Workshop “Longevity Heterogeneity and Pension Design”
Jan. 28th, 2020, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
LECL 93, 1 Place Montesquieu
The SUSTAINABLE, ADEQUATE AND SAFE PENSIONS (SAS) PENSIONS PROJECT at UCLouvain (Belgium) organises a workshop on “Longevity Heterogeneity and Pension Design”.
In the matter of justice in pensions, so far, longevity heterogeneity has received little attention, despite its potentially strong (anti)redistributive role. If rich individuals live longer, they draw pension benefits longer than less wealthy people. In the US, we observe significant differences across socio-economic groups, measured by education, place of residence, income and occupation (Luy et al., 2015; Bosworth, Burtless & Zhang, 2016). What is more, these differences seem to be on the rise. Ceteris paribus, this could considerably erode the overall degree of intragenerational equity achieved via public pensions.
Welcome of participants (9-9.05 am)
Morning Session (9.05 am- 12.30 am)
- Gregory PONTHIÈRE: [Paris School of Economics]: Fair Retirement and Premature Mortality
- Miguel SANCHEZ-ROMERO [Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, TU Wien, Austria ]: Redistributive effects of different pension systems when longevity varies by socioeconomic status
Morning coffee break (10.45-11.00 am)
Morning parallel sessions (11.00-12.30 pm)
Session 1 (MORE 51)
- Alexia FÜRNKRANZ-PRSKAWETZ [Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, TU Wien, Austria] : The impact of reducing the pension generosity on schooling and inequality
- Elmar STRACKE [University of Bayreuth]: Defusing the Relevance of Life Span Variations for Pension Schemes
Session 2 (LECL 93)
- Jorge M. BRAVO [Universidade Nova de Lisboa & BBVA Pensions Institute]: Addressing Life Expectancy Gap in Pension Policy
- Sarah KAAKAÏ [Laboratoire Manceau de Mathématiques, Risk and Insurance Institute, Le Mans University, France] Interpreting mortality trends in the presence of heterogeneity: A population dynamics approach.
Lunch (12.30 am -2 pm)
Afternoon parallel sessions (2.00- 3.20 pm)
Session 1 (MORE 51)
- Jonna OLSSON [University of Amsterdam]: Health dynamics and heterogeneous life expectancies
- Ilya KASHNITSKY [Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics, University of Southern Denmark]; Fair pension reforms in the presence of rectangularization of survival
Session 2 (LECL 93)
- Javier OLIVERA [Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)]: The distribution of pension wealth in Europe
- Markus KNELL [Austrian National Bank]: Fair Pension Systems and Differential Mortality
Afternoon coffee break (3.20-3.35 pm)
Afternoon final session (3.35 -6 pm - LECL93)
- Arno BAURIN [IRES/UCLouvain]: Heterogeneous realized longetivity and pension design
- Marie-Louise LEROUX [Département des Sciences Economiques, UQAM]: Fair Long-Term Care Insurance
- Jennifer ALONSO-GARCIA [ULB] : Heterogeneity in longevity and redistribution of pension wealth
Scientific committee
Prof. Vincent Vandenberghe, Jean Hindriks, Pierre Devolder, Alexia Autenne and Axel Gosseries (UCLouvain)
Ariane Robyn (