Core courses [75.0]Dissertation and dissertation seminar (22 credits)LMULT2998 Dissertation
q1+q2 15 credits
LMULT2997 Dissertation SeminarFR
q1+q2 15h 7 credits
Stage en entreprise ou service citoyen (20 credits)LMULT2990 Work placementL'étudiant effectue un stage de 3 mois minimum dans une des deux langues majeures inscrites à son programme.LMULT2991 Citizen serviceL’étudiant participe pendant 6 mois à des activités et/ou projets dans au moins une des langues inscrites à son programme.
Language courses (18 credits)Students must choose, from each of the two groups, the courses for their major languages :
Listening comprehension and oral expression : specialized oral exercisesLROM2680 Specialized French Oral ExercisesSpecialized written exercisesDE
q2 30h 3 credits
LANGL2711 Specialised English Writing SkillsLFIAL2711 Specialised Dutch Writing SkillsGeneral courses (15 credits)15 credits chosen from the following courses (at least one course of economics and one course of communication) :
Economics courseIf certain courses have already been taken in a first cycle programme, they must be replaced with another course from the list and may not form the subject of exemptions.
LTRAV2610 Business economicsLECGE1121 Economic and Social HistoryLCOPS1115 Economic PolicyCommunication courseOther Bachelor's degreeStudents who do not have a Bachelor's degree in Communication choose a maximum of 2 courses from:
LCOMU1325 Communication and OrganisationLCOMU1332 Public relationsBachelor in Information and CommunicationStudents with a Bachelor in Information and Communication chooses a maximum of 2 communication courses from:
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> François Lambotte
> Katja Werbrouck (compensates François Lambotte)
LCOMU2611 Internal communication AuditFR
q1 15h 5 credits
LCOMU2606 Inter-cultural communication -
Professional Focus : Languages for Business Communication [30.0]
This Professional focus develops communication skills in business in two languages (English, Dutch, German or French), as well as an understanding of the economic, legal, social and political situation in the relevant countries.
Content:Students must choose 30 credits (15 per language) and take a minimum of 15 credits during the 1st annual block.
Oral communication strategies in a company (12 credits)12 credits chosen from :
Reading comprehension and lexical extension : economic and commercial texts (8 credits)Two courses chosen from :
Economic, legal, social and political situation (10 credits)Two courses chosen from :
q1 30h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Katrien De Rycke
> Matthieu Sergier (compensates Philippe Hiligsmann)
LTRAV2000 Introduction to Sciences of Work -
The 15-credit options and/or optional courses enable students to develop certain skills in relation to their future career.
They choose:- either a 15-credit option;
- or optional courses worth 15 credits, subject to approval by the Examination Board Secretary and the Master's dissertation supervisor (students may, if they wish, study a third language at the Language Institute of the UCLouvain).
Note: Students choosing the Interdisciplinary Program in Entrepreneurship INEO must take between 20 and 30 course credits. In total, the Master's programme will in this case comprise more than 120 credits. Students who do not wish to take more than 120 credits are invited to choose another option or elective courses.
Option in Employment studies [15.0]15 credits chosen from :Content:LTRAV2230 Psychology of workLTRAV2240 Labour economicsLTRAV2200 Sociology of workLTRAV2600 Staff and organization
Option in Strategic Communication [15.0]
Maximum 20 MULT students per year, selected by the jury on the basis of a letter of motivation sent to the president of the jury.
This option must be chosen in the second annual block.Content:LCOMU2615 Corporate communicationLCOMU2706 Management de la communication -
Option in Communication: Journalism [15.0]Content:
q1 22.5h 5 credits
Option in socio-educational communication [15.0]Content:LCOMU2600 Scientific popularisationLCOMU2640 Media education and media literacy
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Thibault Philippette
> Camille Tilleul (compensates Thibault Philippette)
LCOMU2663 Educational effects of media -
Option in communication: media literacy [15.0]
Maximum 10 MULT students per year, selected by the jury on the basis of a letter of motivation sent to the president of the jury.
Option in Political Science [15.0]Content:LSPRI2045 International Organizations
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Theodoros Koutroubas
> Alban Versailles (compensates Sandrine Roginsky)
Option in Economics [15.0]
Students choosing this option are required to have taken the two economics courses from the core subjects or to have taken at least two economics courses in their bachelor's degree programme.
Content:LECON2351 Non profit EconomicsLECON2828 Structural change, inequality, and developmentCourse taught at UCLouvain / Course description available on UNamur ECONM828 / https://directory.unamur.be/teaching/courses/ECONM828
q2 30h 5 credits
Option in Management [15.0]
Students choosing this option course are required to have taken the Minor in Management.
Content:LLSMS2061 Corporate Strategy in EuropeLLSMS2062 European Corporate PracticeLLSMS2064 European Public Affairs -
Option in 'Bedrijfscommunicatie' [15.0]
This option must be followed at the KU Leuven.
q1 26h 5 credits
q1 39h 5 credits
EMULT2202 Language and Culture (KU Leuven)NL
q1 39h 5 credits
EMULT2203 Business Communication (KU Leuven)NL
q1 26h 5 credits
EMULT2207 Consumer Behaviour (KU Leuven)EN
q1 39h 5 credits
EMULT2208 Digital Marketing (B-KUL-S0F11A)EN
q2 26h 5 credits
Option in Spanish for Business Communication [15.0]Content:LESPA1704 Spanish writing skills (B2-C1)LDVLP2630 Socio-economic analysis of Latin America
Option in Digital Culture and Ethics [15.0]
The digital has transformed our lives and culture to the extent to which everything takes place nowadays in “digital space,” as our own space, time, and existence are all deeply digitalized. In the “culture of connectivity,” the digital is ubiquitous, we are, one way or another, always online, while technology is no longer just ‘at hand’, but already intimately infiltrating and fusing with our thoughts, our sensations, and even our bodies.
The Digital Culture and Ethics Option offers courses focusing on such profound changes brought about by the digital in all walks of life and academic disciplines alike. It invites the students to reflect critically and creatively on the resulting large-scale evolutions and equips them with the right skills and tools for approaching their subject matters from cutting-edge and presently much needed, genuinely effective and encompassing perspectives.
The topics and practical applications taught in this option also open up the scope of our specialized fields to wider cross-disciplinary viewpoints, thus making us ready to be professionally versatile and successful in a deeply transformed digital world.
Content:One course from the list below : (5 credits)LFIAL2630 Automatic language processing methodsLHIST2600 Digital Practices in History ProfessionsCe cours est accessible uniquement à l'étudiant en
master en histoire ou ayant suivi la mineure en histoire.
LEPL2210 Ethics and ICTFR
q2 15h 5 credits > English-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Lionel Scheepmans (compensates Olivier Servais)
LCOMU2640 Media education and media literacyFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Thibault Philippette
> Camille Tilleul (compensates Thibault Philippette)
LEUSL2113 Digital EuropeEN
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Patricia Nouveau (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Alain Strowel (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
LSOC2002 Digital sociology -
Interdisciplinary Program in Entrepreneurship - INEO
The interdisciplinary program in Entrepreneurship INEO extends over two annual blocks and is part of the Master's programme. Students choosing this program are brought together in cross-disciplinary teams to create businesses. Admission is limited to students selected based on their academic record. Further details are available at: https://uclouvain.be/en/study/ineo.
Note: Students choosing this option must take between 20 and 30 course credits. In this case, the Master's programme will comprise more than 120 credits. Students who do not want to exceed 120 credits are advised to choose another option or optional courses.
From 20 to 30credit(s)Content:PrérequisCe cours est obligatoire pour l'étudiant qui n'a pas de prérequis en gestion. L'étudiant qui a suivi la mineure en Gestion ou la mineure en Esprit d'entreprendre ne doit pas suivre ce cours.
LINEO2021 Financer son projetCours obligatoires (20 credits)LINEO2001 Théorie de l'entrepreneuriatCours complémentaires (5 credits)LLSMS2014 Entrepreneurial FinanceLSST1001 IngénieuxSudLINEO2005 Social and Sustainable EntrepreneurshipLLSMS2081 Strategic Management of Start ups -
Optional courses [15.0]
As part of a well-argued educational plan and with the agreement of the select committee, students may choose other courses (max. 15 credits) from the Master's programmes run by the Faculty or the University. Their choice may also include a course in a third language taught by the Language Institute (ILV) or the courses offered in the three genre studies modules.
If certain courses are available in the core curriculum, they must not comprise more than 6 credits. No course from the options in communications can be chosen as optional course.
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
What is a preparatory module?
It is a set of supplementary classes (courses, practical works, seminars, etc.) from the first cycle (see the non-exhaustive list below). The complementary module (maximum 60 credits) is tailor-made by the jury according to the student's educational background and added to the Master’s programme in order to acquire fundamental knowledge to then pursue the 120 credits of the Master’s programme.
Who is it for?
- Students from a non-university higher education institution
- Candidates admitted with additional training
- Candidates admitted on the file with additional training
All the explanations are in this document (in French).
LanguagesStudents must choose 2 languages from German, English, French and Dutch according to the languages which he wishes to include in his masters programme.
GermanLDEU1113 German grammarStudents choose 15 credits (according to your schedule) :LGERM1317 German IIILGERM1501 German IVEnglishStudent choose 15 credits (according to your schedule) :EN
q1+q2 60h+52.5h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Estelle Dagneaux
> Sylvie De Cock
> Philippe Denis
> Maïté Dupont
> Gaëtanelle Gilquin
> Claudine Grommersch
> Marielle Henriet
Estelle Dagneaux
LENG1125 American Landscapes and MemoryLGERM1327 Advanced English language skills IEN
q1+q2 45h+45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Sylvie De Cock
> Maïté Dupont (compensates Fanny Meunier)
> Fanny Meunier
LGERM1502 Advanced English language skills IIDutchLNED1133 Grammar and pronunciation of DutchNL
q1+q2 45h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Hilde Bosmans
> Pauline Degrave (compensates Philippe Hiligsmann)
Student choose 15 credits (according to your schedule) :LNED1136 Dutch language and societyNL
q1+q2 45h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Elisabeth Degand
> Matthieu Sergier (compensates Elisabeth Degand)
FrenchLFRA1111 French grammar and spelling15 crédits minimum à choisir parmi les cours suivant (selon votre horaire):(Depending on their file, students may be required to take both courses.)
LFRA1321 Creative writingLCOMU1224 Structures socio-économiques des médiasPour les non francophones (cours de l'ILV):FR
q1 or q2 60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Emmanuelle Rassart
> Christine Renard
> Florence Simon (coord.)
LFRAN1404 French - Writing - Objective B2Formation générale:Choisir des cours pour un minimum de 5 crédits parmi ceux présentés ci-dessous OU tout autre cours de niveau bachelier qui est proposé par le jury de master (MULT2M).
LCOMU1224 Structures socio-économiques des médiasLANGL1500 Intermediate English