Innovation classes (FSA2212)

Course code : LFSA2212
Time: Fall semester

The Louvain School of Engineering will launch the 10th edition of the innovation classes with the support of the International Lhoist Berghmans Innovation Chair and the firm Lhoist on 2 October 2023.

The agenda is available here

With this initiative, the school offers a different pedagogical approach to encourage students' creativity and to familiarize them with the innovation methods developed in recent years. The course is open in priority to Master students at EPL and also in other faculties, such as Architecture and Management, as well as international students. It can also be open on an occasional basis to PhD students in STEM. The objective is to have a multidisciplinary course mobilizing multicultural teams on innovation challenges proposed by professors and industrial partners.
Feel free to watch the short videos below to discover more!

Further information 

By clicking here !

How is the challenge to be given to students selected?

Unfolding of a kick-off session, to better prepare for the course!

New creative exercise during the course: a 48-hour hackathon with international partners!




And, at the end of the semester, final pitches on solutions before the jury!