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Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Février 2021 / Certificat universitaire en Management...

Le monde traverse une crise profonde qui affecte dores et déjà le management : le rapport au travail se transforme, les modes de gouvernance et de gestion des équipes sont appelés à évoluer et, c’est globalement, une autre forme de management qui doit émerger, plus vite que prévu : le Management...
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"Artificial Intelligence Alter Egos: Who might benefit...

Prof. Catherine D’Hondt, Rudy De Winne and Eric Ghysels coauthored, with Steve Raymond, an article on Robo-investing published in the Journal of Empirical Finance. "Artificial intelligence, or AI, enhancements are increasingly shaping our daily lives. Financial decision-making is no...
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Dean Agrell obtains 300,000 grant for energy research

Our Dean, Prof. Per Agrell, is also an avid researcher and permanent member of the Center of Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) in LIDAM. Frequently publishing on energy network management and regulation, he is in close contact with national regulatory authorities across...
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26.11.20 / Webinar with Carlos Osorio - “Sailing in...

We are pleased to invite you to a webinar with Carlos Osorio, Ph.D, “Sailing in troubled waters: innovation for times of crisis”. Carlos Osorio who is an associate Professor at UDD (Chile), Expert Faculty Singularity University and Cofounder & Senior Partner, Yuken Impact Research Lab has...
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The Three Gifts of LSM and the Seeds of Gunter Pauli

The current period is dark, not only due to the season, but to the pandemia and international events that we live. Still, as the author Robert McKee writes: “True character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure - the greater the pressure, the deeper the revelation,...
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