Master of Specialization in Brewing Engineering


For whom ?

The training is accessible to Belgian or foreign students who hold a diploma at the end of their second cycle of studies (BAC+5) of type: Bioengineer, Agricultural Engineer, Civil Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Industrial
Engineer, Management Engineer, Physician, Master in Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, Physics, Geology, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, or any other diploma recognized equivalent by the Faculty of
Bioengineers. Any candidate who is not in one of the automatic admission cases described above, but nevertheless holds a BAC+5 degree in the field of Science and Technology, may submit an application
which will be processed by an internal commission at the Faculty of Bioengineers.

Registration procedure

In most cases, this will be a standard enrolment to be made using the UCLouvain portal at the following address:
For other situations, the procedure should be followed through “peculiar enrolment“.

3 important dates for registration

April 30, 2019 for foreign, non European students.
August 31, 2019 for European students not residing in Belgium.
September 15, 2019 for Belgian students, and all those who reside in Belgium.

Splitting possibilities for candidates already active in the professional world

Apart from the training course/dissertation which takes place from February to May, in a research laboratory or brewery (Belgian or foreign) at the candidate's choice, all the compulsory courses of the programme are
offered from mid-September to Christmas time.

In order to continue a professional activity in parallel and devote an average of only 2-3 days per week to it, this training of 60 ECTS can be reasonably spread over two years (request to be submitted at registration
with the study advisor).

For example, from September to December of the first academic year, LBRAS2301 (Malt Technology and Biochemistry), LBRAS2302 (Hop Chemistry and Associated Technologies), LBRAL2103 (Food Chemistry)
and LBRAS2304 (Organoleptic and Microbiological Qualities of Beer and Wine) are usually given on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. During the second academic year, LBRAS2303 (Genetics, biochemistry and brewing technology) and LBRAS2305 (Special brewing issues) require time off on Wednesdays and Fridays of the first quarter.

For any further questions

Applications are made directly on the university's website. However, do not hesitate to contact for any questions regarding this diploma.
Depending on the nature of your request, your letter will be forwarded to the Administrative Director of the Faculty of Bioengineers, the Study Advisor, or Prof. Sonia Collin, in charge of the Brewing Laboratory at