Lansing, MI, du 11/05/2016 au 13/05/2016).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos. Integration of borrowings and the feature of gender: What can gender tell us about the native linguistic system?. Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory 7 (Rethymno, du 07/10/2016 au 09/10/2016).
Crible, Ludivine ; Degand, Liesbeth ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Interdependence of annotation levels in a functional taxonomy for discourse markers in spoken corpora. TextLink Second Action Conference (Budapest, Hungary, du 11/04/2016 au 14/04/2016). In: Conference Handbook, TextLink Second Action Conference (Debrecen University Press), 2016, 36-39.
Bouziri, Basma. Introducing curriculum authenticity. The MATSDA/University of Liverpool 2016 Conference on Authenticity and L2 Materials Development (Liverpool, du 18/06/2016 au 19/06/2016).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Is phraseology the third articulation of language? Fresh insights into a theoretical conundrum. Practical and theoretical contribution of corpus-bases phraseology to translation studies (University of Malaga, 26/05/2016).
Suner Munoz, Ferran ; De Cock, Barbara. La influencia de diferencias conceptuales en la comprensión de metáforas tabú en lengua extranjera. AELCO 2016 Discurso, cultura y contextos. X Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Cognitiva (Alcalá de Henares, du 26/10/2016 au 28/10/2016).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. La prominencia de la metáfora sexual en el discurso masculino: aspectos sociolingüístico-cognitivos. 10th International Conference of the Spanish Society of Cognitive Linguistics (AELCO) (Alcalá de Henares (España), du 26/10/2016 au 28/10/2016).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Looking into POS-tagging errors in LINDSEI. LINDSEI workshop on the POS-tagging of spoken interlanguage (Louvain-la-Neuve, 15/10/2016).
Lemaire, Nathalie ; François, Thomas ; Debongnie, Jean-Claude ; De Meyere, Damien ; Fauquert, Benjamin ; Klein, Thierry ; Fairon, Cédrick ; Van Campenhoudt, Marc. L’enrichissement terminologique d’usage du projet iMediate : une collaboration tripartite terminologie/TALN/sciences de la santé. Second Congrès international du Réseau de Lexicographie (RELEX) (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, du 05/10/2015 au 07/10/2015). In: La terminologie, un besoin pour la société actuelle, 2016.
Van de Vyver, Julie. Mobile-assisted language learning community and culture in French-speaking Belgium: the teachers' perspective. Eurocall (Limassol, Chypre, du 24/08/2016 au 27/08/2016). In: CALL communities and culture – short papers from EUROCALL 2016, 2016. 978-1-908416-45-2. doi:10.14705/rpnet.2016.eurocall2016.605.
Jonkers, Sara. Modal verbs in Dutch first language acquisition. Lunch Seminar Valibel (Louvain-la-Neuve, 16/02/2016).
Jonkers, Sara. Modal verbs in Dutch first language acquisition. Posters Day ILC (Louvain-la-Neuve, 18/03/2016).
Jonkers, Sara. Modale werkwoorden in Nederlandse kindertaal. Onderzoeksmarkt Association des Neerlandistes de Belgique francophone et de France (Brussel, 19/02/2016).
Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Meunier, Fanny. Modeling “constructional transfer”: A corpus-based study of competing morphological and syntactic intensifiers in native and learner Dutch. International Morphology Meeting 17 (Vienna, du 18/02/2016 au 21/02/2016).
Tack, Anaïs ; François, Thomas ; Ligozat, Anne-Laure ; Fairon, Cédrick. Modèles adaptatifs pour prédire automatiquement la compétence lexicale d'un apprenant de français langue étrangère. La 23ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016) (Paris, France, du 04/07/2016 au 08/07/2016). In: Actes de la 23ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2016), ATALA: Paris, 2016, 221-234.
Jonkers, Sara. Nous différencions plus que nous ne pensons. ARILUF (Namur, 17/05/2016).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. One norm to rule them all? Describing and evaluating learners’ usages in learner corpus research. 12th international Teaching and Language Corpora conference (TaLC 12) (Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen , du 20/07/2016 au 23/07/2016).
Jonkers, Sara. Overgeneralization of modal verbs in child language as a result of non-conventional form-meaning mapping. 9th International Conference on Construction Grammar (Juiz de Fora).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. POS-tagging LINDSEI: An experiment. LINDSEI workshop on the POS-tagging of spoken interlanguage (Louvain-la-Neuve, 15/10/2016).
Paquot, Magali. Particle placement alternations in EFL learner speech: core probabilistic grammar and/or EFL-specific preferences?. Probabilistic variation across dialects and varieties’ workshop (Leuven, du 04/04/2016 au 05/04/2016).
Grosman, Iulia ; Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie ; Duvivier, Emilie. Perception des hésitations : liens entre accord inter-annotateurs et contextes prosodiques. Journée annuelle du Cercle Belge de Linguistique (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 13/05/2016).
De Smet, Audrey ; Mettewie, Laurence. Perception du conflit intergroupe et affects envers la langue cible. 4ème rencontre du groupe de contact FNRS "Affects et acquisition des langues" (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, du 02/06/2016 au 03/06/2016).
Simon, Anne-Catherine ; Christodoulides, George. Perception of Prosodic Boundaries by Naïve Listeners in French. Speech Prosody 2016 (Boston, du 31/05/2016 au 03/06/2016). In: Proceedings Speech Prosody, 2016.
Rasier, Laurent ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. Phonological acquisition in CLIL- and non-CLIL-education. EUROSLA 26 Conference (Jyväskylä (Finlande), du 25/08/2016 au 27/08/2016).
Crible, Ludivine. Position and context of structuring discourse markers. A corpus-based investigation of scope and cognitive load in French and English. LPTS 2016 (Valencia, Spain, du 24/01/2016 au 26/01/2016).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Spinhayer, Camille ; Josse, Amélie. Posture verbs in French-speaking CLIL and non-CLIL learners of Dutch. Eurosla 26 Conference (Jyväskylä (Finlande), du 24/08/2016 au 27/08/2016).
Christodoulides, George. Praaline: plateforme intégrée pour l’analyse des corpus oraux. Séminaire doctorale de l’Université de Freiburg, Romanisches Seminar (Freiburg, Germany, 10/11/2016).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Propuestas de la Tercera Ola para la Sociolingüística en España. Sociolinguistics Symposium (Université de Murcia, du 14/06/2016 au 18/06/2016).
Bulon, Amélie ; Meunier, Fanny. Receptive knowledge and productive use of target-like phraseological units in L2 English or Dutch by French-speaking CLIL and non-CLIL learners. LEKO (Lexical combinations and typified speech in a multilingual context) (Innsbruck, du 11/02/2016 au 13/02/2016).
De Cock, Barbara ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Reinterpreting the use of hashtags: the humoristic use of #jesuis. 4th International, Interdisciplinary Symposium: Microanalysis Of Online Data (MOOD-S) (Salford, du 15/09/2016 au 16/09/2016).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Ressources et outils en phraséologie informatique. IVe Congrès international de dialectologie et de sociolinguistique. Variations, phraséologie et ressources (Paris, Université de Paris-Sorbonne, du 07/09/2016 au 09/09/2016).
Strauss, Benjamin ; Toma, Bethany ; Ritter, Alan ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Xu, Wei. Results of the WNUT16 Named Entity Recognition Shared Task. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT) (Osaka (Japan)). In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT), The COLING 2016 Organizing Committee, 2016, p. 138-144.
Van Goethem, Kristel. Revisiting category-change processes. Towards a new (constructionist) typology. 4th Patras International Conference of Graduate Students in Linguistics (University of Patras, du 20/05/2016 au 22/05/2016).
François, Thomas ; Volodina, Elena ; Pilán, Ildikó ; Tack, Anaïs. SVALex: a CEFR-graded Lexical Resource for Swedish Foreign and Second Language Learners. Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016) (Portorož, Slovenia, du 23/05/2016 au 28/05/2016). In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), European Language Resources Association (ELRA): Paris, France, 2016. 978-2-9517408-9-1, p. 213-219.
Bernardini, Silvia ; Ferraresi, Adriano ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Milicevic, Maja. Simplification in translation and interpreting: Using a tri-directional intermodal corpus to shed light on commonalities and differences. TransInt2016. Translation and Interpreting: convergence, contact, interaction (University of Trieste, du 26/05/2016 au 28/05/2016).
Christodoulides, George. Simultaneous Interpreting as a form of speech under cognitive load: effects on prosody, syntax and discourse structure. 8th European Society for Translation Congress. Special Panel: Methodologies for researching interpreting as an extreme case of language processing (Aarhus, Denmark, du 15/9/2016 au 17/9/2016).
Degand, Liesbeth. Spoken discourse segmentation and the paradox of discourse markers.. L&C talk (MPI Nijmegen, 23/03/2016).
Volodina, Elena ; Pilán, Ildikó ; Llozhi, Lorena ; Degryse, Baptiste ; François, Thomas. SweLLex: second language learners’ productive vocabulary. Joint workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning and NLP for Language Acquisition (Umeå, Sweden, 16/11/2016). In: Proceedings of the joint workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning and NLP for Language Acquisition, LiU Electronic Press : Umeå, Sweden, 2016, p. 76-84.
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. The MadSex Project: Some aspects of a cognitive sociolinguistic study of sexual concepts in Madrid.. Sociolinguistics Symposium (Université de Murcia, du 14/06/2016 au 18/06/2016).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; De Smet, Hendrik. The Saussurean sign revisited. Accounting for form-meaning mismatches in Construction Grammar. 9th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG9) (Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil, du 05/10/2016 au 07/10/2016).
Hendrikx, Isa. The acquisition of intensifying constructions in Dutch and English by French-speaking CLIL and non-CLIL students. Linguistics Thursday Seminars University of Florida (Gainesville Florida, 06/10/2016).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. The communicative affordances of hashtags: the case of the humoristic uses of #jesuis. PLINDay Language and the new (instant) media (Louvain-la-Neuve, 12/05/2016).
Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Meunier, Fanny. The impact of foreign language input on the acquisition of intensifying constructionsa case study from CLIL and non-CLIL learners in French-speaking Belgium . Constructionist Approaches to Language Pedagogy (Bâle, Suisse, du 10/06/2016 au 11/06/2016).
Paquot, Magali. The role of the lexis-grammar interface in L2 complexity research. 7th conference of the Formulaic Network Conference (FLaRN) (Vilnius, Lithuania, du 28/06/2016 au 30/06/2016).
Laporte, Samantha. The schematic to substantive patterning of make in New Englishes: a Construction Grammar approach. International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English 37: Corpus Linguistics across cultures (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, du 25/05/2016 au 29/05/2016).
Van de Vyver, Julie. The use of mobile technology in the teaching and learning of foreign languages in French-speaking Belgium: the learners’ perspective.. EuroCALL MALL SIG symposium - Perspectives on the integration of MALL tools in the teaching & learning of foreign languages (Bucharest, RO, du 14/04/2016 au 15/04/2016).
Vincent, Arnaud. Thou Shalt neither Buy nor Sell the Rhetorical God Gap Theory without Data! A Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study of the Religious Rhetoric of U.S. Presidential Candidates (1952- 2008). Corpora and Discourse International Conference (Siena University , du 30/06/2016 au 03/07/2016).
Crible, Ludivine. Towards a multimodal corpus of videogames: technical and methodologicalchallenges for a quantitative-qualitative approach to MMORPGs. PLIN Day 2016 Workshop (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 12/05/2016).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Traduire en intégrant la phraséologie informatique: outils pratiques et réflexions théoriques. VI Coloquio Lucentino, Nuevas tendencias en traducción e interpretación (Université d'Alicante, du 09/11/2016 au 11/11/2016).
Gallez, Françoise. Understanding German Caused Motion Constructions: on the Complemetarity of Linguistic Typology and Construction Grammar. POSTERS DAY ILC (UCL).
Nivre, Joakim ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Ginter, Filip ; Goldberg, Yoav ; Hajič, Jan ; Manning, Christopher D. ; McDonald, Ryan ; Petrov, Slav ; Pyysalo, Sampo ; Silveira, Natalia ; Tsarfaty, Reut ; Zeman, Daniel. Universal Dependencies v1: A Multilingual Treebank Collection. Universal Dependencies v1: A Multilingual Treebank Collection. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16), p. 1659–1666.
Bulon, Amélie ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Meunier, Fanny. Using Global Complexity Measures to Assess Second Language Proficiency: Comparing CLIL and non-CLIL learners of Dutch and English in French-speaking Belgium. Journée Linguistique du Cercle Belge de Linguistique (Louvain-la-Neuve, 13/05/2016).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Bestgen, Yves ; Grabar, Natalia. Using n-grams to map registers across languages and uncover cross-linguistic contrasts: Insights from Correspondence Analysis. Linguists' Day 2016 (Linguistic Society of Belgium) (UCL, 13/05/2016).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Bestgen, Yves ; Grabar, Natalia. Vers une analyse des différences interlinguistiques entre les genres textuels : étude de cas basée sur les n-grammes et l'analyse factorielle des correspondences. TALN 2016 (Paris (France)). In: Actes JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016, 2016, p. 555-563.
Möller, Verena. Von Albanisch bis Zazaisch – Mehrsprachigkeit bei Teilnehmern und Nicht-Teilnehmern am bilingualen Unterricht Englisch. Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, SPRACH|KULTUR|EN (Koblenz/Germany, du 27/09/2016 au 30/09/2016).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Why yes/no questions trigger expanded answers in sociolinguistic interviews: an application of Mey’s Pragmeme theory. The Linguistic Society of Belgium 2016 Day (Université catholique de Louvain, 13/05/2016).
Marsily, Aurélie ; Rasson, Marie ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea ; De Cock, Barbara. ¿Quién atenúa cuándo en español? La atenuación en distintos géneros discursivos. Congreso internacional de atenuación lingüística: perspectivas semánticas y pragmáticas (Valencia, du 15/06/2016 au 18/06/2016).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos ; Van Goethem, Kristel. ‘Morphological transposition’ as a recategorization process: the case of 'luxe' in Dutch. Séminaire de recherche STL (Savoirs, Textes et Langage) (Université Lille 3, 25/03/2016).
De Cock, Barbara ; Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. “The sin but no the sinner”: The expression of sexual actions and their participants. Sociolinguistics Symposium (Université de Murcia, du 14/06/2016 au 18/06/2016).
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Elsner, Micha. "I think that's enough": Mental state verbs rarely report beliefs in child-directed speech. 28th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (Los Angeles). In: 28th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing.
Crible, Ludivine ; Dumont, Amandine ; Grosman, Iulia ; Notarrigo, Ingrid. (Dis)fluency annotation across corpora: One protocol to rule them all. 3rd ARC Fluency-Disfluency Workshop (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 26/02/2015 au 27/02/2015).
Vincent, Arnaud. A Corpus Linguistics Approach to the Rhetorical God Gap in U.S. Presidential Campaigns. UCREL Corpus Research seminar, ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS) (Lancaster University, 19/02/2015).
Rasson, Marie. A comparison of Spanish indefinite « uno » in Spain, Chile and Mexico. IberoCon 2015: Ibero-Romance in Contact and Contrast (Ghent, du 14/12/2015 au 16/12/2015).
Van Goethem, Kristel. A constructionist view on language innovation. Some key issues. Research Seminar of the Modern Greek Dialect Research Laboratory (University of Patras, 11/06/2015).
Grabar, Natalia ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. A corpus-based analysis of English and French lexical bundles across genres. Words, Words, Words - Lexis, Corpora and Contrastive Analysis workshop, ICAME36 conference (Trier University, du 27/05/2015 au 31/05/2015).
Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Van Mensel, Luk. Acquisition of intensifying constructions in Dutch and English by French-speaking CLIL and non-CLIL learners. Language in Focus - LIF 2015 - Contemporary Perspectives on Theory, Research, and Praxis in ELT and SLA (Cappadocia, Turkey, du 04/03/2015 au 07/03/2015).
Paquot, Magali ; Naets, Hubert. Adopting a relational model of co-occurrences to trace phraseological development. Learner Corpus Research 2015 (Nijmegen, Netherlands, du 11/09/2015 au 13/09/2015).
De Cock, Sylvie. An exploration of the use of foreign words in interviews with EFL learners: a(n) (effective) communication strategy?. Third Learner Corpus Research Conference (Radboud University, Nijmegen , du 11/09/2015 au 13/09/2015).
Bolly, Catherine ; Duboisdindien, Guillaume. Analyse multimodale des marqueurs pragmatiques à fonction intersubjective au sein du vieillissement langagier en tant qu’indices précoces de démence. Research Seminar “Atypies et dysfonctionnements langagiers” (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Modyco, 11/05/2015).
Christodoulides, George ; Barreca, Giulia. Au-delà du token : expériences sur l’analyse syntaxique des corpus oraux avec l’annotateur multi-niveaux DisMo. 8es journées internationales de linguistique de corpus (Orléans, France, du 2/9/2015 au 4/9/2015).
Christodoulides, George ; Avanzi, Mathieu. Automatic Detection and Annotation of Disfluencies in Spoken French Corpora. Interspeech 2015 (Dresden, Germany, du 06/09/2015 au 10/09/2015).
De Meyere, Damien ; Klein, Thierry ; François, Thomas ; Debongnie, Jean-Claude ; Radulescu, Cristina ; Mbengo, Nicole ; Ouro Koura, Maliki ; Coppieters 't Wallant, Yves ; Fairon, Cédrick. Automatic annotation of medical reports using SNOMED-CT: a flexible approach based on medical knowledge databases. 7th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics (Poznań, Poland, du 27/11/2015 au 29/11/2015). In: Proceedings of the 7th Language & Technology Conference, Fundacja Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza: Poznań, Poland, 2015. 978-83-932640-8-7, p. 519-523.
Goyens, Michèle ; Szecel, Céline ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Autorité du latin et transparence constructionnelle.Le sort des néologismes médiévaux dans le domaine médical. Diachro VII. Le français en diachronie (Paris, du 05/02/2015 au 07/02/2015).
Dupont, Maïté. Between lexis and discourse: a cross-register study of connectives of contrast. ICAME 36: Words, words, words (University of Trier, du 27/05/2015 au 31/05/2015).
Paland, Ines. Blended Learning – Flexible TestDaF- Vorbereitung mit Online-Lernphasen. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft (GMW) (Munich, du 29/08/2015 au 01/09/2015).
Paquot, Magali. Bridging the gap between syntactic complexity and lexical diversity research: Phraseology – the keystone?. XXXIII Congreso International de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA) (Madrid, Spain, du 16/04/2015 au 18/04/2015).
Grabar, Natalia ; Lefer, Marie-Aude. Building a lexical bundle resource for CAT and MT. MUMTTT workshop (Multi-word Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology) (University of Málaga, du 01/07/2015 au 02/07/2015).
Möller, Verena. CLIL, learner variables and statistical analysis – What is left when you've done it all?. Learner Corpus Research (Nijmegen/The Netherlands, du 11/09/2015 au 13/09/2015).
Grosman, Iulia. Causality and converging evidence: overcoming methodological monism with corpus analysis and experimental approaches. Causality in the language sciences at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (Leipzig, Germany, du 13/05/2015 au 15/04/2015).
Bolly, Catherine. Changements pragmatiques liés à l'âge. Stratégies adaptatives et compensation pour une interaction normée. Colloque Atylang "Atypies langagières: mais de quoi parle-t-on vraiment?" (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, du 27/11/2015 au 28/11/2015).
Suner Munoz, Ferran. Cognitive aspects of task- and content-based learning. In-service teacher training at Nakhchivan Private University (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, 11/06/2015).
Grosman, Iulia. Combining Corpus and Experimental Methods: Towards a Cognitively and Socially Integrated Definition of Fluency. 3rd ARC Fluency-Disfluency Workshop (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 26/02/2015 au 27/02/2015).
Grosman, Iulia. Complexity cues or attention triggers? Repetitions and editing terms for native speakers of French. Poster presentation at the 7th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (DiSS 2015) - ICPHS 2015 Satellite Conference (Edinburgh, Scotland , du 08/08/2015 au 09/08/2015).
Marsily, Aurélie. Conditional or imperative mode? The influence of mother tongue in non-native productions of French-speaking learners of Spanish . 14th International Pragmatics Conference (Anvers, du 26/07/2015 au 31/07/2015).
De Cock, Barbara ; González Arias, Cristian. Construcción de identidades discursivas en la esfera pública digital: el caso de los blogs políticos. 7th International Conference of Hispanic Linguistics (5th Biennal Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Spanish in Society [SiS]). Spanish in contact - new times, new spaces and new speakers (Edinburgh, du 28/05/2015 au 29/05/2015).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos. Construction Morphology in Modern Greek . ‘Senior and new researchers’-Workshop on the occasion of the European Day of Languages (Nicosia, 26/09/2015).
De Cock, Barbara ; Nogué Serrano, Neus. Contrastive pragmatics: Person reference in Catalan and Spanish parliamentary debates. Ibero-Romance in Contact and in Contrast (Gent, du 14/12/2015 au 16/12/2015).
Bibauw, Serge ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet. Conversational agents for language learning: state of the art and avenues for research on task-based agents. CALICO 2015 (Boulder, CO, du 27/05/2015 au 29/05/2015).
Deshors, Sandra C. ; Götz, Sandra ; Laporte, Samantha. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Innovations in Non-native Englishes: A thematic Introduction. International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English 36: Words, words, words (University of Trier, Trier, du 27/05/2015 au 31/05/2015).
Shivade, Chaitanya ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Fosler-Lussier, Eric ; Lai, Albert M.. Corpus-based discovery of semantic intensity scales. Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Denver, Colorado, 2015). In: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.. doi:10.3115/v1/n15-1051.
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Degree of exposure and acquisition of discourse markers: A three-level analysis. Third Learner Corpus Research Conference (LCR 2015) (Nijmegen, du 11/09/2015 au 13/09/2015).
De Smet, Hendrik ; Norde, Muriel ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Vanderbauwhede, Gudrun. Degrees of adverbialization. A cross-linguistic corpus study of 'far from X' constructions. A Germanic Sandwich (University of Nottingham, du 24/04/2015 au 25/04/2015).
Laporte, Samantha. Deriving constructions bottom-up: a case for lexically bound mini-constructions. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 13 (Northumbria University, Newcastle, du 20/07/2015 au 25/07/2015).
Dumont, Amandine. Designing and implementing a multilayer annotation system for (dis)fluency features in learner and native corpora. Corpus Linguistics (Lancaster, du 21/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).
Schneider, Gerold ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Detecting innovations in a parsed corpus of learner English. 36th International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English Conference (ICAME 36) (Trier, du 27/05/2015 au 31/05/2015).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Developing and exploiting spoken learner corpora: challenges and opportunities. Workshop on New Trends in Spoken Corpora (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, du 24/09/2015 au 25/09/2015).
Bibauw, Serge ; François, Thomas ; Desmet, Piet. Dialogue-based CALL: an overview of existing research. EUROCALL 2015 (Padova, du 27/08/2015 au 29/08/2015). In: Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy,, Dublin, 2015. 978-1-908416-29-2, p. 57-64. doi:10.14705/rpnet.2015.000310. doi:10.14705/rpnet.2015.000310.
Wagner, Petra ; Origlia, Antonio ; Avezani, Cinzia ; Christodoulides, George ; Cutugno, Francesco ; D'Imperio, Mariapaola ; Escudero Mancebo, David ; Gili Fivela, Barbara ; Lacheret, Anne ; Ludusan, Bogdan ; Moniz, Helena ; Ní Chasaide, Ailbhe ; Niebhur, Oliver ; Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie ; Simon, Anne-Catherine ; Simko, Juraj ; Tesser, Fabio ; Vainio, Martti. Different parts of the same elephant: a roadmap to disentangle and connect different perspectives on prosodic prominence. ICPhS 2015 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Glasgow, du 10/08/2015 au 14/08/2015). In: Proceedings ICPhS 2015, IPA Archive, 2015.
Degrave, Pauline ; Dedonder, Jonathan ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. Difficulties in foreign language learning: does music help? The influence of music training, music aptitude and musical teaching methods on the perception of Dutch phonemes and lexical stress by French speakers.. Shared Processing in Language and Music: What Neurocognition and Disorders Reveal (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, du 27/03/2015 au 28/03/2015).
Marsily, Aurélie. Directness vs. indirectness: A contrastive pragmatic analysis of request formulation in Spanish and in French. International Workshop on Linguistics of Ibero-Romance Languages Ibero-Romance in Contact and in Contrast (Gand, du 14/12/2015 au 16/12/2015).
Crible, Ludivine. DisFrEn: a richly annotated dataset for the contrastive and variationist study of discourse markers in speech. DiSpoL (Saarbrücken, du 01/10/2015 au 02/10/2015).
Christodoulides, George ; Barreca, Giulia ; Avanzi, Mathieu. DisMo : un annotateur multi-niveaux pour les corpus oraux. 22ème Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) (Caen, France, du 22/6/2015 au 25/6/2015).
De Cock, Barbara ; Roginsky, Sandrine. Dénoncer le lobbying pour dénoncer l'Europe sur Twitter? Lobbying et transparence dans les discours des candidats à l'élection européenne. Twitter at the European Elections 2014: International Perspectives on a Political Communication Tool (Dijon, du 26/11/2015 au 27/11/2015).
Christodoulides, George. Effects of cognitive load in speech production: an experimental corpus combining prosody, syntax and eye-tracking data. Psycholinguistics in Flanders (PiF 2015) (Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium, du 21/5/2015 au 22/5/2015).
Michaux, Marie-Catherine ; Caspers, Johanneke ; Van Heuven, Vincent ; Hiligsmann, Philippe. Effects of hearing an incorrect stress on word naming in Dutch by Francophones. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. (Glasgow, du 10/08/2015 au 14/08/2015). In: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2015. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4.
Marsily, Aurélie. El uso del imperativo en la formulación de peticiones: la interferencia pragmática del francés en las producciones de estudiantes francófonos del E/LE. ELIA XII (Séville, du 01/07/2015 au 03/07/2015).
Mariscal, Vincent. Entreprise du 3e type et "dé-passionnalisation" de la vie organisationnelle. Quand le désaccord se dissout dans une culture du compromis. La valeur du désaccord (Angers, du 05/05/2015 au 06/05/2015) (Soumis).
Crible, Ludivine. Etude contrastive des marqueurs de discours français et anglais. Approche onomasiologique sur corpus comparable. 4th International Symposium Discourse Markers in Romance Languages: A contrastive approach (Heidelberg, Germany, du 06/05/2015 au 09/05/2015).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Galand, Benoît ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane. Evaluation de l’Enseignement d’une Matière par Intégration d’une Langue Etrangère (EMILE) : perspectives linguistiques, cognitives et éducationnelles. Séminaire Cripedis (Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les pratiques enseignantes et les disciplines scolaires (Louvain-la-Neuve, 27/03/2015).
Christodoulides, George ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Exploring acoustic and syntactic cues to prosodic boundaries in French. A multi-genre corpus study. ICPhS 2015 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Glasgow, du 10/08/2015 au 14/08/2015). In: Proceedings ICPhS 2015, IPA Archive, 2015.
Shivade, Chaitanya ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Fosler-Lussier, Eric ; Lai, Albert M.. Extending NegEx with Kernel Methods for Negation Detection in Clinical Text. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Semantics (ExProM 2015) (Denver, Colorado, 6/2015). In: Proceedings of NAACL Extra-propositional aspects of meaning in computational linguistics (ExProM) workshop. doi:10.3115/v1/w15-1305.
De Cock, Sylvie. Foreign words in interviews with EFL learners: bridging lexical gaps?. ICAME36 (Trier Universität, du 27/05/2015 au 31/05/2015).
Bolly, Catherine ; Crible, Ludivine. From context to functions and back again: Disambiguating pragmatic uses of discourse markers. 14th International Pragmatics Conference (IPra), Panel session "Anchoring utterances in co(n)text, argumentation, common ground" (Antwerp, du 26/07/2015 au 31/07/2015).
Crible, Ludivine ; Degand, Liesbeth. Functions and syntax of discourse connectives across languages and genres: towards a multilingual annotation scheme. International Pragmatics Association (IprA) conference (Antwerpen, du 26/07/2015 au 31/07/2015).
Bolly, Catherine ; Gerstenberg, Annette. Functions of repetition in the discourse of elderly speakers: The role of prosody and gesture. 14th International Pragmatics Conference (IPra), Panel session "Age and language use" (Antwerp, du 26/07/2015 au 31/07/2015).
Gala, Núria ; Billami, Mokhtar B. ; François, Thomas ; Bernhard, Delphine. Graded lexicons: new resources for educational purposes and much more. EUROCALL 2015. In: Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy,, 2015. 978-1-908416-29-2, p. 204-209. doi:10.14705/rpnet.2015.000334.
Suner Munoz, Ferran. Grammatikerwerb und Kognition . 2nd Latin American Conference of teachers of German (Santiago de Chile, du 27/10/15 au 30/10/15 ).
Grosman, Iulia. How do French humorists manage their persona across situations? A corpus study on their prosodic variation. 14th International Pragmatics Conference (IPRA2015). Panel Metapragmatics of humour: crossing boundaries (Antwerp, Belgium, du 26/07/2015 au 31/07/2015).
De Smet, Audrey ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Van Mensel, Luk. How to measure and integrate socio-affective variables in the evaluation of CLIL. EUROSLA 25 - Second Language Acquisition: Implications for language sciences (Aix-en-Provence, France, du 26/08/2015 au 29/08/2015).
Gokcen, Ajda ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. I do not disagree: leveraging monolingual alignment to detect disagreement in dialogue. Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language (Beijing, China, 7/2015). In: Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2015).. doi:10.3115/v1/p15-2016.
Rasson, Marie. Indefinite uno as a mitigation strategy on the Spanish Yahoo QA forum. 1st International Conference: Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis (Valencia, du 18/11/2015 au 20/11/2015).
Rasson, Marie ; De Cock, Barbara. Intersubjectivity in a digital genre: the Spanish indefinite pronoun uno (“one”) and person deixis in Yahoo Questions&Answers. 14th International Pragmatics Conference (Antwerp, du 26/07/2015 au 31/07/2015).
De Cock, Sylvie. Involvement profiles in interviews with native speakers and EFL learners: a corpus-based analysis. Third learner corpus research conference (Radboud University, Nijmegen, du 11/09/2015 au 13/09/2015).
Levshina, Natalia ; Degand, Liesbeth. Just because: In search of an objective approach to subjectivity. International Pragmatics Association (IprA) conference (Antwerpen, du 26/07/2015 au 31/07/2015).
Hambye, Philippe ; Siroux, Jean-Louis. La construction discursive de la non-qualification linguistique : quelques exemples en Belgique francophone. Hétérogénéité et changements : perspectives sociolinguistiques (Grenoble (France), du 10/06/2015 au 13/06/2015).
Roginsky, Sandrine ; De Cock, Barbara. La controverse sur Twitter en temps d’élection européenne : le cas de TAFTA et du lobbying Analyse comparative des discours en Espagne, Belgique, France et au Royaume-Uni . Discours d’Europe, discours sur l’Europe Quand polémiques et controverses s’en(m)mêlent... (ULB, Bruxelles, du 17/12/2015 au 18/12/2015).
Barreca, Giulia ; Christodoulides, George ; Durand, Jacques ; Laks, Bernard ; Lyche, Chantal. La liaison de l'adjectif antéposé dans le français parlé. AFLS 2015 La linguistique du français vernaculaire : analyses synchroniques, perspectives diachroniques et applications didactiques (Caen, France, du 17/06/2015 au 19/06/2015).
Szecel, Céline ; Goyens, Michèle ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Latin authority and constructional transparency at work:neologisms in the French medical vocabulary of the Middle Ages and their fate. BKL/CBL conference "Computational Construction Grammar and Constructional change" (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 08/06/2015).
De Smet, Audrey. Le rôle des variables socio-affectives dans l’apprentissage des langues en immersion et en non-immersion. Séminaire Girsef Cellule n°2 "Dispositifs, motivation et apprentissage" (Louvain-la-Neuve, 15/12/2015).
Hambye, Philippe. Learning to beg for labor: language training as a remodeling of workers’ habitus. American Anthropological Association (AAA) Annual Meeting (Denver (Col.), du 17/11/2015 au 22/11/2015).
Hambye, Philippe. Les controverses sur les politiques linguistiques de l’Union européenne. Quel est le cadre des discussions ?. Discours d’Europe, discours sur l’Europe. Quand polémiques et controverses s’en(m)mêlent… (Bruxelles (Belgique), du 17/12/2015 au 18/12/2015).
Simon, Anne-Catherine. Les unités de discours : pourquoi et comment?. Le(s) Discours en Sciences du Langage: unités et niveaux d'analyse (Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, du 28/05/2015 au 29/05/2015).
Snyers, Bénédicte ; Hambye, Philippe. Linguistic Legitimacy among ‘Peripheral’ Speakers: The Case of Belgian French. World Conference on Pluricentric Languages (Graz (Autriche), du 8/07/2015 au 11/07/2015).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Rasier, Laurent. L’enseignement-apprentissage du néerlandais en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles :Objectifs, méthodes, résultats. Pertinence du néerlandais dans la Région du Nord de la France (Université Lille 3 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, 30/09/2015).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. L’intraduisible sous l’angle de la phraséologie informatique : questions théoriques et pistes de solutions pratiques. Conférence plénière lors du Colloque international « L’intraduisible : les méandres de la traduction », Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne (Evry, du 03/12/2015 au 04/12/2015).
Degand, Liesbeth. Marqueurs discursifs en traduction à l’oral. Les sous-titres de film sont-ils le reflet de la conversation spontanée ?. 4th International Symposium of Romance Discourse Markers (Heidelberg, du 06/05/2015 au 09/05/2015).
Jonkers, Sara. Meanings of modal verbs in Dutch child language. Annual Day Linguistic Society (Brussel, 09/05/2015).
Van de Vyver, Julie. Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels. Towards an effective use of MALL. Eurocall 2015 - Critical Call (Padova, IT, du 26/08/2015 au 29/08/2015).
Hendrikx, Isa ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Meunier, Fanny. Modelling “Constructional transfer”: A comparative corpus study of morphological and syntactic intensifiers in L1 French, L1 Dutch and L2 Dutch. Morphology Days 2015 (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, du 17/12/2015 au 18/12/2015).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Morphological and syntactic processes of Noun to Adjective change: the case of Dutch 'luxe'. Morphology Days 2015 (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, du 17/12/2015 au 18/12/2015).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Grabar, Natalia. N-grams in multilingual corpora: extracting and analyzing lexical bundles in contrastive studies. Europhras2015 (University of Málaga, du 29/06/2015 au 01/07/2015).
Tonhauser, Judith ; Beaver, David ; Degen, Judith ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Roberts, Craige ; Simons, Mandy. Negated evaluative adjective sentences: What projects, and why?. Experimental Pragmatics 2015 (Chicago).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Negative affixation in native and non-native English: An onomasiological corpus-based approach. Décembrettes 9 (Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, du 03/12/2015 au 04/12/2015). In: Actes du colloque international de morphologie Décembrettes 9. Toulouse, 2015.
Kim, Joo-Kyung ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Fosler-Lussier, Eric. Neural word embeddings with multiplicative feature interactions for tensor-based compositions. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Vector Space Modeling for Natural Language Processing (Denver, Colorado, 6/2015). In: Proceedings of NAACL workshop on vector space modeling for NLP. doi:10.3115/v1/w15-1520.
Mariscal, Vincent. Normalisation langagière et "assujettissement joyeux" au travail. Congrès du Réseau francophone de sociolinguistique (Université de Grenoble, du 10/06/2015 au 12/06/2015) (Soumis).
Paquot, Magali. Phraseological competence in a cross-sectional ESP learner corpus: Implications for language assessment and testing. VALILEX seminar series (Leuven, 08/06/2015).
Paquot, Magali. Phraseological indices of writing proficiency at the B2 vs. C1 levels in an ESP learner corpus: Implications for language testing for academic purposes. 46th Conference of the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE): The B2/C1 levels and language tests for academic purposes (Bergen, Norway, du 08/05/2015 au 08/05/2015).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Phraseology and Translation : from theoretical hypotheses to practical tools. International colloquium "Translation and interpreting at a crossroads", Université Saint-Louis-Bruxelles and Université catholique de Louvain (Brussels / Louvain-la-Neuve, du 19/11/2015 au 20/11/2015).
Bolly, Catherine ; Gabarro-Lopez, Silvia ; Meurant, Laurence. Pragmatic gestures at the gesture-sign interface. Nonmanuals and palm-up gestures among older Belgian French speakers and French Belgian Sign Language signers. Nonmanuals at the Gesture Sign Interface (NaGSI) (University of Göttingen, du 09/10/2015 au 10/10/2015).
Simon, Anne-Catherine. Prosodie, discours et linguistique sur corpus. De quelques pratiques méthodologiques. ICODOC2015 Icar COlloque DOCtorants/Docteurs (Laboratoire ICAR : CNRS, Université Lyon 2, ENS de Lyon, du 18/05/2015 au 19/05/2015).
Paquot, Magali ; Plonsky, Luke. Quantitative research methods and study quality in learner corpus research. Learner Corpus Research 2015 (Nijmegen, Netherlands, du 11/09/2015 au 13/09/2015).
De Cock, Barbara ; Roel Coesemans. Self and group reference by politicians on Twitter. Adapting personal deixis to 140 characters. 14th International Pragmatics Conference (Antwerp, du 26/07/2015 au 31/07/2015).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Taking stance towards sexual taboo through semantic variation. 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC) (University of Northumbria, du 20/07/2015 au 25/07/2015).
Shivade, Chaitanya ; Hebert, Courtney ; Lopetegui, Marcelo ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Fosler-Lussier, Eric ; Lai, Albert M.. Textual inference for eligibility criteria resolution in clinical trials. In: Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Vol. 58, no./, p. S211-S218 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2015.09.008.
Dumont, Amandine ; De Cock, Sylvie ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle ; Granger, Sylviane. The French component of LINDSEI. LINDSEI workshop on the POS-tagging of spoken interlanguage (Nijmegen, 11/09/2015).
Jin, Lifeng ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. The Overall Markedness of Discourse Relations. Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (Lisbon, Portugal, 9/2015). In: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2015).. doi:10.18653/v1/d15-1132.
Dumont, Amandine. The contribution of learner corpora to fluency assessment within the CEFR. Learner Corpus Research (Nijmegen, du 11/09/2015 au 13/09/2015).
Paquot, Magali ; Biber, Douglas. The impact of genre on EFL learner writing: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis Perspective. ICAME 36: Words, words, words - Corpora and Lexis (Trier, Germany, du 27/05/2015 au 31/01/2015).
Paquot, Magali. The lexis-grammar interface in learner language: From learner corpus data to applications. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) (Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, du 29/10/2015 au 31/10/2015).
Schutz, Natassia. The phraseological profile of general academic verbs: a cross-disciplinary analysis of collocations. Corpus Linguistics 2015 (Lancaster, UK, du 21/07/2015 au 24/07/2015).
Dupont, Maïté. The placement of conjunctive adjuncts in English and French editorials. A combined Systemic Functional and corpus approach. 42nd International Systemic Functional Congress (RWTH Aachen, Germany, du 27/07/2015 au 31/07/2015).
De Smet, Audrey ; Meunier, Fanny ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Galand, Benoît ; Van Mensel, Luk. The role of socio-affective variables in French-speaking CLIL and non-CLIL learners. Language in Focus - LIF 2015 - Contemporary Perspectives on Theory, Research, and Praxis in ELT and SLA (Cappadocia, Turkey, du 04/03/2015 au 07/03/2015).
Bolly, Catherine. Towards pragmatic gestures: From repetition to construction in multimodal pragmatics. 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-13), Theme session “Grammar, speakers’ gestures, and conceptualization” (Northumbria University, Newcastle, du 20/07/2015 au 25/07/2015).
Bestgen, Yves ; Granger, Sylviane. Tracking L2 writers’ phraseological development using collgrams: Evidence from a longitudinal EFL corpus. ICAME 36 (Trier, du 27/05/2015 au 31/05/2015).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Translating multiword units: Towards a corpus-informed bilingual lexical bundle resource for CAT. Invited talk (Department of Translation Studies, Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Two worlds of non-native Englishes, and how corpus linguistics can build a bridge between them. LinguA³ (Leibniz Universität Hannover, 13/01/2015).
Colson, Jean-Pierre. Une didactique de la phraséologie basée sur les corpus : perspectives et limites. Journée d’étude internationale organisée par le laboratoire GRAMMATICA (Université d’Artois, Maison de la Recherche, Arras (France), 09/10/2015).
Paquot, Magali ; Naets, Hubert. Using relational co-occurrences to trace phraseological development in a longitudinal corpus. EUROSLA25 (Aix-en-Provence, France, du 26/08/2015 au 29/08/2015).
Bolly, Catherine. Visible actions and audible speech as pragmatic lenses to explore intergenerational interaction. Invited conference at the Centre de Recherche sur les Interactions Sociales (CRIS) (Neuchâtel University, Switzerland, 29/04/2015).
De Cock, Barbara ; Michaud Maturana, Daniel. Víctimas resistentes y perpetradores encubiertos. Imaginar el futuro: nuevas estrategias de resistencia y nuevas formas de resiliencia en la literatura y el cine hispanoamericanos contemporáneos (Louvain-la-Neuve/Gent, du 05/11/2015 au 06/11/2015).
Laporte, Samantha. What corpora can do for you: an introduction to corpus methods and corpus tools. Methods and Linguistic Theories (University of Bamberg, Bamberg, du 27/11/2015 au 28/11/2015).
Vincent, Arnaud. Where is the Rhetorical God Gap? Use Corpus Linguistics to Ask the Data!. LHRI first American Studies Postgraduate Conference (University of Leeds, 09/10/2015).
Silveira, Natalia ; Dozat, Timothy ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Bowman, Samuel ; Connor, Miriam ; Bauer, John ; Manning, Chris. A Gold Standard Dependency Corpus for English. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014). In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos. A construction-based account of the relation between conversion and inflectional class in Modern Greek . 3rd Patras International Conference of Graduate Students (Patras, 24/05/2014).
François, Thomas ; Brouwers, Laetitia ; Naets, Hubert ; Fairon, Cédrick. AMesure: une formule de lisibilité pour les textes administratifs. 21e Conférence sur le Traitement automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2014) (Marseille, du 01/07/2014 au 04/07/2014). In: Actes de la 21e Conférence sur le Traitement automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2014), 2014, p. 467-472.
Degand, Liesbeth ; Zufferey, Sandrine. Advanced learners’ sensitivity to misuses of connectives during on-ling processing: The role of L1 transfer. 11th International Conference on General Linguistics (Pamplona, du 21/05/2014 au 23/05/2014).
François, Thomas. An analysis of a French as a Foreign language corpus for readability assessment . 3rd workshop on NLP for Computer-assisted Language Learning (Uppsala, 13/11/2014). In: Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on NLP for Computer-assisted Language Learning (NEALT Proceedings Series 22 / Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings; 107), Linköping University Electronic Press, 2014. 978-91-7519-175-1, p. 13-32.
Christodoulides, George ; Avanzi, Mathieu. An evaluation of machine learning methods for prominence detection in French. Interspeech 2014 (Singapore, du 14/9/2014 au 18/9/2014). In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2014, 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2014. 9781634394352, p. 116-119.
Dumont, Amandine. An integrated approach to (dis)fluency features in EFL learners. ARC workshop (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 25/04/2014).
Paquot, Magali. An integrated approach to phraseology in EFL learner writing. American Association of Corpus Linguistics (Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, USA, du 26/09/2014 au 28/09/2014).
Dumont, Amandine. Annotation of fluency and disfluency markers in nonnative spoken corpora. Interlanguage Annotation (ILA) Workshop - Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) conference (Poznan (Poland), du 11/09/2014 au 14/09/2014).
Meunier, Fanny ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Galand, Benoît. Assessing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Linguistic, cognitive and educational perspectives. Fifth International Conference on Language Immersion Education. Immersion 2014: Mainstreaming Access to Multilingual Communities (University of Utah, Salt Lake City, U.S., du 15/10/2014 au 18/10/2014).
Norde, Muriel ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Category change from a constructional perspective. Introduction to the workshop. 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG8) (Osnabrück, Germany, du 03/09/2014 au 06/09/2014).
Sandels, Paul ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Elsner, Micha. Child-directed mental state verbs are often assertions. Midwest Speech and Language Day 2014 (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
Dupont, Maïté. Contrastive relations in English and French editorials. A focus on the position of adverbial connectors of contrast. BAAHE 2014 Annual Conference of the Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education (University of Antwerp, 28/11/2014).
Paquot, Magali. Corpus d’apprenants et phraséologie. Phraséologie et routines dans différents genres de l’écrit, symposium organisé dans le cadre de la conférence internationale 'Writing Research across Borders' (Paris, France, 20/02/2014).
Van Goethem, Kristel. De nom en adjectif / adverbe. Le "debonding" de mots-composés en français et en néerlandais. Séminaire de recherche "Ghent research team on Linguistic Meaning & Structure" (GLIMS) (Gand, 04/12/2014).
Van Goethem, Kristel. Debonding of compounds in French, English, Dutch and German. MGDLT6: 6th International Conference on Modern Greek dialects and linguistic theory (University of Patras, Greece, du 25/09/2014 au 28/09/2014).
Bolly, Catherine. Des gestes et des mots pour dire la vieillesse. Research Seminar of the UMR7023 Structures Formelles du Langage (Paris, France, 24/03/2014).
Christodoulides, George ; Avanzi, Mathieu ; Goldman, Jean-Philippe. DisMo: A Morphosyntactic, Disfluency and Multi-Word Unit Annotator. An Evaluation on a Corpus of French Spontaneous and Read Speech. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 2014 (Reykjavik, Iceland, du 26/05/2014 au 31/05/2014). In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2014. 978-2-9517408-8-4, p. 3902-3907.
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Discourse markers in EFL and ESL: Building a bridge between SLA and contact linguistics. Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE) (Zürich, du 24/08/2014 au 27/08/2014).
De Cock, Barbara ; Roginsky, Sandrine. Discursive identites and the use of twitter: a comparison between UK, French and Spanish members of the European Parliament during a pre-campaign period. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (Budapest, du 01/09/2014 au 03/09/2014).
Bardiaux, Alice. Does Regional Variation Exist? From Acoustic Realities to Perceptual Representations. Methods in Dialectology (Gröningen, du 11/08/2014 au 15/08/2014).
Grosman, Iulia. Dynamics of disfluencies across situations & within Basic Discourse Uni. 3rd Swiss Workshop on Prosody (SWIP03). PhonoGenres and Speaking Styles (Geneva, Switzerland, du 10/09/2014 au 11/09/2014).
Grosman, Iulia. Dynamique des (dis)fluences à l’intérieur des unités de base du discours et à travers les genres . 2nd Internal ARC workshop Fluency and disfluency markers. A multimodal contrastive perspective. (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 25/04/2014).
Ein Kompass für den Deutschunterricht in Belgien: eine handfeste Gebrauchsanweisung (D, E, F, N). Tertiärsprachendidaktik : Deutsch als Folgefremdsprache (DaFF) (Universiteit Antwerpen, 10/05/2014).
Rasson, Marie. El pronombre indefinido uno: mecanismos de interpretación y funcionamiento discursivo. IX Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Cognitiva (Badajoz, Spain, du 15/10/2014 au 18/10/2014).
De Cock, Barbara ; Roginsky, Sandrine. En mode ‘campagne’: construction de l’identité de ‘candidat’ aux élections européennes par des députés sortants et des nouveaux candidats. Formes et fonctions de participation politique dans un monde numérique (Dijon, du 06/11/2014 au 07/11/2014).
François, Thomas ; Gala, Nuria. FLELex: a graded lexical resource for French foreign learners. 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014) (Reykjavik, du 26/05/2014 au 31/05/2014). In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014), 2014.
Bolly, Catherine. Facing Nadine’s speech. Multimodal annotation of emotions in the elderly. The Second European and the 5th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (University of Tartu, Estonia, du 06/08/2014 au 08/08/2014).
Dumont, Amandine. Fluency and disfluency in nonnative and native English speech. ILC Posters' Day (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 30/04/2014).
Degand, Liesbeth ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Form and function of the left periphery in a multigenre spoken corpus. CSDL (Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language) (Santa Barbara, California, du 11/11/2014 au 13/11/2014).
Paquot, Magali. Formulaic language in French EFL learner writing: cross-linguistic influence, discourse functions and L1 frequency effects. Forskningsserien om AndraSpråk (Stockholm, Suède, 28/03/2014).
Paquot, Magali. Frequency effects and cross-linguistic influence: a corpus-based study of multiword discourse organizers and stance markers in French vs. Spanish learner writing. Journée linguistique du Cercle Belge de Linguistique (Antwerpen, 17/05/2014).
De Cock, Barbara. Gender-neutral or not: feminine forms as self- reference in Spanish. Coglingdays 6 (Gent, du 11/12/2014 au 12/12/2014).
Suner Munoz, Ferran. Grammatikmetaphern am Beispiel der Passivvermittlung im Deutschen . Conference of the German association for applied linguistics (GAL) (Marburg, du 17/09/2014 au 19/09/2014).
De Cock, Barbara ; Roginsky, Sandrine. Identités discursives sur Twitter : construction de l’identité de député européen en période pré-électorale: comparaison entre la France, l’Espagne et le Royaume-Uni. Communication électronique, cultures et identités (Le Havre, du 11/06/2014 au 13/06/2014). In: Communication électronique, cultures et identités, Editions Klog, 2014. 979-10-92272-02-4, 379-388.
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Tonhauser, Judith. Indirect answers to polar questions: Scalar inferencing and the rise-fall-rise contour. 5th Meeting of the DFG Network on Questions in Discourse (University of Stuttgart).
De Cock, Sylvie. Investigating typical features of spoken interactions in the Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (LINDSEI). Attitudinal stance in the spotlight.. Corpus Linguistics Group (University of Oslo, 03/02/2014).
Paquot, Magali. Is there a role for the lexis-grammar interface in interlanguage complexity research?. Colloquium on cross-linguistic aspects of complexity in second language research (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 19/12/2014).
Granger, Sylviane. John Sinclair's idiom principle: An inspiration for learner corpus research. 2014 Annual John Sinclair Lecture (Birmingham University, Great Britain, 08/05/2014).
Nzoimbengene, Philippe. KinLin: le lingála contemporain de Kinshasa. Projet de constitution d’un corpus oral.. IL&C Posters Day 2014 (Louvain-la-Neuve (ibis Styles hotel & meeting center Louvain-la-Neuve), 30/04/2014).
Dupont, Maïté. L'environnement collocationnel de mais: approche diaphasique. A l'articulation du lexique, de la grammaire et du discours: marqueurs grammaticaux et marqueurs discursifs (Université de Paris 3, Paris, France, du 03/04/2014 au 05/04/2014).
Degand, Liesbeth ; Martin, Laurence ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. LOCAS-F : un corpus oral multigenres annoté. Congrès Mondial de Linguistique française (Berlin, du 19/07/2014 au 23/07/2014). In: CMLF 2014 - 4 ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, EDP Sciences: Berlin, 2014, 2613-2626. doi:10.1051/shsconf/20140801211.
Hambye, Philippe. La politique d'enseignement des langues en Europe: favoriser le libre-échange au nom de la diversité. Crise de l’Europe et communication de la société civile. Langue(s), récits, idéologies (Université de Liège, du 12/05/2014 au 13/05/2014).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos ; Makri Vasiliki. Language contact at the service of endogenous forces: a case study of neuterisation in Heptanesian. . Workshop on Morphological Variation and Contact (Patras, du 19/06/2016 au 20/06/2016).
Van Goethem, Kristel. Language innovation through constructionalization. Journée PLIN (Louvain-la-Neuve, 05/05/2014).
Van Goethem, Kristel. Le 'debonding' de mots-composés : une perspective constructionnelle . Séminaire de recherche Franitalco (centre de recherche en linguistique française, italienne et comparative) (K.U.Leuven, 27/11/2014).
Bardiaux, Alice. Le corpus Valibel : de la variation aux variétés. Corpus de textes écrits et oraux : quels usages pour la recherche (linguistique, traduction, littérature, didactique)? (Mons, 31/03/2014).
Hiligsmann, Philippe. Les Facultés de lettres doivent-elles assurer l'employabilité de leurs diplômés ?. La professionnalisation des études universitaires (Liège, du 22/10/2014 au 24/10/2014).
Nzoimbengene, Philippe. L’expression ébóngó (alors, et puis) en lingála. De l'adverbe au connecteur pragmatique.. Deuxième Journée du Corps Scientifique: CORSCI 2014 (Louvain-la-Neuve (auditoires Montesquieu), du 03/04/2014 au 03/04/2014).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. MadSex: Collecting and Analysing a Sociolinguistic corpus of sexuality in the city of Madrid. II TACO, Taboo Conference Series (Durham University, du 08/09/2014 au 09/09/2014).
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. Modeling the Lifespan of Discourse Entities: Nature or Nurture?. 2nd Conference of the American Pragmatics Association (UCLA).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Moving up and down EFL learners' construction network of phrasal verbs: Applied construction grammar. Construction Grammar (CxG) Day (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, du 11/07/2014 au 11/07/2014).
Avanzi, Mathieu ; Christodoulides, George. Multi-level modelling of the initial rise in French. 14th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon14) (Tokyo, Japan, du 25/7/2014 au 27/7/2014).
Avanzi, Mathieu ; Christodoulides, George. Multilevel modelling of the initial accent in French. 6th Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe (Utrecht, the Netherlands, du 10/9/2014 au 12/9/2014).
Pho, Van-Minh ; André, Thibault ; Ligozat, Anne-Laure ; Grau, B. ; Illouz, G. ; François, Thomas. Multiple Choice Question Corpus Analysis for Distractor Characterization. 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014) (Reykjavik, du 26/05/2014 au 31/05/2014). In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014), 2014. 978-2-9517408-8-4, p. 4284-4291.
Degrave, Pauline. Music and acquisition of Dutch word stress by French learners: Project of psycholinguistic and didactic analysis. Center for Human Adaptive Systems & Environment's Summer School I: The dynamics of music and language. (Fish Camp, California, du 18/05/2014 au 24/05/2014).
Bolly, Catherine. On the meaning potentials of pragmatic (micro-)gestures. 2nd MaMuD – Mapping Multimodal Dialogue Workshop (KULeuven, Leuven, du 21/11/2014 au 22/11/2014).
De Smet, Hendrik ; Vanderbauwhede, Gudrun ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Parallel sources, different outcomes. A corpus-based study of the 'far from X' construction in French, English and Dutch. Cogling-6 (Gand, du 11/12/2014 au 12/12/2014).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Vanderbauwhede, Gudrun. Paths and degrees of constructionalization. A corpus-based study of the 'far from X' construction in Dutch and French. 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG8) (Osnabrück, Germany, du 03/09/2014 au 06/09/2014).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Periphrastic causative constructions in EFL and ESL: The role of acquisition context. 35th International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English Conference (ICAME 35) (University of Nottingham, du 30/04/2014 au 04/05/2014).
Christodoulides, George ; Avanzi, Mathieu. Phonetic and Prosodic Characteristics of Disfluencies in French Spontaneous Speech. 14th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (Tokyo, Japan, du 25/07/2014 au 27/07/2014). doi:10.13140/2.1.1013.9526.
Brognaux, Sandrine ; Drugman, Thomas. Phonetic variations: Impact of the communicative situation. Speech Prosody 7 (Trinity College Dublin, du 20/05/2014 au 23/05/2014). In: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody. Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody (Speech Prosody), 2014, p. 428-432.
Christodoulides, George. Phonogenres without borders? A cross-linguistic study of speaking style variation. 3rd Swiss Workshop on Prosody (SWIP) (Geneva, Switzerland, du 10/9/2014 au 11/9/2014).
Lefer, Marie-Aude. Phraseology in translation: The case of lexical bundles in English and French. Invited talk (Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication, Ghent University).
Christodoulides, George. Praaline: Integrating tools for speech corpus research. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 2014 (Reykjavik, Iceland , du 26/05/2014 au 31/05/2014). In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2014. 978-2-9517408-8-4, p. 31-34.
Bolly, Catherine. Pragmatique et gestualité : pour une meilleure compréhension du langage des personnes âgées. Communiquer avec la personne âgée. Regards croisés sur l’usage langagier de nos aînés / Communicating with the elderly people. What about their language in use? (CLARe 2014) (Université catholique de Louvain, 08/10/2014).
Hambye, Philippe. Pratiques langagières en contexte urbain de « marginalité avancée » (Bruxelles). Réflexions à partir de recherches ethnographiques. Les métropoles francophones en temps de globalisation, (Université de Paris-Ouest, Nanterre, France, du 05/06/2014 au 07/06/2014).
Christodoulides, George ; Lenglet, Cédric. Prosodic correlates of perceived quality and fluency in simultaneous interpreting. Speech Prosody 7 (Dublin, Ireland, du 20/05/2014 au 23/05/2014). In: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 2014, p. 1002-1006.
Avanzi, Mathieu ; Christodoulides, George ; Delais-Roussarie, Elisabeth. Prosodic phrasing of SVO sentences in French. Speech Prosody 7 (Dublin, Ireland, du 20/05/2014 au 23/05/2014). In: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody (Speech Prosody), 2014, p. 703-707.
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Tonhauser, Judith. Prosody affects scalar implicature generation. 7th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (Columbus).
Hiligsmann, Philippe ; Galand, Benoît ; Szmalec, Arnaud ; Mettewie, Laurence ; Meunier, Fanny ; Van Goethem, Kristel ; Van Mensel, Luk ; De Smet, Audrey ; Hendrikx, Isa ; Simonis, Morgane. Présentation projet ARC (2014-2019): Evaluation de l’Enseignement d’une Matière par Intégration d’une Langue Etrangère (EMILE) : perspectives linguistiques, cognitives et éducationnelles. Séminaire de recherche Valibel (Louvain-la-Neuve, 18/11/2014).
Bolly, Catherine. Quand la linguistique parle de, avec et pour les aînés. 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Louvain4Ageing Consortium (Université catholique de Louvain, 21/05/2014).
Crible, Ludivine. Reaching cross-linguistic comparability across eight speech situations : a challenge for corpus design. 7th Biennial IVACS Conference (Newcastle, UK, du 19/06/2014 au 21/06/2014).
Degand, Liesbeth. Rôle de la position dans la définition des marqueurs discursifs. A l'articulation du lexique, de la grammaire et du discours : marqueurs grammaticaux et marqueurs discursifs (Paris, du 03/04/2014 au 05/04/2014).
Crible, Ludivine. Selection and functional description of DMs in French and English: towards crosslinguistic and operational categories for contrastive annotation.. International workshop “Pragmatic markers, discourse markers and modal particles : what do we know and where do we go from here?” (Como, Italy, du 16/10/2014 au 17/10/2014).
Norde, Muriel ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Similes, affixoids and debonding. A corpus-based analysis of 'giant' in Dutch, German, Swedish and French. CoLiDi 2014, Contrastive Linguistics and Diachrony (University of Ghent, du 27/02/2014 au 28/02/2014).
Goldman, Jean-Philippe ; Prsir, Tea ; Auchlin, Antoine. Speaking style prosodic variation : an 8-hours 9-style corpus study. Speech Prosody 2014 (Dublin, Irlande, du 20/05/2014 au 23/05/2014). In: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody, Vol. Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody, no.., p. 105-109 (2014).
Christodoulides, George. Speech production under high cognitive load: A pilot study in combining prosody dynamics and pupillometric data. 6th Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe (Utrecht, the Netherlands, du 10/9/2014 au 12/9/2014).
Brognaux, Sandrine ; Picart, Benjamin ; Drugman, Thomas. Speech synthesis in various communicative situations:Impact of pronunciation variations. INTERSPEECH 2014, 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Singapore, du 14/09/2014 au 18/09/2014). In: Celebrating the diversity of spoken languages : 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2014) ; Singapore, 14-18 September 2014, 2014. 978-1-63439-435-2, p. 1524-1528.
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Manning, Christopher D.. Stanford Universal dependencies. EACL Universal Dependency Meeting (Gothenburg, Sweden).
Grosman, Iulia. Studying Prosodic (dis)fluency Markers in French. Poster Day de L'IL&C (Louvain-la-Neuve, 30/04/2014).
Brouwers, Laetitia ; Bernhard, Delphine ; Ligozat, Anne-Laure ; François, Thomas. Syntactic Sentence Simplification for French. 3rd International Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for Target Reader Populations (Gothenburg, Sweden, 27/04/2014). In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for Target Reader Populations, Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014, p. 47-56.
Brognaux, Sandrine ; Drugman, Thomas ; Saerens, Marco. Synthesizing sports commentaries: One or several emphatic stresses?. Speech Prosody 7 (Trinity College Dublin, du 20/05/2014 au 23/05/2014). In: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody. Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody (Speech Prosody), 2014, p. 270-274.
Granger, Sylviane ; Paquot, Magali. The Louvain EAP Dictionary (LEAD): A tailor-made web-based tool for non-native academic writers of English. American Association of Corpus Linguistics (Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, USA, du 26/09/2014 au 28/09/2014).
Granger, Sylviane ; Paquot, Magali. The Louvain EAP dictionary: Catering for general and specific academic writing needs . Journée linguistique du Cercle Belge de Linguistique (17/05/2014).
Rasson, Marie. The Spanish indefinite pronoun uno: interpretation and discursive functioning. CogLingDays - 6 (Ghent, du 11/12/2014 au 12/12/2014).
De Cock, Barbara. The contribution of person deixis to the construction and to the discourse context. Journée d’étude - LECSeL: Phonologie - Acquisition et Discours - Constructions (Paris, 29/11/2014).
Dupont, Maïté. The placement of adverbial connectors of contrast in English and French editorials: A corpus-based study. ICAME35: Corpus Linguistics, Context and Culture (University of Nottingham, England, du 30/04/2014 au 04/05/2014).
Michaux, Marie-Catherine. The production and perception of Dutch stress by Francophone learners. French Prosody in Contact Workshop (Louvain-la-Neuve, 30/10/2014).
Michaux, Marie-Catherine ; Brognaux, Sandrine ; Christodoulides, George. The production and perception of L1 and L2 Dutch stress. Speech Prosody 7 (Trinity College Dublin, du 20/05/2014 au 23/05/2014). In: Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody. Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody (Speech Prosody), 2014, p. 462-466.
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos. The suffix -idz(o) in Griko: a case of constructional change from derivation to inflection. 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar (Osnabrück, du 03/09/2014 au 06/09/2014).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. The use of discourse markers in the Asian Outer and Expanding Circles: A comparative approach. 20th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE 16) (Amity University, Noida (India), du 18/12/2014 au 20/12/2014).
Wiener, Seth ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. Top-down lexical tone processing in Mandarin Chinese. East Asian Psycholinguistics Conference (Chicago).
Bolly, Catherine ; Crible, Ludivine ; Degand, Liesbeth ; Uygur, Deniz. Towards a Model for Discourse Marker Annotation in spoken French: From potential to feature-based discourse markers. Pragmatic Markers, Discourse Markers and Modal Particles: What do we know and where do we go from here? (Università dell'Insubria, Como, du 16/10/2014 au 17/10/2014).
Granger, Sylviane. Towards a phraseological model of lexical proficiency: The contribution of native and learner corpus research. Language Use in Nordic Academic Settings workshop (Göteborg University, Suède, du 06/11/2014 au 07/11/2014).
Avanzi, Mathieu ; Christodoulides, George ; Lolive, Damien ; Delais-Roussarie, Elisabeth ; Barbot, Nelly. Towards the adaptation of prosodic models for expressive text-to-speech synthesis. Interspeech 2014 (Singapore, du 14/9/2014 au 18/9/2014). In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2014, 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2014. 9781634394352, p. 1796-1800.
Meunier, Fanny ; Gentil, Guillaume. Tracking learners’ progress in nominalization use: a quantitative and qualitative longitudinal corpus analysis. GURT 2014-Georgetown Roundtable in Linguistics: Usage-based approaches to language, language learning and multilingualism (Washington, USA , du 14/03/2014 au 16/03/2014).
Brognaux, Sandrine ; Roekhaut, Sophie ; Drugman, Thomas ; Beaufort, Richard. Train&Align: Un outil d'alignement phonétique automatique disponible en ligne. XXXe édition des Journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP 2014) (Le Mans, du 23/06/2014 au 27/06/2014). In: XXXe édition des Journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP 2014) : actes de la conférence, 2014, p. 412-420.
Hambye, Philippe ; Siroux, Jean-Louis. Travail et travailleurs dans l’enseignement en alternance. Penser l'émancipation, 2e édition (Université de Paris-Ouest Nanterre, du 19/02/2014 au 22/02/2014).
Barreca, Giulia ; Christodoulides, George. Un concordancier multi-niveaux et multimédia pour des corpus oraux. Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel 2014 (Marseille, France, du 01/07/2014 au 04/07/2014).
Gala, Nuria ; François, Thomas ; Bernhard, Delphine ; Fairon, Cédrick. Un modèle pour prédire la complexité lexicale et graduer les mots. 21e Conférence sur le Traitement automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2014) (Marseille, du 01/07/2014 au 04/07/2014). In: Actes de la 21e Conférence sur le Traitement automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2014), 2014, p. 91-102.
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Dozat, Timothy ; Silveira, Natalia ; Haverinen, Katri ; Ginter, Filip ; Nivre, Joakim ; Manning, Christopher D.. Universal Stanford dependencies: A cross-linguistic typology. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14).
Meunier, Fanny. Using Authentic Student Texts to lnform Classroom Practice. . Language Learner Corpora: A Workshop for Researchers and Practitioners (University of Utah, Second Language Teaching and Research Center (L2TReC) - USA, du 11/04/2014 au 12/04/2014).
Bolly, Catherine ; Degand, Liesbeth ; Francard, Michel ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Valibel. La gestion des corpus oraux à l'ère du numérique. Corpus de français parlés et français des corpus (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, du 08/05/2014 au 09/05/2014).
Degand, Liesbeth. Variation in discourse marker use. Position matters!. Discourse-Pragmatic Variation & Change 2 (Newcastle, du 07/04/2014 au 09/04/2014).
Bolly, Catherine. What corpora for discourse and aging studies ? From words to gestures (and conversely). Séminaire de recherche (Freie Universität von Berlin, 24/04/2014).
De Cock, Barbara. Which persuasion in which discourse? An analysis of how politicians adapt their persuasive strategies according to the discourse type. 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (Poznan, Pologne, du 11/09/2014 au 14/09/2014).
De Cock, Barbara. Women only? The use of feminine and masculine pronouns for self-reference in Spanish. Personal Pronouns in Linguistics and Stylistics (Lyon, du 03/04/2014 au 04/04/2014).
Roekhaut, Sophie ; Brognaux, Sandrine ; Beaufort, Richard ; Dutoit, Thierry. eLite-HTS : un outil TAL pour la génération de synthèse HMM en français. Démonstration aux Journées d'étude de la parole (JEP) (Le Mans, France, du 23/06/2014 au 27/06/2014).
Roekhaut, Sophie ; Brognaux, Sandrine ; Beaufort, Richard ; Dutoit, Thierry. eLite-HTS: a NLP tool for French HMM-based speech synthesis. Fifteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, show and tell (Singapore, du 14/09/2014 au 18/09/2014).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. ¿Qué hace una metáfora como tú en un hablante como este? Variación semántica y creación de identidades ajenas en el discurso referido. XLII Simposio Internacional (Sociedad Española de Lingüística) (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, du 20/01/2014 au 23/01/2014).
De Cock, Sylvie. ‘What else did we do’. Interrogatives in (learner) interviewee speech. ICAME35 (University of Nottingham (Great Britain), du 30/04/2014 au 04/05/2014).
Bolly, Catherine. “Discourse and aging” (Hamilton, 2001) and “Language and (inter)subjectivity in normal aging” (Bolly, 2012). Journal Club de Gérontologie et Gériatrie (Woluwé-St-Lambert, Belgium, du 02/04/2014 au 02/04/2014).
Hambye, Philippe ; Romainville, Anne-Sophie. "Il faut d'abord leur apprendre à parler français": analyse du discours sur le français, l'immigration et l'intégration. Les locuteurs et les langues : pouvoirs, non-pouvoirs et contre-pouvoirs (Corte (Corse), du 3/07/2013 au 5/07/2013).
Panchenko, Alexander ; Kivimäki, Ilkka ; Dessy, Adrien ; Verdegem, Dries ; Francq, Pascal ; Fairon, Cédrick ; Bersini, Hugues ; Saerens, Marco. A Graph-Based Approach to Skill Extraction from Text. TextGraphs-8 Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing (Seattle, USA, du 18/10/2013 au 19/10/2013).
Brognaux, Sandrine ; Picart, Benjamin ; Drugman, Thomas. A New Prosody Annotation Protocol for Live Sports Commentaries. INTERSPEECH (Lyon, du 25/08/2013 au 29/08/2013). In: 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2013. 978-1-62993-443-3, 1554-1558.
Zufferey, Sandrine ; Degand, Liesbeth ; Mak, Willem ; Sanders, Ted. Advanced learners’ sensitivity to misuses of connectives during on-ling processing: The role of L1 transfer.. EUROSLA 23 (Amsterdam, du 28/08/2013 au 31/08/2013).
Littré, Damien ; Meunier, Fanny. Analyzing longitudinal data: Focus on methodological issues. Compiling and using learner corpora to teach and assess productive skills in foreign languages at unniversity level (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy, du 16/05/2013 au 17/05/2013).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. At the interface of contact linguistics and SLA research: World Englishes and Learner Englishes compared. Crossling Symposium: Language Contacts at the Crossroads of Disciplines (University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, du 28/02/2013 au 01/03/2013).
Boubel, Noémi ; François, Thomas ; Naets, Hubert. Automatic extraction of contextual valence shifters. International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing RANLP 2013 (Hissar, Bulgaria). In: Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Incoma Ltd. Shoumen: Hissar, Bulgaria, 2013, p. 98-104.
Hambye, Philippe. Beyond identity’ in sociolinguistics. What, if anything, can justify our taste for identity?. I-mean 3, Identity and Language (Bristol (UK), du 18/04/2013 au 20/04/2013).
Bardiaux, Alice. Coding regional cues in French. Towards a perceptual categorization of the data. SWIP, 2nd Swiss Workshop in Prosody (Neuchâtel, 22/03/2013).
Todirascu, Amalia ; François, Thomas ; Gala, Nuria ; Fairon, Cédrick ; Ligozat, Anne-Laure ; Bernhard, Delphine. Coherence and Cohesion for the Assessment of Text Readability. 10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS 2013) (Marseille, du 15/10/2013 au 17/10/2013). In: Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS 2013). Marseille, 2013, p. 11-19.
Goossens, Diane. Collocational patterns around numerical approximators in comparable corpora of business news reporting in Dutch, English and French. LSB conference Genre- and Register-related Text and Discourse Features in Multilingual Corpora (Institut Libre Marie Haps, du 11/01/2013 au 12/01/2013).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Dugas, Edwige ; Amiot, Dany ; Cappelle, Bert ; Lemmens, Maarten ; Patin, Cédric ; Tayalati, Fayssal. Comparing degrees of constructionalization. Reduplicative coordination constructions with an emphatic meaning in Dutch and French . Taal & Tongval colloquium: "Constructions in variation and change" (Gent, 06/12/2013).
Ciabarri, Federica ; Uygur, Deniz ; Degand, Liesbeth. Contrastive analysis of confirmation markers in Dutch, French and Italian. Genre- and Register-Related Text and Discourse Features in Multilingual Corpora (Institut libre Marie Haps, Brussels, Belgium, du 11/01/2013 au 12/01/2013).
Ciabarri, Federica. Contrastive analysis of reformulation markers in English and Italian. International Contrastive Linguistics Conference VII & Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies III (Ghent, du 11/07/2013 au 13/07/2013).
Paquot, Magali. Cross-linguistic influence and formulaic language: French EFL learners’ use of recurrent word sequences under scrutiny. Learner Corpus Research 2013 (Bergen, Norway, du 27/09/2013 au 29/09/2013).
Michaux, Marie-Catherine. De productie en perceptie van NVT- en NT1-klemtoon. ANBF Onderzoeksmarkt/Journée des chercheurs (Namur, 29/11/2013).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Hüning, Matthias. Debonding of Dutch and German compounds. A Germanic Sandwich 2013. Dutch between English and German. A Comparative Linguistic Conference (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, du 11/01/2013 au 12/01/2013).
Van Goethem, Kristel. Debonding of Dutch intensifying prefixoids (reuze, top, klasse): A multiple source account . 9th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (Dubrovnik, Croatia, du 15/09/2013 au 18/09/2013).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Norde, Muriel. Debonding of Dutch intensifying prefixoids: A multiple source account. Morphology and its Interfaces (Université Lille 3, Villeneuve d'Ascq, du 12/09/2013 au 13/09/2013).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Hüning, Matthias. Debonding of compounds in French, English, Dutch and German. International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 7)/Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS 3) (UGent, HoGent, du 11/07/2013 au 13/07/2013).
Kim, Joo-Kyung ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. Deriving Adjectival Scales from Continuous Space Word Representations. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2013)..
Bardiaux, Alice ; Degand, Martin. Dialoguer avec l'Antiquité. Pour une théorie de la traduction des textes antiques. Traduire pour le grand public. Traductologie de plein champ (Université de Paris-7 Diderot, 03/03/2013).
De Cock, Barbara. Dos estrategias de despersonalización: un análisis de corpus de las construcciones con se y con uno. Colloque International de Linguistique (Ibéro)Romane. XIVe Coloque LibéRo (Montpellier, du 29/05/2013 au 31/05/2013).
Cappelle, Bert ; Amiot, Dany ; Dugas, Edwige ; Lemmens, Maarten ; Patin, Cédric ; Tayalati, Fayssal ; Van Goethem, Kristel. Dutch 'laat staan' and French 'encore moins': Constructional effects. Empirical approaches to multi-modality and to language variation (AFLiCo 5) (Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, du 15/05/2013 au 17/05/2013).
Zufferey, Sandrine ; Degand, Liesbeth. Explicit and implicit discourse relations across languages. 13th International Pragmatics Conference (New Delhi, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013).
Pizarro Pedraza, Andrea. Factores sociolingüístico-cognitivos en la variación semántica de los conceptos sexuados. XLII Simposio Internacional (Sociedad Española de Lingüística) (Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CSIC, Madrid), du 22/01/2013 au 25/01/2013).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Grabar, Natalia. French evaluative prefixes in translation: From automatic alignment to semantic categorization. 'Theoretical and computational morphology: New trends and synergies' workshop, International Congress of Linguists (Université de Genève, du 21/07/2013 au 27/07/2013).
Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Dal, Georgette ; Grabar, Natalia. Genre variation in translation corpora: Evaluative prefixation in TED talks and parliamentary debates. International Contrastive Linguistics Conference 7 & Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies 3 (Ghent University, du 11/07/2013 au 13/07/2013).
Picart, Benjamin ; Brognaux, Sandrine ; Drugman, Thomas. HMM-based Speech Synthesis of Live Sports Commentaries: Integration of a Two-Layer Prosody Annotation. 8th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (Barcelone, du 31/08/2013 au 02/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the 8th Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW8), 2013.
Meunier, Fanny. How can Corpora be used in Language Teaching? Grammar & teachers' attitudes towards using corpus-based materials in class. . Language Corpora for Language Professionals (Liebniz Universität Hannover, du 02/05/2013 au 03/05/2013).
Möller, Verena. How do educational settings at the secondary level impact on learners' use of the English passive? – Evidence from the Secondary-Level Corpus of Learner English (SCooLE). Learner Corpus Research (Bergen/Norway, du 27/09/2013 au 29/09/2013).
Degand, Liesbeth. Identification of potential discourse markers in spoken French. International Workshop on Discourse Annotation (Utrecht, 21/06/2013).
De Cock, Barbara ; Michaud Maturana, Daniel. Identity and anonymity: victims and perpetrators in human rights reports. 4th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Spanish in Society (SIS-EES) / 6th International Conference of Hispanic Linguistics (London, du 04/07/2013 au 05/07/2013).
Bardiaux, Alice. Indices prosodiques régionaux en français de Belgique. L'apport d'une catégorisation perceptive des données. Interface Discours Prosodie (Leuven, du 11/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Actes du colloque Interface Discours-Prosodie. en ligne, 2013.
Laporte, Samantha. Innovations in ESL verb-complementation: valency- or construction-based?. Constructionist Approaches to Language Pedagogy (Université Saint-Louis, Brussels, du 08/11/2013 au 09/11/2013).
Koutsoukos, Nikolaos. Integration of borrowed nouns in Heptanesian and Italiot. . Morfologiedagen/Morphology Days 2013 (Leeuwarden, 13/12/2013).
Uygur, Deniz. Interaction position/sémantisme : variation diaphasique des marqueurs alors et quoi. Poster's Day (IL&C) (Hôtel Mercure de Louvain-La-Neuve, 03/05/2013).
De Cock, Barbara. Intersubjective impersonals. Empirical approaches to multi-modality and to language variation (AFLiCo 5) (Lille, du 15/05/2013 au 17/05/2013).
De Cock, Sylvie. Key skills and competencies in internship evaluation sheets. Global Advances in Business Communication - 5th Tricontinental Conference (Universiteit Antwerpen, du 29/05/2013 au 31/05/2013).
Degrave, Pauline. Klinken Nederlandse klanken als muziek in Franstalige oren? Analyse van factoren die de perceptie van Nederlandse klanken door Franstalige universiteitsstudenten beïnvloeden.. ANBF - onderzoeksmarkt (Namur).
Paquot, Magali. L1 frequency effects in input-poor environments: A corpus-based study of word combinations in learner writing. Second Language Research Forum (Provo, Utah, USA, du 31/10/2013 au 02/11/2013).
Hambye, Philippe ; Romainville, Anne-Sophie. La norme en francophonie. Le purisme sous la polynomie. Les locuteurs et les langues : pouvoirs, non-pouvoirs et contre-pouvoirs (Corte (Corse), du 3/07/2013 au 5/07/2013).
Romainville, Anne-Sophie ; Hambye, Philippe. La question de la pertinence sociale de la recherche en sociolinguistique. Le cas d’une recherche sur les stéréotypes concernant les aspects linguistiques de l’immigration. Quelles retombées de la recherche linguistique sur la société ? Problématiser la notion d’"impact" (Bâle (Suisse), 13/05/2013).
Uygur, Deniz. La variation diamésique/diaphasique des marqueurs discursifs "alors" et "quoi". La dia-variation en français actuel. Des corpus aux ouvrages de référence (dictionnaires/grammaires) (CATIFQ, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, du 29/05/2013 au 31/05/ 2013).
Van Goethem, Kristel. Le "debonding" des composés en néerlandais et en français. Séminaire de recherche IL&C (Louvain-la-Neuve, 07/05/2013).
Degrave, Pauline. Les facteurs influençant l'apprentissage oral des langues étrangères chez les étudiants universitaires. Institut Langage et Communication (IL&C) - Posters Day 2013 (Louvain-la-Neuve, 03/05/2013).
Goldman, Jean-Philippe ; Auchlin, Antoine ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Les variables temporelles dans le dialogue. Prosody-Discourse Interface (IDP 2013) (Leuven, Belgium, du 11/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the Prosody-Discourse Interface Conference 2013 (IDP 2013). Leuven, 2013. 9-789090278-76-6, 39-44.
Hambye, Philippe. L’ethnographie scolaire comme méthode d'enquête sociolinguistique : quels enjeux, quels défis ?. Du terrain aux théorisations (Nanterre (France), 15/03/2013).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. Methods in learner corpus research. Methods and Languages in Contact: Crossdisciplinary Approaches to Language Contacts, SLA and Translation (University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, du 27/02/2013 au 27/02/2013).
Jonkers, Sara. Modal verbs and their meanings in Dutch first language acquisition. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (Oldenburg, du 05/09/2013 au 07/09/2013).
Jonkers, Sara. Modal verbs and their meanings in Dutch first language acquisition. Psycholinguistics in Flanders (Leuven, du 23/05/2013 au 24/05/2013).
Jonkers, Sara. Modal verbs and their meanings in Dutch first language acquisition. Acquisition Lab Colloquium (Groningen, 19/02/2013).
Jonkers, Sara. Modal verbs and their meanings in Dutch first language acquisition. Child Language Seminar (Manchester, du 19/06/2013 au 21/06/2013).
de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Connor, Miriam ; Silveira, Natalia ; Bowman, Samuel R. ; Dozat, Timothy ; Manning, Christopher D.. More Constructions, More Genres: Extending Stanford Dependencies. Proceedings of the second International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (2013). In: Proceedings of the second International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (DEPLING 2013)..
Degrave, Pauline. Musique et prononciation des langues étrangères chez les jeunes adultes : échanges sur les caractéristiques des apprenants et les pratiques d’enseignement. UCL/ILV: journée langues 2013 (Louvain-la-Neuve, 24/05/2013).
De Cock, Barbara ; Hanegreefs, Hilde. On the representation of observations in business discourse vs. academic discourse. Global advances in business communication, 5th annual tricontinental conference (Anvers, du 29/05/2013 au 31/05/2013).
Auchlin, Antoine ; Goldman, Jean-Philippe ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Philippe Martin, tel qu'en lui-même enfin la prosodie le révèle. « Approches prosodiques. Du signal à la modélisation linguistique » – Colloque en l’honneur de Philippe Martin (Paris, Chicago Center, 28/05/2012). In: Actes du colloque "Approches prosodiques. Du signal à la modélisation linguistique", 2013.
Degrave, Pauline. Projectgestuurd onderwijs en meertalige samenwerking. ANBF - Journée d'études néerlandais langue étrangère: apprendre le néerlandais par des activités d'immersion (Liège, 23/02/2013).
Christodoulides, George. Prosodic features of simultaneous interpreting. Prosody-Discourse Interface (IDP 2013) (Leuven, du 11/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the Prosody-Discourse Interface Conference 2013 (IDP-2013), 2013. 9789090278-76-6, p. 33-37.
De Cock, Sylvie. Que nous montrent les corpus d’apprenants en termes de développement langagier?. Notions en Questions: Corpus (Université de Lorraine, Nancy (France), 13/11/2013).
Panchenko, Alexander ; Naets, Hubert ; Brouwers, Laetitia ; Fairon, Cédrick. Recherche et visualisation de mots sémantiquement liés. 20e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (Les Sables d'Olonne (France), du 17/06/2013 au 21/06/2013). In: Actes de la 20e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, 2013, p. 747-754.
Meunier, Fanny. Ressources disponibles pour l'aide à la planification en anglais langue étrangère. Cripédis 2013: La planification des apprentissages. Comment les enseignants des différentes disciplines programment-ils et préparent-ils leurs cours? (UCL, 24/04/2013).
Möller, Verena. Retrieving passive structures from the Secondary-Level Corpus of Learner English (SCooLE) - How can we make part-of-speech tagging more successful?. Corpus Analysis with Noise in the Signal (Lancaster/UK, 22/07/2013).
Panchenko, Alexander ; Fairon, Cédrick ; Naets, Hubert ; Morozova, Olga. Serelex: Search and Visualization of Semantically Related Words. 35th European Conference on Information Retrieval (Moscou, Russie, du 24/03/2013 au 27/03/2013). doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36973-5_97.
Degand, Martin ; Bardiaux, Alice. Speaking with Antiquity. Towards a model for the translation of ancient texts. Beyond words: translation and the classical world (City University of New York, 08/03/2013).
Grosman, Iulia. Studying Prosodic (dis)fluency Markers in French : Thesis Outline. Dubrovnik Fall School in Linguistic Methods (Dubrovnik, Croatia, du 20/10/13 au 26/10/2013).
Van Goethem, Kristel ; Dugas, Edwige ; Amiot, Dany ; Cappelle, Bert ; Lemmens, Maarten ; Patin, Cédric ; Tayalati, Fayssal. Super mais alors super intéressant! Reduplicative coordination constructions with an intensifying meaning in French and Dutch. Empirical approaches to multi-modality and to language variation (AFLiCo 5) (Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, du 15/05/2013 au 17/05/2013).
Gallez, Françoise. Teaching German verbs within the Construction Grammar framework. Constructionist Approaches to Language Pedagogy (CALP) (Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, du 08/11/2013 au 09/11/2013).
Granger, Sylviane ; Verlinde, Serge ; Blanpain, Kristin ; Lefer, Marie-Aude ; Paquot, Magali ; Roberfroid, Laurence. The KUCL trilingual university terminology database: A dynamic web-based tool. eLexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper (Tallinn, Estonia, du 17/10/2013 au 19/10/2013).
Recasens, Marta ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine ; Potts, Christopher. The Life and Death of Discourse Entities: Identifying Singleton Mentions. Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. (2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics..
Degand, Liesbeth ; Traugott, Elizabeth. The Pragmatics of Linguistic Elements at Right Periphery: An Overview.. 13th International Pragmatics Conference (New Delhi, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013).
Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. The causative construction in English as a foreign and second language: A corpus-based constructionist approach. Constructionist Approaches to Language Pedagogy (CALP) (Brussels, du 08/11/2013 au 09/11/2013).
Degand, Liesbeth ; Gilquin, Gaëtanelle. The clustering of ‘fluencemes’ in French and English. 7th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 7) - 3rd conference on Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS 3) (Ghent, du 11/07/2013 au 13/07/2013).
Degand, Liesbeth. The intersubjectification of discourse markers. A case of secondary grammaticalisation?. International Conference of Historical Linguistics (Oslo, du 05/08/2013 au 09/08/2013).
Granger, Sylviane. The passive in learner English: Corpus insights and implications for pedagogical grammar. Learner Corpus Studies in Asia and the World (Kobe, du 23/03/2013 au 24/03/2013).
Michaux, Marie-Catherine ; Caspers, Johanneke. The production of Dutch word stress by Francophone learners. Prosody-Discourse Interface (KU Leuven, Leuven, du 11/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the Prosody-Discourse Interface Conference 2013 (IDP 2013), 2013. 9-789090278-76-6.
Michaux, Marie-Catherine. The production of Dutch word stress by Francophone learners. Preliminary results. Meetings of the Language and Cognition Group (LACG) (Leiden).
Zufferey, Sandrine ; Degand, Liesbeth. The role of L1 transfer in misuse of discourse connectives by advanced L2 learners.. workshop on Native language influence in second language acquisition at the 19th International Conference of Linguistics (Genève, du 22/07/2013 au 27/07/2013).
Panchenko, Alexander ; Fairon, Cédrick ; Naets, Hubert ; Beaufort, Richard. Towards Detection of Child Sexual Abuse Media: Categorization of the Associated Filenames. 35th European Conference on Information Retrieval (Moscou, Russie, du 24/03/2013 au 27/03/2013). doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36973-5_82.
Gala, Nuria ; François, Thomas ; Fairon, Cédrick. Towards a French lexicon with difficulty measures: NLP helping to bridge the gap between traditional dictionaries and specialized lexicons.. Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper (eLEX-2013) (Tallinn, du 17/10/2013 au 19/10/2013). In: Proceedings of Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper (eLEX-2013), Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies/Eesti Keele Instituut: Ljubljana/Tallinn, 2013, p. 132-151.
Mertens, Piet ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Towards automatic detection of prosodic boundaries in spoken French. Prosody-Discourse Interface (IDP 2013) (Leuven, du 11/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the Prosody-Discourse Interface Conference 2013 (IDP-2013). Leuven, 2013. 9-789090278-76-6, 81-87.
Degand, Martin ; Bardiaux, Alice. Traduction des textes antiques : analyse sociolinguistique et pragmatique. Latin Linguistics (Rome, du 20/05/2013 au 25/05/2013).
Paquot, Magali. Transfer effects on French EFL learners’ use of textual phrasemes. EUROSLA23 (Amsterdam, du 28/08/2013 au 31/08/2013).
Gallez, Françoise. Translation of Motion events from German into French: On the complementarity of linguistic typology and Construction Grammar (CxG). Sylex 3 (Universidad Zaragoza , du 21/11/2013 au 22/11/2013).
Bolly, Catherine ; Charlot, Valentine. Understanding the elderly’s everyday language: A mutually enriching dialogue between research and society. Annual VALS/ASLA Conference: What is the relevance of linguistic research for society? Questioning the notion of “impact” (University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, du 13/05/2013 au 13/05/2013).
Schwab, Sandra ; Avanzi, Mathieu ; Goldman, Jean-Philippe ; Bardiaux, Alice ; Dubosson, Pauline. Variation in French Accentual Phrase Realization. The case of penultimate marking. Congrès International des Linguistes (Genève, du 21/07/2013 au 27/07/2013).
Prsir, Tea ; Goldman, Jean-Philippe ; Auchlin, Antoine. Variation prosodique situationnelle: étude sur corpus de huit phonogenres en français. Prosody-Discourse Interface 2013 (Leuven, du 11/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the Prosody-Discourse Interface Conference 2013 (IDP-2013), 2013. 9-789090278-76-6, 107-112.
Degand, Liesbeth ; Simon, Anne-Catherine. Vers une définition de la périphérie gauche des unités du discours en termes prosodiques et syntaxiques. Workshop models of discourse units in romance languages (Heidelberg, du 04/11/2013 au 05/11/2013).
Duan, Manjuan ; Elsner, Micha ; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine. Visual and linguistic predictors for the definiteness of referring expressions. Proceedings of SEMDIAL (2013). In: Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue.
Avanzi, Mathieu ; Goldman, Jean-Philippe ; Bardiaux, Alice ; Schwab, Sandra. What annotated corpora teach us about French prosodic phonology?. Phonetics and Phonolgy in Iberia (Lisbon, du 25/06/2013 au 26/06/2013).
Laporte, Samantha ; Edwards, Alison. World and Learner Englishes: Re-evaluating the norm-orientation continuum. International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval 34: English corpus linguistics on the move: Applications and implications (University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, du 22/05/2013 au 26/05/2013).
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