News for cedie


RQDI Celebrates 70 Years of the European Convention on...

The Revue québécoise de droit international (RQDI) dedicates a special issue to the 70th anniversary of the ECHR. You will read, among other publications, the article by the professor Sarolea, "De Strasbourg à Luxembourg, quels droits pour les familles migrantes?", as well as the article by...
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Chaire Francqui opening lecture of Pr.Thomas Spijkerboer...

Pr. Thomas Spijkerboer is professor of Migration Law at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The subject of the opening lecture is the following: Confronting the colonial structure of international migration law.  Legal doctrine in the global North asserts that it is...
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Article published on Strasbourg Observers site

Eleonora Frasca, PhD Researcher, Member of EDEM, just published an article on Strasbourg Observers site : M.A. v. Belgium: the (in)voluntary return of a Sudanese migrant and the dangers of informal migration cooperation with third countries. 
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Class of excellence Francqui International Chair

This course invites participants to reflect about the ways in which international law is formulated in ways that negate global South’s experiences and conceptualisation. For example, what we know as ‘international migration law’ reflects a particular global North (European) perspective. The aim...
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Article published in the "Journal des tribunaux"

Sylvie Sarolea and Jean-Yves Carlier have just published an article in the Journal des tribunaux entitled "Des frontières aux droits ou des droits aux frontières? - The decision of the European Court of Human Rights M.N. v. Belgium of May 5, 2020 on humanitarian visas". This article is...
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