News for ires

Centralisme et régulation dans les universités de la...

Le Pr. David de la Croix a contribué au site Le Livre noir de l'enseignement supérieur en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Retrouvez sa contribution "Centralisme et régulation dans les universités de la Belgique francophone".
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Agriculture to industry: The end of intergenerational...

A new paper by Pr. Luca Pensieroso and Pr. Alessandro Sommacal published in vol. 34 of Review of Economic Dynamics. Find it in our institutional repository ! Abstract: We show that the structural change of the economy from agriculture to industry was a major determinant of the observed...
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Job openings


Starting in September 2019 or earlier Job description The doctoral project aims to study the distributional effect of globalization in both developed and developing economies. The project will address distributional issues between income groups as well as between regions. The project...
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Regards économiques n°145

Une nouvelle tarification des réseaux pour favoriser la...

Tarif prosumer : ces deux mots ont fait couler beaucoup d’encre dernièrement. Alors qu’ils utilisent le réseau de distribution d’électricité pour injecter et pour prélever de l’électricité, les prosumers, principalement des particuliers ayant installés des panneaux photovoltaïques sur leur toit,...
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Lowering taxes and fighting tax avoidance might help to...

In their policy paper published on the website, Pr. Fabio Mariani and Pr. Luca Pensieroso suggest that tackling the underground economy might be an effective tool to reduce the flows of illegal immigrants. On the contrary, more protectionism could have the opposite effect. Read...
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