Archives for INGI

A day in the life of a malware analyst

INGI Seminar - Cancelled

A day in the life of a malware analyst by Didier Stevens For reasons beyond our control, the seminar must be postponed. Thank you for your understanding. **** During the course Secured systems engineering, M. Stevens give an invited presentation to the software security class. Feel...
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INGI Seminar

How to (not) use an autograder: lessons learned after 5 years using INGInious by Guillaume Derval, researcher at UCLouvain Autograding code exercises is a difficult task. Most of us have used autograders such as INGInious to give some parts of their courses, and have faced multiple...
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Industrial Seminar

How to build a cognitive Chatbot with Watson by Stéphane  Massonet, IBM With the growth of AI, we have witnessed the widespread of cognitive services that are becoming more and more pervasive. Chatbots have been leading the shift to the new cognitive / AI paradigm but will probably...
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ICTEAM - Public Thesis defense - Richard GIL MARTINEZ

Automated Planning to Support the Deployment and Management of Applications in Cloud Environments Engineering decision-making mechanisms to help the deployment and management of applications running in cloud infrastructures is a challenging task. These applications call for automated...
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Industrial Seminar

Enterprise Architecture by Yves Rombauts, Deloitte IT Architecture is one of the key disciplines that support a coherent and consistent approach to delivery of IT capabilities. IT architects builds and maintain a high-level map of the information assets in an organization. It guides the...
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