15th Belgian Day for Labour Economists

15th Belgian Day for Labour Economists

ULB, Charleroi Ville-Haute Campus

June 7th 2018

Call for papers

The 15th meeting of the Belgian Day for Labour Economists (BDLE) will be hosted by the DULBEA (Department of Applied Economics of the ULB) of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) on Thursday, June 7th, 2018.

The BDLE aims at improving contacts and facilitating the exchange of expertise between labour economists located in and around Belgium. At the BDLE, sessions will be organised so that researchers have the opportunity to present and discuss their work.

This year’s keynote speaker is Arindrajit Dube, Associate Professor of Economics at University of Massachusetts Amherst.

You are kindly invited to submit a (draft) paper on any topic related to labour economics at dulbea@ulb.ac.be with “BDLE 2018” in the subject by April 16th, 2018.

We especially encourage non-tenured researchers to submit their work. Further information and a detailed programme will be provided shortly after this date. Participation is free of charge.

Registration is compulsory and not later than May 7th at the following link: [here]

Please disseminate this information to everyone who could be interested at this initiative.

Organising committee:
François Rycx (Dulbea/Ceb, SBS-EM, ULB) and Ilan Tojerow (Dulbea/Ceb, SBS-EM, ULB).

Scientific committee:
Stijn Baert (UGent), Nick Deschacht (KULeuven), Muriel Dejemeppe (UCL), Vandenberghe
Vincent (UCL), Mélanie Volral (UMon), Dieter Verhaest (KULeuven)

For more information: dulbea@ulb.ac.be

Published on February 21, 2018