News for ires

Les sans-papiers devraient-ils pouvoir travailler ?

Le Pr. David de la Croix a participé à une capsule de la série "Y a Match" de la chaîne Youtube "Il fera beau demain". Ces capsules confrontent les arguments de vue de 2 experts sur un sujet. Retrouver la vidéo ci-dessous.
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Open Position

Research Project Coordinator

The Human Science Sector is looking for a research project coordinator. JOB DESCRIPTION Main working site:  Louvain-la-Neuve (occasional visits to the Mons site are possible) Part-time contract (typically 50%) for a period of three years (renewable) Starting date: as soon as...
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Save the date : conférence de presse LIDAM ce 29 septembre

Le 29 septembre prochain, l’institut de recherche LIDAM (UCLouvain) organise une conférence de presse online intitulée: Les défis de la reprise économique post-covid 19 Face aux grands défis économiques qui s’imposent, nos chercheurs feront l’état des...
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Repertorium Eruditorium Totius Europae

Scholars and Literati at the Universitas Lovaniensis...

In 2020, Prof. David de la Croix received an ERC advanced Grant to develop a new database of members of European universities and academies and analyze whether these scholars and literati did trigger the rise of the West through the humanistic, scientific, and industrial revolutions. Prof....
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Job Openings : 2 PhD fellowships in economics/economic...

The Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling (LIDAM) is pleased to offer 2 PhD fellowships in economics/economic history starting in fall 2021, in the context of two large interdisciplinary projects hosted by UCLouvain. The first fellow will work...
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