Call for Papers 8th Belgian Macroeconomics Workshop

We invite submissions for our one-day Belgian Macroeconomics Workshop, taking place at KU Leuven on Wednesday, September 16th 2020.* The workshop aims at creating a network of researchers working in closely related fields, and is primarily targeted at macroeconomists active in Belgium. Of course, non-Belgian researchers are welcome to participate as well. Senior macroeconomists from the organizing Belgian universities will be present to provide feedback.

Keynote speakers

Tobias Broer (IIES) and
Vincent Sterk (UCL).

Submission deadline

The deadline for full paper submission is July 15th. Interested authors should submit their paper in electronic format (PDF) to Authors will be notified by August 5th.

Scientific Committee

Peter Claeys (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Selien De Schryder (Ghent University)
Romain Houssa (University of Namur)
Michal Kobielarz (KUL)
Luca Pensieroso (UCLouvain)
Yuliya Rychalovska (University of Namur)
Roland Winkler (University of Antwerp)

Local organizers

Ferre De Graeve and Michal Kobielarz (KU Leuven)

* We expect and hope to be able to hold a physical event in Leuven, but we are following closely national and international developments to prepare alternative scenarios.

Published on June 22, 2020