Languages, Literatures and Translation


The PhD in languages, letters and translation comprises of the writing of a personal and original thesis which is part of the ongoing debates in linguistics, literature and translation. Many languages (ancient and modern, European and non-European) from many traditions and cultures, and questions related to current issues, are available to students who choose to undertake a thesis in this field.

Researchers in languages, letters and translation are mainly divided between the l’Institut des Civilisations, Arts et Lettres (INCAL) and l’Institut Langage & Communication (ILC). A variety of methods are employed (descriptive analysis of a corpus; interpretive analysis; thematic analysis; compare and contrast approach; experimental approach; etc.) and numerous disciplines are practiced (linguistic theory; history of literature; literature analysis; philology; discourse analysis; sociolinguistic; automatic language processing, etc.). All of these investigatory fields can inspire a large number of theses.

During the preparation of the thesis, the doctoral student will complete doctoral training that will introduce them to specialized discussions in their field of research (such as participation in international conferences, specialized seminars, summer schools, research trips to partner universities, publication of articles in specialized reviews, etc.).

The research institutes will provide a favourable environment for interdisciplinary and specialty collaborations, and provide both formal and informal contacts with many researchers, both novice and experienced, in numerous countries.