Archives for IRES

IRES Lunch Seminar

Florian Mayneris (UQÀM)

Florian Mayneris (UQÀM) will give a presentation on The price of remoteness: Evidence from Ethiopia” with J. Martin and Ewane Théophile  
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IRES Lunch Seminar

William Parienté (UCLouvain, IRES)

William Parienté (UCLouvain, IRES) will give a presentation on Cream skimming and the comparison between social interventions. Evidence from entrepreneurship programs for at-risk youth in France with Esther Duflo, Elise Huillery, Juliette Seban and Paul-Armand Veillon
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16th Belgian Day for Labour Economists

Original picture : CC FOTO:FORTEPAN / Konok Tamás id Programme 9:15 - 9:30 Registration   9:30 - 10:45 @Auditorium Skills and labour market outcomes Hannah van Borm (UGent) What Does Student Employment Signal to...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Sydney Ludvigson (New York University)

Sydney Ludvigson (New York University) will give a presentation on How the Wealth Was Won: Factor Shares as Market Fundamentals Abstract: We provide novel evidence on the driving forces behind the sharp increase in equity values over the post-war era. From the beginning of 1989 to...
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IRES Lunch Seminar

Lingwei Wu (University of Bonn)

Lingwei Wu (University of Bonn) will give a presentation on The Economic Motives For Foot-Binding Abstract: What are the origins of gender-biased social norms? As a painful custom that persisted in historical China, foot-binding targeted girls whose feet were reshaped during early...
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