Recent Publications

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IRES disseminates its research via its own working documents and publications of our staff members in national and international peer-academic journals. Staff members’ publications can be found in personal CV and can usually be downloaded from the personal homepages.

Publications in figures

In 2020-2021 IRES members published :

  • 25 papers and had 2 forthcoming papers in peer reviewed journals
  • 2 books
  • 8 book chapters or forthcoming

You will find below recent journal articles, book chapters and books authored by IRES members.

Journal Articles

1. Manfredini, Filippo; Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the University of Perugia (1308–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 12, p. 9-17 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v12i0/Perugia.

2. de la Croix, David; Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the Collegium Societatis Iesu Lovaniensis (1542–1773). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 12, p. 1-8 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v12i0/CLouvain.

3. Gkopi, Anna Maria; Stelter, Robert. Scholars and Literati at the University of Prague (1348–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 11, p. 49-60 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v11i0/Prague.

4. Bertrand, Aurélie; Bodart, Vincent; Clarr, Margaux; De Bundel, Florian; Guillet, Alain; Lachapelle, Nathan; Notte, Vincent; Van Keirsbilck, Leïla. Perspectives économiques 2024. In: Regards économiques, , no.182, p. 1-11 (2024). doi:10.14428/regardseco/2024.01.11.01.

5. Nyssens, Marthe; Smets, Françoise. Durabilité et Soins de Santé: Quels Défis pour le Futur - Editorial. In: Louvain médical, Vol. 143, no.1, p. 1 (2024).

6. de la Croix, David. Scholars and Literati at the University of Lwów (1608-1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 11, p. 35-41 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v11i0/Lwow.

7. Aouni, Zineb; Hudon,Marek; Perilleux, Anaïs; Wry, Tyler. Crowdfunding Social Ventures: Who Will Reward (or Punish) Hybridity?. In: Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, , p. 1-32 (2024). doi:10.1177/104225872312181 (Accepté/Sous presse).

8. Clement, Blandine; de la Croix, David. Scholars and Literati at the Batavian Society for Experimental Philosophy in Rotterdam (1769–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 11, p. 43-48 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v11i0/Rotterdam.

9. de la Croix, David. Scholars and Literati at the University of Bourges (1464–1793). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 13, p. 7-16 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v13i0/Bourges.

10. Zanardello, Chiara. Scholars and Literati at the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Arras (1737–1793). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 12, p. 19-25 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v12i0/Arras.

11. de la Croix, David; Docquier, Frédéric; Fabre, Alice; Stelter, Robert. The Academic Market and The Rise of Universities in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (1000–1800). In: Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 22, no. 4, p. 1541–1589 (2024). doi:10.1093/jeea/jvad061.

12. Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the Studium Florentinum (1321–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 12, p. 43-51 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v12i0/Firenze.

13. de Maack, Valentina; Tubeuf, Sandy; Desterbecq, Charlotte; Dupras, Charles. Beyond Advocacy: Human Health, the Environment, and Trade-off Ethics. In: The American Journal of Bioethics, Vol. 24, no. 3, p. 50-52 (2024). doi:10.1080/15265161.2024.2303164.

14. de la Croix, David; Goni Trafach, Marc. Nepotism vs. Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital in Academia (1088-1800). In: Journal of Economic Growth, , no.n-a, p. 1-50 (2024). doi:10.1007/s10887-024-09244-0 (Accepté/Sous presse).

15. de la Croix, David; DELVAUX, Elise. Scholars and Literati at the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters (1760–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 13, p. 1-6 (2024). doi:10.14428/rete.v13i0/Trondheim.

Book Chapters

1. Tubeuf, Sandy. Intégrer les enjeux d’environnement dans la santé : le cheminement d’une économiste de la santé. In: Ecobiographies en anthropocène : trajectoires d'enseignement et de recherche , Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-La-Neuve, 2024, p. 200. 9782390614593. xxx xxx.

2. Vitale, Mara. The Tijaniyya and the Hamawiyya Islamic Orders. In: Religious Encounters and Social Dynamics in Burkina Faso , Amalion: Dakar, 2024, p. 41-54. 9782359261134. xxx xxx.

3. Vandenberghe, Vincent. Differentiating Retirement Age to Compensate for Health and Longevity Inequality?. In: Ageing without Ageism? Conceptual Puzzles and Policy Proposals , Oxford University Press, 2023, p. 1-17. 9780192894090. xxx xxx.

4. Clerc, Pierrick; De Vroey, Michel. Robert Lucas. In: The Palgrave Companion to Chicago Economics and Economists , Palgrave-MacMillan, 2023, 841-869. 978-3-031-01777-3. xxx xxx. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-01775-9_33.

5. Nogales-Muriel, Rocío; Nyssens, Marthe. Empowering knowledge and training in higher education as a lever for social economy ecosystems. In: Social Economy Science: Transforming the Economy and Making Society More Resilient , Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2023, p. 204-233. 9780192868343. xxx xxx.

6. Van der Linden, Bruno. Prix énergétiques, taxe carbone et emploi. In: Réussir la transition vers une économie zéro carbone : Actes du 25e Congrès des économistes , Université Ouverte de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles: Charleroi, 2023, p. 185-195. xxx xxx.

7. Defourny,Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Social Enterprises. In: Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy , Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, 2023, p. 143-151. 978-1-80392-091-7. xxx xxx.

8. Cooney, Kate; Nyssens, Marthe; O'shaughnessy, Mary. Work Integration and Social Enterprises. In: Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy , Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, 2023, p. 215-222. 978-1-80392-091-7. xxx xxx.

9. Hernandez, Manuel A.; Ecker, Olivier; Läderach, Peter; Maystadt, Jean-François. Forced Migration : Fragility, Resilience, and Policy Responses. In: Global food policy report 2023: Rethinking food crisis responses , International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI): Washington, 2023, p. 72-80. 9780896294417. xxx xxx. doi:10.2499/9780896294417.

10. De Schutter, Olivier; Bui, Sibylle; Cassiers, Isabelle; Dedeurwaerdere, Tom; Galand, Benoît; Jeanmart, Hervé; Nyssens, Marthe; Verhaegen, Etienne. Renouveler l’action publique. Le programme Biovallée dans la vallée de la Drôme. In: L'État partenaire: Transition écologique et sociale et innovation citoyenne , Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2022, p. 43 -72. 978-2-39061-213-1. xxx xxx.

11. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Transformer le capitalisme par une économie plurielle. In: L'État partenaire: Transition écologique et sociale et innovation citoyenne , Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2022, p. 131-143. 978-2-39061-213-1. xxx xxx.

12. Dejemeppe, Muriel. Le reportage audio comme mode de communication d’un travail de recherche: bien plus que 3 minutes de son!. In: Pédagogie active dans l’enseignement supérieur: Description de pratiques et repères théoriques , Peter Lang: Bruxelles, 2022. 9782875746467. xxx xxx.

13. Vandenberghe, Vincent. Working Beyond 50. In: Handbook of Labor, Human ressources and Population Economics , Springer, 2022, p. 1-23. 978-3-319-57365-6. xxx xxx. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57365-6_286-1.

14. Vitale, Mara. Transnationalisation et innovation : les guides spirituelles féminines dans la Tijāniyya burkinabé. In: Le Sahel musulman entre soufisme et salafisme : Subaltérité, lutte de classement et transnationalisme (Terre et Gens d'Islam; xxx), Kharthala: Paris, 2022. 9782811129002. xxx xxx.

15. Tubeuf, Sandy. L'évaluation médico-économique, un facteur d'efficience de la recherche?. In: Recherche Médicale Les #idées des acteurs , CRAPS: Paris, 2021, p. 68-73. 9782492470103. xxx xxx.


1. Van der Linden, Bruno. Économie du travail : des bases aux développements récents. Economics School of Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2024. 483 pages.

2. Defrouny,Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Social Enterprise in Western Europe : Theory, Models and practice. Routledge: Abingdon, 2021. 9780367151188. 368 pages.

3. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Social enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe: Theory, models and practice. Routledge: Abingdon, 2021. 9780367342197. 326 pages.