- In the context of the ICEBERG ERC Starting Grant "Scalable Optimization of Power Systems with Flexible Demand and Renewable Supply"
CORE has multiple vacancies for post-doctoral and PhD positions. Research topics will focus on the application of operations research in power system operations and electricity market analysis, with a specific focus on sustainable growth through demand response and renewable energy integration.
The main activity of the post-doctoral researchers will be to conduct post-doctoral research under the supervision of Professor Anthony Papavasiliou, and disseminate this research in journal publications. Additional information on the topics, eligibility, and application process is available here.
The main activity of the doctoral students will be to conduct doctoral research under the supervision of Professor Anthony Papavasiliou. This research will lead to journal and conference publications and a PhD thesis. The PhD candidates may also be involved in teaching activities. Additional information on the topics, eligibility, and application process is available here.
- PhD Student in Industrial and Environmental Economics. The research departmentof Economics and Corporate Sustainability (KU Leuven campus Brussels, CEDON) and the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (Université Catholique deLouvain, CORE) are looking for a motivated graduate student to carry outdoctoral studies in the field of industrial and environmental economics and circular economy, starting preferably in October 2020.
Additional information on the topics, eligibility, and application process is available here.