Archives for LSM

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Finance Day 2023

Programme 16:00 Introduction Prof. Frédéric Vrins - Président of LFIN 16:15 – Pathways towards net zero & sustainable investments Philippe Wallez & Frédéric Degembe – ING Pathways towards net zero - Climate change represents the most important challenge for our society for...
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Soirée info Masters

Tu es en fin de bachelier et tu t'interroges sur la suite ? Tu souhaites entreprendre une spécialisation après tes études ? Tu voudrais donner un nouveau cap à ta carrière ? La soirée info masters est le rendez-vous à ne pas manquer ! Au programme de 16h à 20h: Des stands...
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Leadership in Europe

Human needs of today are more than ever changing and diversified. In this context, new visions towards a desirable future could be a solid base for engagement. With this strong conviction, BMI Faculty Member Frederik Leloup is presenting this open class to brainstorm on a new leadership in...
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Leadership in Europe

Human needs of today are more than ever changing and diversified. In this context, new visions towards a desirable future could be a solid base for engagement. With this strong conviction, BMI Faculty Member Frederik Leloup is presenting this open class to brainstorm on a new leadership in...
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Info session / (Re)inventing your compliance program -...

  (Re)inventing your compliance program In partnership with UCLouvain Saint-Louis - Bruxelles Next session: Sept 2022 - May 2023 Register to our Info session: Thursday 09.06.22, 12:30-13:30, online (via Teams) You will receive the Teams link by email once you...
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