CORE Members


President of the Research Center

Daniele Catanzaro
Prof. of Operations Research

Research Director

Sébastien Van Bellegem
Prof. of Econometrics 

Administrative Director

Nancy Guillaume
Administrative Responsible - ISBA/CORE/SMCS


Faculty Members :


Campus of Louvain-la-Neuve

Per J. Agrell
Prof. of Operations Research 

Paul Belleflamme
Prof. of Economics 

Portrait Blomme Constantin Blome
Prof. of Operations Research -- Part time

Philippe Chevalier
Prof. of Operations Research 

Portrait Stefan Creemers

Stefan Creemers
Prof. of Operations Research - CORE

Jean Hindriks
Prof. of Economics 

Leonardo Iania
Prof. of Finance 

Johannes Johnen
Prof. of Economics 

Portrait of Quentin Lété

Quentin Lété
Prof. of Operations Research - CORE

François Maniquet
Prof. of Economics 

Francesca Monti
Prof. of Economics 

Amma Panin
Prof. of Economics 

Bert Willems
Prof. of Economics 


Campus of Mons

Bart Jourquin
Prof. of Operations Research

Jean-Sébastien Tancrez
Prof. of Operations Research


FNRS Members

Ana Mauleon
Research Director

Vincent Vannetelbosch
Research Director of the National Fund for Scientific Research.


Emeriti Members

Luc Bauwens
Prof. of Economics

Portrait d'Aspremont

Claude d'Aspremont
Prof. of Economics 

Portrait Dehez

Pierre Dehez
Prof. of Economics

Portrait Gabszewicz

Jean J. Gabszewicz
Prof. of Economics 

Portrait Ginsburgh

Victor Ginsburgh
Prof. of Economics 

Portrait Loute

Etienne Loute
Prof. of Operational Research 

Portrait Nesterov

Yurii Nesterov
Prof. of Operations Research 

Portrait Peeters

Dominique Peeters
Prof. of Quantitative Geography

Portrait Pestieau

Pierre Pestieau
Prof. of Economics

Portrait Smeers

Yves Smeers
Prof. of Operations Research

Portrait Thisse

Jacques-François Thisse
Prof. of Economics

Isabelle Thomas
Prof. of Geography

Portrait Tulkens

Henry Tulkens
Prof. of Economics

Portrait Wolsey

Laurence Wolsey
Prof.of Operations Research


Honorary Members

Portrait Fleurbaey

Marc Fleurbaey

Portrait Goemans

Michel Goemans

Portrait Nemhauser

George Nemhauser

Portrait Roemer

John Roemer