Archives for IRES

IRES Lunch Seminar - Leo Czajka, IRES

Leo Czajka (IRES/LIDAM) will give a presentation on Using third-party data to improve tax compliance in a context of low enforcement Abstract: This paper investigates a potentially cost-effective way to improve tax compliance when enforcement capacity is low, by leveraging inter-firm...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Michele Lenza, European...

Michele Lenza (European Central Bank) Will give a presentation on Density forecasts of inflation: a quantile regression forest approach Abstract:
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IRES Lunch Seminar - David Weil, Brown University

David Weil (Brown University) will give a presentation on Climate Change, Population Growth, and Population Pressure Abstract: We develop a novel method for assessing the effect of constraints imposed by spatially-fixed natural resources on aggregate economic output. We apply it to...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Christian Probsting, KUL

Christian Pröbsting (KU Leuven) will give a presentation on A putty-clay model to evaluate the aggregate and distributional effects of a carbon tax Abstract: Which firms and households will be most impacted by a carbon tax? To answer that question, I set up a heterogenous agent,...
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IRES Lunch Seminar - Lorenzo Trimarchi, Unamur

Lorenzo Trimarchi (Université de Namur ) will give a presentation on Environmental Political Cycles Abstract: This paper analyzes the impact of adverse business cycle shocks on environmental regulation. Using the 2018 US-China trade war as a natural experiment, we find that higher...
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