Core courses [35.0]
In annual block 1, the student must take :
- focus courses (30 credits)
- two seminars (5 credits)
- a major, composed of 5 courses, (25 credits) to be chosen from the list below.
In annual block 2, the student must follow:
- if s.he does not go on exchange, the "LSM courses (if no exchange)" including 2 elective courses as well as a language course (15 credits) + 1 Option (i.e. 3 courses for 15 credits) (see below)
- the internship (10 credits)
- the Master's thesis and its seminar (20 credits)
If you choose to follow a major and/or an option offered on the Mons site, please note that you can benefit from a financial support for the mobility.
q1+q2 18 credits
q1+q2 45h+7.5h 3 credits
Internship (10 credits)
q2 30h 10 credits
Elective courses (instead of the internship) for INEO students (10 credits)
The INEO student who does not wish to do an internship must choose 2 courses from the list below:
Professional Focus [30.0]
The professional focus courses are organised during the 6 first weeks of each term during the Annual block 1 (except specific profil).
q1 60h+15h 10 credits
> Olivier de Broqueville
> Tatiana Hendrix
> Manuel Kolp
> Bernard Paque
> Mathieu Van Vyve
> Jean Vanderdonckt
Olivier de Broqueville
q1 22.5h+15h 5 credits
> Jérôme Coenraets
> Manuel Kolp
> Yves Wautelet (compensates Paul Belleflamme)
Corporate Social Responsibility (5 credits)
one course among :
q1 22.5h+7.5h 5 credits
> Sabine Denis (compensates Valérie Swaen)
> Corentin Hericher
q2 22.5h+15h 5 credits
In annual block 1, the student must take :
- focus courses (30 credits)
- two seminars (5 credits)
- a major, composed of 5 courses, (25 credits) to be chosen from the list below.
In annual block 2, the student must follow:
- if s.he does not go on exchange, the "LSM courses (if no exchange)" including 2 elective courses as well as a language course (15 credits) + 1 Option (i.e. 3 courses for 15 credits) (see below)
- the internship (10 credits)
- the Master's thesis and its seminar (20 credits)
If you choose to follow a major and/or an option offered on the Mons site, please note that you can benefit from a financial support for the mobility.
Majors in Annual Block 1
Major Supply Chain Management (LLN) [25.0]
Here is the brochure presenting the Supply Chain Management major.
The courses of this major take place during the 6 last weeks of each term.Content:
Term 1
Term 2
q2 30h 5 credits
> Philippe Chevalier
> Olivier Corluy (compensates Philippe Chevalier)
Major Innovation Management (LLN) [25.0]
Here is the brochure presenting the Innovation Management major.
The courses of this major take place during the 6 last weeks of each term.Content:
Term 1
Term 2
Cours "bonus" (5 credits)
It is possible to take this extra course in addition to the 6 courses of the innovation major.
LLSMS2080 International Entrepreneurship
Attention: selection of students on the basis of application
Major International Finance (LLN) [25.0]
Here is the brochure presenting the International Finance major.
The courses of this major take place during the 6 last weeks of each term.Content:
Term 1
Term 2
Major Financial Engineering (LLN) [25.0]
Here is the brochure presenting the Financial Engineering major.
The courses of this major take place during the 6 last weeks of each term.Content:
Term 1
Term 2
Major Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands (LLN) [25.0]
Here is the brochure presenting the Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands major.
The courses of this major take place during the 6 last weeks of each term.Content:
Term 1
Term 2
Philippe de Woot Major in Corporate Sustainable Management (LLN) [25.0]
Here is the brochure presenting the Philippe de Woot in Corporate Sustainable Management major.
The courses of this major take place during the 6 last weeks of each term.Content:
Term 1
Term 2
Major Energy Management (LLN) [25.0]
Term 1
Term 2
INEO - Interdisciplinary Program in Entrepreneurship (LLN) [30.0]
INEO is a major offered in 30 Master programmes, in 9 faculties of UCLouvain. It involves the completion of an interfaculty Master's thesis (in team) on a business creation project. Access to this major (as well as to each of the courses) is limited to selected students. All information on https://uclouvain.be/en/study/ineo.
Term 1
INEO Elective courses (5 credits)
Un cours parmi :
Term 2
LINEO2003 Plan d'affaires et étapes-clefs de la création d'entreprise
The LINEO2003 courses are spread over the two annual blocks of the Master. The INEO student has to follow them already in the first year block, but will only be able to register the course in the second year block programme.
INEO Elective courses (5 credits)
1 cours parmi :
LLSMS2080 International Entrepreneurship
Attention: selection of students on the basis of application
Major International Business (LLN) [25.0]
Access to this major is limited to students selected to the 'IB' Programme on the basis of an application file. More informations about the 'IB' Programme and the selection.
Here is the brochure presenting the International Business major.
The courses of this major take place during the 6 last weeks of each term.Content:
Term 1
Term 2 (15 credits)
Major Business Analytics (Mons) [25.0]
Here is the brochure presenting the Business Analytics major.
The courses of this major take place during the 6 last weeks of each term.Content:
Term 1
Term 2
Major Business Analytics & Digital Marketing (Mons) [25.0]
Here is the brochure presenting the Business Analytics & Digital Marketing major.
The courses of this major take place during the 6 last weeks of each term.Content:
Term 1
Term 2
Major Tactical and Digital Marketing Decisions (Mons) [25.0]
Here is the brochure presenting the Tactical and Digital Marketing Decisions major.
The courses of this major take place during the 6 last weeks of each term.Content:
Term 1
Term 2
Major Transportation Management (Mons) and Supply Chain (Louvain-la-Neuve) [25.0]
Here is the brochure presenting the Transportation Management (Mons) and Supply Chain (LLN) major.
The courses of this major take place during the 6 last weeks of each term.Content:
Term 1 (10 credits)
Term 2 (LLN)
q2 30h 5 credits
> Philippe Chevalier
> Olivier Corluy (compensates Philippe Chevalier)
Major Finance and Transition (Mons) [30.0]
This major takes place during the 6 last weeks of each term.
Students who choose this major will have a Master's degree of more than 120 credits. Students who do not wish to exceed 120 Master's credits are invited to choose another major.
Term 1
Term 2
LSM courses (if no exchange) during the 1st term of in annual bloc 2
Elective courses [15.0]
Content: (15 credits)
LSM elective courses (10 credits)
2 courses to choose from those below or among the management courses from the KUL : http://feb.kuleuven.be/toekomstigestudenten/opleidingen/overzicht-opleidingen-feb
LLSMF2015 Strategic Innovation Management
If you select this course, you won't be able to register to the LLSMS2103 International Strategic Management course
q1 22.5h+7.5h 5 credits
> Mahamadou Biga Diambeidou
> Mahamadou Biga Diambeidou (compensates Alain Vas)
LLSMS2103 International Strategic Management
If you select this course, you won't be able to register to the LLSMF2015 Strategic Innovation Management
LLSMS2091 Cross Cultural Competences and Management
This course can only be chosen as an elective if it is not part of the Option (15 credits) chosen by the student
LLSMS2221 Tutorat et approfondissement
Only for students who have acquired, in block 1, the credits of a course that is subject to an extension in the framework of this course
q1 5 credits
Compulsory language course (5 credits)
One course to choose from the list below. Please check the schedules before making your choice.
English courses (5 credits)
LANGL2232 Advanced Business English
6 groups of max. 25 students/group (see ILV for details and registration)
q1 15h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> Nicholas Gibbs (coord.)
> Adrien Kefer
> Caroline Lambert
> Marine Volpe
LMULT2421 Economic, legal, social and political issues in English-speaking countries
Compulsory attendance, limited access (max. 15 students)
LMULT2424 Oral business communication techniques in English (Part 1)
Compulsory attendance, limited access (max. 15 students)
Dutch Courses (5 credits)
q1 30h+15h 5 credits
> Katrien De Rycke
> Matthieu Sergier (compensates Philippe Hiligsmann)
q1 39h 5 credits
q1 39h 5 credits
q1 39h 5 credits
q1 39h 5 credits
q1 40h 5 credits
German Courses (5 credits)
LMULT2411 Economic, legal, social and political issues in German-speaking countries
Compulsory attendance. Limited access (max. 5 students)
LMULT2414 Oral business communication techniques in German 1
Compulsory attendance. Limited access (max. 5 students)
LALLE2710 Listening comprehension and oral expression: specialised German oral exercises - Part 1
Limited access (see ILV)
Spanish Courses (5 credits)
LESPA2600 Vocational Induction Seminar - Spanish (B2.2/C1)
Limited access (max. 7 students). Please contact the professor in order to check your language level.
LESPA2601 Vocational Induction Seminar - Spanish (B2.2/C1)
Limited access (max. 7 students). Please contact the professor in order to check your language level.
LESPA1500 Spanish Advanced level (B1.2 , B2.1)
Limited access (max. 10 students). Please contact the professor in order to check your language level.
French Courses (5 credits)
Only for non native French speakers.
Options (if no exchange) during the 1st term of annual bloc 2
Option International Finance (LLN) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major in International Finance
LLSMS2054 International Finance and crisis management
For CEMS students, this course will be replaced by a course from another option.
Option Financial Engineering (LLN) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major Financial Engineering and the Major International Finance
Option Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands (LLN) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands
LLSMS2008 Digital Marketing
For CEMS students, this course will be replaced by a course from another option.
Option Corporate Sustainable Management (LLN) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Philippe de Woot Major in Corporate Sustainable Management
Option Sourcing and Procurement (LLN) [15.0]
The Kronos Group Chair "Strategic Sourcing and Procurement" is the fruit of a collaboration between Kronos Group and Louvain School of Management.
The objective of the Chair is to promote research and education in the sourcing and procurement domain, contributing to fostering the profession to continue its transformation into a value creating and strategic profession.
The research in the Chair aims at empirical, economic and strategic studies of procurement under transformation, in particular the innovative, ethical and environmental dimensions of the area.
For more information : https://uclouvain.be/en/research-institutes/lidam/core/kronos-chair-in-sourcing-and-procurement.htmlContent:
q1 30h 5 credits
> Constantin Blome
> Canan Kocabasoglu Hillmer (compensates Constantin Blome)
Option Transport & Logistics (Mons) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major Transportation Management and Supply Chain
Option Entrepreneurship (Mons) [15.0]
This option is co-organised with the Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut (HELHa)
Option Professional Immersion in Digital Marketing (Mons) [25.0]
This option is for students who wish to specialize in Digital Marketing. It is given during the two terms of the annual block 2. It must be combined with a major in marketing (followed in annual block 1) and is only accessible on file.
MLSMM2234 Professional Immersion in Digital Marketing Internship
This teaching unit replaces the mandatory Master's internship for students enrolled in this option.
MLSMM2231 Digital Data Analysis
This teaching unit takes place in the second semester in parallel with the seminars.
Option Decision Marketing (Mons) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major Tactical and Digital Marketing Decisions
Option Finance and Transition I (Mons) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major Finance and Transition (previously called Financial Management)
Option Tax Systems (ICHEC) [15.0]
For more information, plaese visit https://www.ichec.be/fr/master-en-gestion-de-lentreprise
Courses are organised during the whole term in the evening.
q1 60h 3 credits
q1 60h 8 credits
q1 60h 4 credits
Option Development and Management: North-South perspectives (ICHEC) [15.0]
q1 60h 5 credits
q1 60h 5 credits
q1 60h 5 credits
Exchange (min. 30 credits) during the 1st term of annual bloc 2 - Course registration on Mobi
Master [120] : Business Engineering [CEMS Programme]
Core courses
CEMS Annual Block 1
Students who choose the CEMS programme will have a Master's degree of more than 120 credits. Students who do not wish to exceed 120 Master's credits are invited to choose another programme.
CEMS Option (30 credits)
All the courses and activities have to be taken.
Seminar (5 credits)
q1+q2 45h+7.5h 3 credits
CEMS Annual Block 2
q1+q2 18 credits
CEMS LSM Q3 Courses (13 credits)
CEMS Students who will be at LSM during Q3 need to take the CEMS LSM Q3 courses (18 ECTS credits) as well as 1 full option (15 ECTS credits) among those here below.
CEMS LSM Q4 Courses (27 credits)
CEMS Students who will be at LSM during Q4 have to take CEMS LSM Q4 compulsory courses (22 ECTS credits) + one course from the list of elective courses CEMS LSM Q4 (5 ECTS credits)
List of elective courses CEMS LSM Q4 (5 credits)
One course to select among
q2 30h 5 credits
> Philippe Chevalier
> Olivier Corluy (compensates Philippe Chevalier)
q2 30h 5 credits
CEMS Seminars
Cems Students need to attend Soft Skills Seminars during both annual blocks.
Cems Students who will be on exchange need to register for courses on Mob-i.
CEMS Language Courses
Cems students can take 1 CEMS language course at UCLouvain (ILV) to fulfill the CEMS language requirements. List available on uclouvain.be/en/faculties/lsm/cems-curriculum.html
Professional Focus
Professional Focus (30 credits)
q1 60h+15h 10 credits
> Raphaël Betti
> Loïc Decaux
> Corentin Hericher
> Ruben Olieslagers
> James Thewissen
> Vincent Vanderborght
> Vincenzo Verardi
Raphaël Betti
Corporate Social Responsibility (5 credits)
1 course between :
q1 22.5h+7.5h 5 credits
> Sabine Denis (compensates Valérie Swaen)
> Corentin Hericher
q2 22.5h+15h 5 credits
q1 22.5h+15h 5 credits
> Jérôme Coenraets
> Manuel Kolp
> Yves Wautelet (compensates Paul Belleflamme)
List of electives
CEMS Students who will be at LSM during Q3 need to take one option among the list below
Option Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands (LLN) (15 credits)
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands
LLSMS2008 Digital Marketing
For CEMS students, this course will be replaced by a course from another option.
Option International Finance (LLN) (15 credits)
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major in International Finance
LLSMS2054 International Finance and crisis management
For CEMS students, this course will be replaced by a course from another option.
Option Corporate Sustainable Management (LLN) (15 credits)
This option is not available to students who have followed the Philippe de Woot Major in Corporate Sustainable Management
Option Sourcing and Procurement (LLN) (15 credits)
q1 30h 5 credits
> Constantin Blome
> Canan Kocabasoglu Hillmer (compensates Constantin Blome)
Option Financial Engineering (LLN) (15 credits)
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
Preparatory module (60 credits)